Seagate近年來積極拓展硬碟以外的資料中心產品應用,先前我們介紹他們發展的模組化系統,像是Exos System,可因應硬碟櫃、儲存陣列儲存伺服器等應用,今年6月底,他們基於這樣的硬體設備,搭配自家發展的軟體技術──硬碟自動分散式配置保護(Autonomic Distributed Allocation Protection Technology,ADAPT),以及硬碟自動重生技術(Autonomous Drive Regeneration,ADR),推出區塊儲存設備Exos Corvault。
而在目前配置的硬體規格來看,他們提供的是高密度儲存機箱:4U尺寸、縱向插拔(Top Loading)的106臺硬碟,原始儲存容量可達1.9 PB,採用的控制器是第6代VelosCT ASIC晶片。
同時也有28部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,880的網紅駐家醫師,也在其Youtube影片中提到,白噪音是人耳的可聽頻率範圍(20~2000KHZ)中,一段以相同功率持續發出的聲音。聽覺系統像是隨時待機的警報系統,當我們在睡覺時,「突然」的聲音出現,大腦查覺到這些突發的聲音產生警覺,進而影響睡眠而醒來。 白噪音在聲音的頻譜中,它從高頻到低頻平均分配。就如同一道牆,能夠屏蔽很多細節,讓你沒有意識到...
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Check out our own FlashBlade engineer, Nikita Sirohi, as she walks us through the process for a distributed system integration test that you can run from anywhere in about 15 seconds.
distributed system 在 拿督雷智雄博士 Dato' Tony Looi Chee Hong Facebook 的精選貼文
🔥🔥 10 Points in Response to the Prime Minister's "Recovery Plan". Window Dressing Is Not Going To Cut It This Time | Industries Unite
(1) The fact that we have a one-pager after enduring the pandemic for 15months, speaks volumes of the perceived indecisiveness, inefficiency and lack of a cohesive idea on the part of the Government on how and when we are going to come out of this. Contain the pandemic and have a structured economic recovery.. There are too many if's and variables in play for the plan to actually spur the confidence of the #Rakyat.
(2) Weren't we at these levels last year? Unless we have a clear and defined path forward the idea that we will come out of this in September or October 2021, is not convincing; amongst others as the whole plan is entirely based on the accuracy of purported numbers of infected persons and the availability of vaccinations on time. Many analysts have openly stated serious doubts on this.
(3) There are serious doubts about the absolute numbers that the government is resting the substratum of the 'Recovery Plan' on. Limited and variable testing numbers and testings may mean that there are flaws in the absolute numbers being relied upon here. This appears to be supported by the Code-Blue stats.
(4) Where is the tracking data on clusters and contact tracing?
Without this, we are fighting with eyes closed. In any case, most of the cases appear to be asymptomatic, so are the numbers correct?
(5) What if this doesn't work? We simply cannot afford to get it wrong now, the fear is that the projection put forward by you, is not based on any data that has been made available to be scrutinised and verified. Just a blanket wish-list. With the current numbers of new cases and the projection of average positivity rate. With the data, We will be able to see the real numbers (projected forecast) and tabulate a much more concrete plan. However, is the government not doing this because as the numbers are bad? These are serious questions that we have.
(6) Increasing the capacity to vaccinate should be the priority moving forward. Delay and bureaucracy are issues ignored here. Private practitioners who have been inoculating children and adults for decades are not being fully mobilised , these private practitioners, who are by law allowed to vaccinate the public are frustrated by the process of having to register and by trained by a private company #ProtectHealth. The Government's refusal to fully utilise the existing infrastructure of the many #Klinik #Kesihatan and government hospital out-patient facilities, preferring them to mega #PPVs is not optimising the capacity to vaccinate. They have not taken into account that many people especially in the rural areas do not have smart phones or connectivity, yet we insist on deployment of a RM70 million application that has shown itself to crash twice! A manual system was used to great effect in the USA and UK to great effect in simplifying the process and increasing capacity.
(7) The idea of employers being allowed to pay to vaccinate raises the question of allocation of vaccines and a two class system of vaccination process.
(8 ) There is no indication of how and when the vaccination are going to be distributed to the states. Why are we not involving the individual state health apparatus. Surely, they are already set up and are better positioned to roll it out .
(9) Where are the dollars and cents in numbers, in-terms of assistance and Aid to the #public and #businesses to stabilise their economic position for the duration that there are restrictions on movement (#FMCO). Where is the Plan B, in case the targets as stated are not met? What is the plan? Can the government be sure?
(10) Surely a recovery plan should include a plan for Economic Recovery over at least 3 years. If there is One, Where is it?
(11) Do we have an adequate safety net for the public? There is no indication of when people will get back jobs and when, businesses will get back to normal. One cannot assume economically everything will be ok, once we reach October 2021.
It will take many months thereafter to get back to employability and profitability. So whats the plan for that? What are the projections? What are the solutions? What is the plan ?
Dato' David Gurupatham
Datuk Irwin SW Cheong
On-behalf of #IndustriesUnite.
#OneVoice #kitajagakita #ManaPelan #JabatanPerdanaMenteri #RecoveryPlan #MOFMalaysia #KementerianKewanganMalaysia #KKM #covid19 #PKP3 #MCO3 #RintihanRakyat
distributed system 在 駐家醫師 Youtube 的最佳貼文
ホワイトノイズは、人間の耳の可聴周波数範囲(20〜2000KHZ)で同じパワーで連続的に放出される音です。 聴覚システムは、いつでも待機している警報システムのようなものです。私たちが眠っているとき、「突然の」音が現れ、脳はこれらの突然の音を検出して警告を発し、睡眠に影響を与えて目を覚まします。
ホワイトノイズは音のスペクトルにあり、高周波から低周波まで均一に分布しています。 壁のように、細部を遮ることができるため、音の変化に気付くことはありません。 絶対に理想的なホワイトノイズは存在せず、自然の音はホワイトノイズに最も近い音です。
White noise is a sound that is continuously emitted with the same power in the audible frequency range of the human ear (20~2000KHZ). The auditory system is like an alarm system on standby at any time. When we are sleeping, "sudden" sounds appear, and the brain detects these sudden sounds to generate alertness, which affects sleep and wakes up.
White noise is in the sound spectrum, and it is evenly distributed from high frequency to low frequency. Just like a wall, it can shield a lot of details, making you unaware of the changes in sound. Absolutely ideal white noise does not exist, and the sound of nature is the sound closest to white noise.
백색 소음은 사람의 귀의 가청 주파수 범위 (20 ~ 2000KHZ)에서 동일한 파워로 지속적으로 방출되는 소리입니다. 청각 시스템은 대기 상태의 경보 시스템과 같으며, 잠을 자면 "갑작스러운"소리가 나타나고 뇌는 이러한 갑작스러운 소리를 감지하여 수면에 영향을 미치고 깨어납니다.
백색 잡음은 사운드 스펙트럼에 있으며 고주파에서 저주파로 고르게 분포됩니다. 벽과 마찬가지로 많은 세부 사항을 보호하여 소리의 변화를 인식하지 못합니다. 절대적으로 이상적인 백색 소음은 존재하지 않으며 자연의 소리는 백색 소음에 가장 가까운 소리입니다.
เสียงสีขาวเป็นเสียงที่เปล่งออกมาอย่างต่อเนื่องด้วยกำลังเดียวกันในช่วงความถี่ที่ได้ยินของหูมนุษย์ (20~2000KHZ) ระบบการได้ยินเปรียบเสมือนระบบเตือนภัยเมื่ออยู่ในโหมดเตรียมพร้อมตลอดเวลา เมื่อเราหลับ เสียง "กะทันหัน" จะปรากฏขึ้น และสมองจะตรวจจับเสียงกะทันหันเหล่านี้เพื่อสร้างความตื่นตัว ซึ่งส่งผลต่อการนอนหลับและตื่นขึ้น
สัญญาณรบกวนสีขาวอยู่ในสเปกตรัมเสียง และกระจายอย่างสม่ำเสมอจากความถี่สูงไปยังความถี่ต่ำ เช่นเดียวกับกำแพง มันสามารถปกป้องรายละเอียดได้มากมาย ทำให้คุณไม่รู้ถึงการเปลี่ยนแปลงของเสียง ไม่มีสัญญาณรบกวนสีขาวในอุดมคติอย่างแท้จริง และเสียงของธรรมชาติเป็นเสียงที่ใกล้เคียงที่สุดกับเสียงสีขาว
Tiếng ồn trắng là âm thanh được phát ra liên tục với cùng công suất trong dải tần có thể nghe được của tai người (20 ~ 2000KHZ). Hệ thống thính giác giống như một hệ thống báo động ở chế độ chờ bất cứ lúc nào, khi chúng ta đang ngủ sẽ xuất hiện những âm thanh "đột ngột", não bộ sẽ phát hiện ra những âm thanh đột ngột này để tạo ra sự tỉnh táo, ảnh hưởng đến giấc ngủ và thức giấc.
Tiếng ồn trắng nằm trong phổ âm thanh, và nó được phân bố đều từ tần số cao đến tần số thấp. Cũng giống như một bức tường, nó có thể che chắn rất nhiều chi tiết, khiến bạn không nhận biết được những thay đổi của âm thanh. Tiếng ồn trắng lý tưởng tuyệt đối không tồn tại, và âm thanh của tự nhiên là âm thanh gần nhất với tiếng ồn trắng.
White noise adalah suara yang terus menerus dipancarkan pada intensitas yang sama dalam rentang frekuensi (20~2000KHZ) yang dapat didengar oleh telinga manusia. Sistem pendengaran itu seperti sistem alarm yang selalu siaga. Saat kita tidur, akan ada suara “mendadak”. Saat otak mendeteksi suara yang tiba-tiba ini, maka akan menimbulkan kewaspadaan dan mempengaruhi tidur dan terjaga.
White noise terdistribusi secara merata dalam spektrum suara dari frekuensi tinggi ke frekuensi rendah. Sama seperti dinding, ia dapat melindungi banyak detail dan membiarkan Anda mengabaikan perubahan suara. White noise yang benar-benar ideal tidak ada, dan suara alam adalah suara yang paling dekat dengan white noise.
Il rumore bianco è un suono che viene emesso continuamente alla stessa intensità all'interno della gamma di frequenze (20~2000KHZ) che l'orecchio umano può sentire. Il sistema uditivo è come un sistema di allarme sempre in allerta.Quando dormiamo, ci sarà un suono "improvviso".Quando il cervello rileva questo suono improvviso, causerà la vigilanza e influenzerà il sonno e la veglia.
Il rumore bianco è distribuito uniformemente nello spettro sonoro dall'alta frequenza alla bassa frequenza. Proprio come un muro, può proteggere molti dettagli e permetterti di ignorare i cambiamenti nel suono. Il rumore bianco assolutamente ideale non esiste e il suono della natura è il suono più vicino al rumore bianco.
Ang puting ingay ay isang tunog na patuloy na inilalabas sa parehong lakas sa loob ng saklaw ng dalas (20 ~ 2000KHZ) na naririnig ng tainga ng tao. Ang auditory system ay tulad ng isang alarm system na laging naka-alerto. Kapag natutulog tayo, magkakaroon ng isang "biglaang" tunog. Kapag nakita ng utak ang biglaang tunog na ito, magdudulot ito ng pagkaalerto at makakaapekto sa pagtulog at paggising.
Ang puting ingay ay pantay na ipinamamahagi sa tunog ng spectrum mula sa mataas na dalas hanggang sa mababang dalas. Tulad ng isang pader, mapoprotektahan nito ang maraming mga detalye at hahayaan kang balewalain ang mga pagbabago sa tunog. Ganap na perpektong puting ingay ay hindi umiiral, at ang tunog ng kalikasan ay ang tunog na pinakamalapit sa puting ingay.

distributed system 在 Dainghia25 Youtube 的精選貼文
WarFrame is a free-to-play, sci-fi genre with a 3rd person perspective developed by Digital Extremes, the product is currently being distributed mainly on PC. Playable on Steam and PlayStation 4 for free, Xbox One requires Xbox Live Gold members.
The prospect of the game is in a distant future, when the solar system is occupied by hostile forces, Grineer - a thriving empire using cloning technology / Corpus - Creating a trading system hostile to Advanced Robot / Infested technology - Malicious creatures controlled by the Technocyte Virus. Players will play the role of Tenno, a new force that awakens after a long period of sleep, has events about the past not clear and is guided by a rescued Lotus entity through the game screen.
Countless times players will be faced with an overwhelming number of opponents. In return each person will have advanced weapons with an upgrade system, and finally the Warframe armor - Each suit will have different abilities and stats. Although it is primarily shot and slash, the gameplay is varied as it is possible to change key stats with the modifications provided in the game.
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distributed system 在 七王 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Dragon Spirit is a 1987 vertical-scrolling shooter arcade game developed and published by Namco. In North America, it was distributed by Atari Games. Controlling the dragon Amul, the player must complete each of the game's nine areas to rescue the princess Alicia from the demon Zawell. Similar to Namco's own Xevious, Amul has a projectile weapon for destroying air-based enemies and a bomb for destroying ground enemies. It ran on the Namco System 1 arcade board.
Music for the game was composed by Shinji Hosoe and designed by "Tatsuya". Hosoe, previously a graphics artist for Namco, was allowed to work on the music himself due to most of the company's composers working on Genpei Toma Den, however much of his work was accidentally wiped from the hardware midway through development and forced him to start over. Tatsuya previously created character artwork for Rolling Thunder, being assigned to the project after taking interest in the enemy designs. The game was dedicated to Shouichi Fukatani, a Namco programmer who had died a few years earlier in 1985 and worked on many of the company's older games, such as Dig Dug and Super Pac-Man.
The game was ported to several home systems, including the Sharp X68000, Atari ST and TurboGrafx-16, and is included in several Namco video game compilations. The arcade version of Dragon Spirit was met with positive reviews from critics for standing out amongst other shooter games, being praised for its Paleozoic setting, graphics and soundtrack. Home versions were met with a more mixed reception, being criticized for its high difficulty and inferior graphics and music. It was followed by two sequels, Dragon Spirit: The New Legend (1988) and Dragon Saber (1990). A ShiftyLook webcomic adaptation of the game was also produced.

distributed system 在 Distributed Systems Reading List 的推薦與評價
Introduction. I often argue that the toughest thing about distributed systems is changing the way you think. The below is a collection of material I've ... ... <看更多>
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