面對疫情下空蕩蕩的城市,公共藝術家該怎麼繼續創作呢?五位美國華府的藝術家向美國國家公共廣播電台(NPR)分享他們的因應對策。這些藝術家表示他們仍然持續在城市裡創作,而且作品多半和新冠肺炎有關,只是在封城失去觀眾後,就得發揮創意尋找新的創作平台,或是使用網路直播與觀眾互動。壁畫藝術家Cita Sadeli 也說她會持續作畫,「因為這些壁畫能帶來希望」。更多藝術家的故事請見:https://n.pr/2XEFmej #AmericanResilience #CombatCovid19together
NPR spoke to five artists in D.C. about what it's like to make highly public work during a citywide shutdown. Many of these artists said they continue to make art in the city, often related to coronavirus, but they've had to get creative to find an audience — turning to the internet, creating supplies for essential workers or finding a new canvas. "I think these murals could be a source of hope," Cita Sadeli, a muralist said. Learn more about their stories: https://n.pr/2XEFmej