去年英國音樂人 Tom Gray 所發起的 #BrokenRecord 運動,呼籲外界關注創作人在數位平台上的版稅問題,同時也提出自己因為「預付款」的問題,至今仍然無法從數位平台上得到任何收入。
在 90 年代許多黑人創作者都簽下了極度不平等的條款,導致最後欠下大筆債務而破產,最有名的大概就是專輯《CrazySexyCool》大賣,隔年卻宣布破產的女子天團 TLC(當然背後還有其他因素)。一直到現在仍有許多創作者因為預付款尚未還清而從未收到版稅。
這個月 SONY 透過信件宣布啟動「Artists Forward」企劃,其中一點是免除所有在 2000 年之前與 SONY 簽約藝人至今仍未還清的預付款,時間將回溯至 2021 年 1 月 1 日開始,預計會有數千名創作者因此受惠。
這項舉動並非唱片業的創舉,旗下擁有 4AD、Rough Trade Records、Matador Records、XL Recordings 以及 Young 的英國廠牌 Beggars Group,在合約中明定藝人合約期間最後一張作品發行滿 15 年後,尚未清償的預付款將自動免除。不過 SONY 仍是首個免除藝人預付額的主流廠牌,被視為唱片產業重要的一項變革,各界也呼籲其他主流廠牌能夠跟進。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅hoang won,也在其Youtube影片中提到,TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE with Funny Beggars ? Comedy Videos / Great Coca cola bottle. episode 51 ? Note: This is just one of the videos that has hu...
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今期《art plus》我寫本屬Factory及Rough Trade Records、今年同在Mute旗下出版了全新專輯的A Certain Ratio和Cabaret Voltaire。
A Certain Ratio和Cabaret Voltaire
40年前的英倫post-punk紀元,Cabaret Voltaire和A Certain Ratio是兩隊風格絕對獨當一面的樂團。來自雪菲爾的Cabaret Voltaire公認為industrial電音先鋒,早年經歷過一段地下實驗時期,樂隊加盟倫敦廠牌Rough Trade Records旗下後才是其奠定性發跡階段;而來自曼徹斯特的A Certain Ratio獲喻為開創了punk-funk / dance-punk先河,是屬於曼城廠牌Factory Records旗下的重點名字之一。
那時,Cabaret Voltaire和A Certain Ratio在圈中皆能彼此分庭抗禮,各自各精采。輾轉幾十年之後,意想不到他們在近年乃不約而同地相繼轉投到英國獨立名廠Mute,並先後在這個2020年出版了樂隊的回歸專輯。
回想我在80年代聽英倫獨立音樂的歲月,見證到Rough Trade Records、Factory Records、Beggars Banquet、4AD、Mute等在70年代末post-punk音樂紀元成立的英國獨立廠牌互相鼎足而立的場面,公認為那些年的獨立音樂名廠,其出品皆有信心的保證,彼此各有人所共悉的代表性招牌樂團。
這批傳奇性的英國獨立廠牌,除了Factory Records早在1992年底破產結業(主腦創辦人Tony Wilson也在2007年病逝),其他仍然健在。Beggars Banquet 已發展成為Beggars Group集團,目前旗下主要包括Rough Trade Records、4AD、Matador Records、XL Recordings和Young Turks等廠牌;Rough Trade Records和4AD迄今依然活躍、帶來優秀的音樂出品,但對於很多老樂迷而言他們卻已面目全非,畢竟旗下的老樂團都不在。唯有Mute,他們在多年來能保持穩健的發展,旗下除了近代的音樂單位之餘,也有不少悠長合作關係的老牌名字。
Mute是由Daniel Miller在1978年所創辦,他的個人電音單位The Normal的唯一單曲〈T.V.O.D.〉/〈Warm Leatherette〉,就是Mute的首張出品(唱片編號MUTE 001)。
談到Mute旗下最具標誌性的樂團,大家都可以二話不說地列舉出Depeche Mode、Erasure、Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds,為人津津樂道是他們自80年代便跟Mute展開合作無間的細水長流合作。得以長情地坐擁好幾隊老團,這是Beggars Banquet或Rough Trade Records或4AD未能及得上的地方。
有趣的是,近年Mute除了吸納新生代的音樂單位外,也積極將昔日來自同期獨立廠牌的名字羅致旗下,彷彿要集合一眾獨立音樂界的老牌傳奇樂團,來強化他們的音樂王國。多年前,昔日Factory的頭號樂團New Order加盟Mute已成為一時佳話,在2015年帶來的回歸專輯《Music Complete》也毋庸置疑讓他們取得高度評價。再者,美國noise rock樂團Swans、前紐約天團Sonic Youth成員Lee Ranaldo,也陸續開始在Mute旗下出版唱片。然後便輪到Cabaret Voltaire和A Certain Ratio。
Cabaret Voltaire和A Certain Ratio的發展軌跡也有點相似。他們都是從獨立廠牌打響名堂(Rough Trade Records及Factory Records),繼而在80年代間受到主流唱片公司的青睞——Cabaret Voltaire曾先後加盟過Virgin Records及Parlophone / EMI,A Certain Ratio則加入過A&M Records,然後兩隊樂隊都在90年代漸漸淡出。如今在Mute發表的回歸專輯,已是這兩隊樂隊睽違多時的新作。
A Certain Ratio早於四年前已開始跟Mute合作,再版發行他們的舊錄音室專輯,跟著在2018年出版精選專輯《acr:set》(包括兩首新曲),再在2019年紀念樂隊出道40週年而出版《ACR:BOX》這套box set。而在今年9月於Mute旗下發表的《ACR Loco》,是繼2008年的《Mind Made Up》後A Certain Ratio在12年來的全新專輯。
在《ACR Loco》裡的A Certain Ratio,包括有Jez Kerr、Martin Moscrop和 Donald Johnson這三位原裝成員,過去曾合作多時、不幸在今年7月逝世的Denise Johnson為他們三首歌曲獻聲,客席歌手還有Factory Floor的Gabriel Gurnsey、Sink Ya Teeth的Maria Uzor,客席樂手有Sink Ya Teeth的低音結他手Gemma Cullingford、前The Smiths鼓手Mike Joyce、Eric Random,帶來是得以把punk-funk、indie-dance、nu-soul、electronica、nu-jazz共冶一爐,極其高質的A Certain Ratio回歸專輯。
相對之下,Cabaret Voltaire回歸便更來得叫人望穿秋水,到底他們的上張專輯已是1994年由比利時電音廠牌Apollo出版的2CD專輯《The Conversation》,之後他們便告解體。到Cabaret Voltaire在六年前重出江湖舉行演出,Stephen Mallinder已一去不返,只餘下Richard H. Kirk獨力支持,變成了他的個人樂團。所以今年11月在旗下出版的《Shadow of Fear》,已是Cabaret Voltaire足足26年來的全新專輯。
《Shadow of Fear》一如以往Cabaret Voltaire的唱片,仍是Richard H. Kirk在他的Western Works灌錄及混音,所祭出是一張簡約、粗獷而以鼓機節拍主導的電音專輯,有如他們在post-punk年代黑暗聲音的、acid house的、industrial techno的、舞池的、耐人尋味的,聽到如舊是Cabaret Voltaire的神秘獨立音樂色彩。
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- Cùng học 10 cặp từ đồng nghĩa hay gặp nào!
1. Indigence (n) /ˈɪn.dɪ.dʒəns/ = poverty (n) /ˈpɒv.ə.ti/ : Sự nghèo đói
- Indigence (n): the state of being very poor:
There is a reason you see someone riding a second-rate bike, and it's not indigence.
He claimed indigence and is being .
- Poverty (n): the condition of being extremely poor:
Two million people in the city live in abject (= very great) poverty.
He emigrated to Australia to escape the grinding (= very great) poverty of his birthplace.
Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.
2. Indigent /ˈɪn.dɪ.dʒənt/ = poverty-stricken /ˈpɒv.ə.tiˌstrɪk.ən/: rất nghèo
- Indigent (adj): very poor
We are a non-profit agency that provides legal services to indigent clients.
- Poverty-stricken (adj)
A poverty-stricken person or place is suffering from the effects of being extremely poor:
Some beggars are neither poverty-stricken nor homeless.
There are few jobs for the peasants who have flooded into the cities from the poverty-stricken countryside in search of work.
3. Sanction /ˈsæŋk.ʃən/ = approve /əˈpruːv/; ratify /ˈræt.ɪ.faɪ/: Đồng ý,
chấp thuận
- Sanction (v) : to formally give permission for something
UK /ˈsæŋk.ʃən/ US /ˈsæŋk.ʃən/
The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.
- Approve (v) : to have a positive opinion of someone or something
UK /əˈpruːv/ US /əˈpruːv/
She doesn't approve of my friends.
He doesn't approve of smoking.
I thoroughly approve of what the government is doing.
- Ratify (v): (especially of governments or organizations) to make an agreement official
UK /ˈræt.ɪ.faɪ/ US /ˈræt̬.ə.faɪ/
Many countries have now ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child.
The decision will have to be ratified (= approved) by the executive board.
4. Predilection /ˌpriː.dɪˈlek.ʃən/ = preference /ˈpref.ər.əns/ , liking /ˈlaɪ.kɪŋ/: Niềm vui thích, sở thích
- Predilection (n): If someone has a predilection for something, they like it a lot
UK /ˌpriː.dɪˈlek.ʃən/ US /ˌpred.əlˈek.ʃən/
Ever since she was a child, she has had a predilection for spicy food.
- Preference (n) : the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or person
UK /ˈpref.ər.əns/ US /ˈpref.ər.əns/
Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.
I have a preference for sweet food over spicy.
Choosing furniture is largely a matter of personal preference.
- Liking (n): a feeling that you like someone or something; the fact of liking someone or something
UK /ˈlaɪ.kɪŋ/ US /ˈlaɪ.kɪŋ/
She has a liking for fine wines.
I'm developing quite a liking for jazz.
5. Insularity /ˌɪn.sjəˈlær.ə.ti/ = narrow-mindedness /ˌnær.əʊˈmaɪn.dɪd.nəs/; isolation /ˌaɪ.səlˈeɪ.ʃən/ (n): Sự tách biệt, sự không bằng lòng
- Insularity (n): the quality of only being interested in your own country or group and not being willing to accept different or foreign ideas
UK /ˌɪn.sjəˈlær.ə.ti/ US /ˌɪn.səˈler.ə.t̬i/
Their actions have led to accusations of insularity or arrogance.
She dislikes the cosy insularity of the local jazz scene.
- Narrow-mindedness (n): the quality of being narrow-minded (= unwilling to accept ideas that are different from your own)
UK /ˌnær.əʊˈmaɪn.dɪd.nəs/ US /ˌner.oʊˈmaɪn.dɪd.nəs/
He wanted to escape from the narrow-mindedness of the people in the small town where he grew up.
6. Propriety /prəˈpraɪə.ti/ = correct behavior or conduct (n) /kəˈrekt/ /bɪˈheɪ.vjɚ/ /ɔːr//kənˈdʌkt/ : Sự đứng đắn, chuẩn mực
- Propriety (n): correct moral behaviour or actions
UK /prəˈpraɪə.ti/ US /prəˈpraɪə.t̬i/
The director insisted that there was no question as to the propriety of how the funds were raised.
7. Intransigence /ɪnˈtræn.sɪ.dʒəns/ = refusal of any compromise /rɪˈfjuː.zəl//əv//ˈen.i/ /ˈkɒm.prə.maɪz/; stubbornness /ˈstʌb.ən.nəs/ (n): Sự cứng đầu, ngoan cố, cố chấp
- Intransigence (n): the quality of refusing to change your opinions or behaviour
UK /ɪnˈtræn.sɪ.dʒəns/ US /ɪnˈtræn.sə.dʒəns/
Officials yesterday blamed council intransigence for the failure to reach a deal.
- Stubbornness (n): the quality of being determined to do what you want and refusing to do anything else
UK /ˈstʌb.ən.nəs/ US /ˈstʌb.ɚn.nəs/
His colleagues find his stubbornness difficult to deal with.
8. Fervor /ˈfɝːvɚ/ = glowing ardor /ˈɡləʊ.ɪŋ/ /ˈɑːr.dɚ/ ; intensity of feeling (n) /ɪnˈten.sə.ti/ /əv//ˈfiː.lɪŋ/ : Sự nhiệt tình
- Fervor (n) (UK fervour): strong and sincere beliefs
US /ˈfɝːvɚ/ UK /ˈfɜː.vər/
The country was swept by patriotic fervor.
9. Disparage /dɪˈspær.ɪdʒ/ = belittle /bɪˈlɪt.əl/ (v) Làm mất uy tín
- Disparage (v): to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value him, her, or it
UK /dɪˈspær.ɪdʒ/ US /dɪˈsper.ɪdʒ/
The actor's work for charity has recently been disparaged in the press as an attempt to get publicity.
- Belittle (v): to make a person or an action seem as if he, she or it is not important
UK /bɪˈlɪt.əl/ US /bɪˈlɪt̬.əl/
Though she had spent hours fixing the computer, he belittled her efforts.
10. Obviate /ˈɒb.vi.eɪt/ = to prevent /prɪˈvent/; make unnecessary; get rid of (v): Ngăn cản, loại bỏ
- Obviate (v) : to remove a difficulty, especially so that action to deal with it becomes unnecessary
UK /ˈɒb.vi.eɪt/ US /ˈɑːb.vi.eɪt/
A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.
- Prevent verb (v) to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
UK /prɪˈvent/ US /prɪˈvent/
Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.
- Get rid of sth: to remove or throw away something unwanted
That cream got rid of my skin rash.
Nguồn ví dụ: Từ điển Cambridge.
beggars group 在 hoang won Youtube 的精選貼文
TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE with Funny Beggars ? Comedy Videos / Great Coca cola bottle. episode 51
? Note: This is just one of the videos that has humorous entertainment content and is performed by our group of professionally trained comedians. Don't follow the same actions as in this video. I will not be responsible for the actions you did. We are now trying to create the funniest videos but we still have some mistakes, so please comment below and let us. who knows where the errors are. We will try to fix them, please "Sign up to stay in touch" Thank you for watching our clip
beggars group 在 Beggars Group Office Mural - YouTube 的推薦與評價
This video features a multi-wall mural that was painted by artist A. Savage (also of Parquet Courts) pre-covid, and we're excited to share ... ... <看更多>
beggars group 在 Beggars Group - Home - Facebook 的推薦與評價
The Beggars Group = 4AD, Matador Records, Rough Trade Records, XL Recordings and Young. ... <看更多>