繼上次的年報導讀會議後, 讓我們再做另一個會議! 這次很榮幸邀請到一位對估值很有見解的股友前輩來帶大家了解估值(恩, 這次我會是主持人, 不是主講人).
主題: 估值(valuation)分享會(Cat: 這不算基礎的估值會議)
主講人: 小揚(from安泰價值投資)
https://www.facebook.com/antaiinvestment (此為小揚的粉絲頁)
參與者: 具基本估值能力. 若打算參加者, 請事先跟我(請私訊)提出一個關於估值的case study, 到時候可在會議中分享(最好是以投影片形式呈現, 這樣到時候好跟大家分享). 若有估值的問題, 也可以提出.
Case study可以是美股, 也可以是台股.
時間: 台灣時間07/10 (周六)晚間9點.
預計一個小時(不會像上次那樣冗長了😅): 前30分鐘由小揚做分享, 後30分鐘大家分享估值案例&提問
進行方式: 以Zoom進行(之後會私訊會議資訊給參與者)
🌻Morgan Stanley Mid-year Investor Outlook: A tricky transition
🌻在您投資生涯中, 有沒有一些觀念讓您受用很多?
下面這位投資名人的好觀念影響我很深. 他的意思是, 一般投資人, 只要能説出三個買一家公司的理由, 就很夠了. 這也迫使我, 每次在買股票時, 問自己對這家公司的了解有多少. 也會去衡量公司的優點與缺點在哪裡.
"It is vital (重要的) that you know what you own, that if I asked you on the street why you like a certain stock, you can give me three reasons. If you don't know how they make their money, who their key clients are and what they make if, then I will tell you that you are over your head and should not own individual stocks."
Jim Cramer: In Times Like This, Go for the Easy Money
Look at the stocks you own. Can you tell me why you've got them? If you can't answer the following three questions, then have a look at several I like right now.
We've endured the meme stock craziness, with all of its love for heavily shorted stocks. We have watched the collapse of bitcoin to levels viewed as shocking, even if they are still more than double where they were not that long ago. We've dealt with Fed officials making it clear that they are no longer on the side of the bulls or the bears. They are on the side of job growth, but are wary of inflation. We've seen the end of the rush to get vaccines, which means that millions of people are going to get the new COVID variant, because there is no natural immunity to it. We've watched as the hopes for an infrastructure bill have collapsed. We've endured shortages of everything from chips to plastic to imported goods and labor.
And we're still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yep, we are in one of those halcyon moments, where the masks are off -- even if they shouldn't be -- and Americans are back doing what they do best: consume, spend, go out to eat and then consume and spend some more.
There are times in the stock market where the collective mindset is revealed. This is one of those times: Things are cool, it's not a big moment, there's no real news for a bit, it's the historically strong period and we can reach some conclusions about where we are.
When things are like this, it is important to remember that buyers like to revert to tried-and-true companies that thrive no matter what. These are companies that have an edge and are better at what they do than other companies.
You know that I am a great believer in index funds, that the average person doesn't have the time or the inclination to research individual stocks. It's a difficult barrier. I think you need to make time to read the quarterly report and listen to the conference call, to Google articles and, if possible, get some research about the companies you own. It is vital that you know what you own, that if I asked you on the street why you like a certain stock, you can give me three reasons. If you don't know how they make their money, who their key clients are and what they make if, then I will tell you that you are over your head and should not own individual stocks. I am reminded by this, because, once again, without a mask, I can be recognized and if I am not holding "Nvidia the Second," I can carry on a conversation.
I have had many in the last two weeks and when I have asked this litany of questions, I find myself at a loss as to why almost no one knew what they owned. But they thirsted for individual stocks, because they, like me, think things are better post pandemic. No, that's not a facetious comment. Many, many stocks did better with a stay-at-home economy. A huge number.
So what do I do? I revert to what others do when you are stumped about how to stay in touch with stocks, but want to do less homework. That means buying stocks that are accessible, not stocks like Unity (U) or Snowflake (SNOW) or Twilio (TWLO) or Okta (OKTA) .
I revert to normal businesses people know and I suggest they Google some articles, peruse the conference call, but, above all, like the company's products so you can buy more if it goes down.
Here's some that I have been telling people I like:
First is Ford (F) . I think the Ford lineup is amazing. The electric F-150 series will be incredible. I am eager to get a Maverick for my family, because it is a smaller pickup that will get the job done for the myriad little things I need to do with this farm I bought from that crazy bitcoin foray. I like the competitive edge of the CEO, who says he is going to bury Elon Musk when the Lightning comes out. I even think the Bronco is cool as all get out. Most important, though? I think the chip shortage is ending. My semiconductor friends are telling me the foundries are producing more feature-rich chips and that means Ford can pump out the trucks small business people love and need. Plus, the used car prices at last have plateaued, according to their most important pricing index. Halcyon times.
Second, Costco (COST) : The samples are coming back. Tell me you don't love the samples. You need things in bulk. You want low prices. You want to get all of the things that people don't think of with Costco, like insurance, hearing-aids -- hey, they are a fortune -- jewelry, things around the house. You go and you will buy far more than you first came for. My kind of store.
The kids love this American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) , which we just bought for my charitable trust, which you can follow along by joining the Action Alerts PLUS club. Jay Schottenstein, the CEO, came on "Mad Money" recently and it's clear that his Aerie model has real staying power: 26 consecutive quarters of double digit growth. No flash in the pan, that one. Number one brand in jeans for the 15 to 25 year old group. The best in the mall. How did I know this? I see the credit card bills.
I got up this morning to do my physical therapy. I have been doing it ever since I hurt my back in February. I have this really cool pair of sneakers that fit me perfectly and I love them, but I am fortunate enough to have a vacation house and I am always taking those shoes with me.
So I went on Amazon (AMZN) this morning and lo and behold I saw them for half price. I bought two pairs. Then I went over everything I have bought in the last year and got a bunch of those things. Then I bought a pair of binoculars, because mine were stolen. I paid half price.
Yep, Amazon's universal. I was talking to Alexa, while I was ordering, getting some new music on, asking questions. I saw that despite all of the Sturm und Drang of Amazon being late with things, all the delivery dates were within range. I didn't click on any ads, and I didn't need the speed of Web Services, but the whole thing reminded me about how special the darned company is. I don't care if it's ahead or behind plan for the moment. I would just buy some more when it goes down.
Finally, Apple (AAPL) . I think people who don't own Apple should look what they are holding at this very moment. Yes, right now. Or look at what's in your lap or on the table besides your fork. And then think about the bill you paid last night without knowing it. Think about what you bought in the App store yesterday. Think about what would happen if it would break or get stolen or, left in the Uber (UBER) , or heaven forbid, be dropped into the pool or in the, yes, toilet.
There, that's what you buy in halcyon times. Stocks of companies you know that if they go lower, because things get less halcyon, you are fine with it and buy more. If things go up, believe me, you will participate.
So accept the moment. Don't try for the hard money. Go for the easy kind. That's the best kind.
Picture: 牡丹(peony)花開. 恨不得院子裡有一塊地是牡丹園.
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【本校防疫訊息 #5月14日緊急更新:因應染疫個案持續擴增,#本校5月17日起啟動全面遠距教學等防疫措施】(#5月15日更新)
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message ( #0514Urgent) — Preventive Measures and Remote Learning for All Classes Starting May 17 in Response to Increasing Number of Cases
1. 5月15日起各類會議活動,包括行政單位、各學院及學系活動(如 #小型畢業典禮)如無法改為線上進行,請研議取消辦理或延後辦理。
2. #體育館暫停開放;#5月15日起圖書館亦暫停開放自習室及閱覽室,僅提供借還書籍。
3. 5月15日起本校實施校園門禁,只開放 #大門、 #辛亥及長興入口。管制期間本校、臺科大、臺師大教職員工生及中研院等駐本校區人員、校友及退休人員憑證入校,洽公者需出示身分及相關證明文件(如開會通知、邀請函、電郵、訪客證、工作證或其他證明等文件,得採紙本或影像檔方式。),#無證明文件者由受訪單位派員至進出口確認身分後始得進入。各校內館舍亦請持續落實人員值班、量測體溫、以及實名制登錄(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926 )。
4. 5月15日起請同學們非必要情形儘量不要進入校園並減少外出,一同遵守防疫規定,以降低染疫風險。一般社團活動停辦或改為線上辦理。活動中心關閉社團活動場地(僅允許同學至社團辦公室拿取私人物品)。心輔中心於防疫期間仍提供預約初談及個別諮商,有相關疑問可電話或電郵洽詢。
5. 5月15日起本校餐廳鼓勵外帶餐點。 如不得已而內用餐點,需採一人一桌、或於桌面上放置格板隔離。
6. 週六(5月15日)上午總務處事務組將進行校園公共區域擴大消毒作業。
7. #5月17日起本校所有課程改為遠距教學。所有校屬教學館舍禁止學生進入,僅允許教師、職員和助教等進出以錄製線上課程。實驗室請教師安排使用時段,每一時段最多4人同時使用。(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388)
8. 5月17日起本校各單位可依業務內容屬性調整辦公方式, 安排採居家辦公、異地辦公、或分批辦公方式辦公,並應向人事室提供名冊。
9. 疫情嚴峻,各項因應措施將依中央宣布而隨時調整,敬請全校教職員工生務必配合各項防疫措施。
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
With the increasing number of infections in Taipei City and New Taipei City, the pandemic situation is now approaching Alert Level 3 (orange light). In response to this urgency, the University is asking all departments and offices to comply with the following preventive measures.
1. Starting May 15, events organized by administrative offices or by colleges and departments (e.g. small-scale commencements) shall be canceled or postponed to a later date if they cannot be held online.
2. The Sports Center will be temporarily closed. Starting May 15, the NTU Main Library will close its study rooms and reading rooms; circulation services will still be available.
3. Starting May 15, access to the University will be limited to the Main Gate, Xinhai Gate, and Changxing Gate. NTU, NTNU, or NTUST faculty, staff and students, on-campus Academia Sinica staff, NTU alumni, and retired personnel should present a relevant ID card to enter the University. Visitors for official purposes should also present an ID card and relevant paperwork (e.g. a meeting notification, invitation, email, visitor/work pass, or others in paper or electronically). Those without any proof documents should be chaperoned by staff of the receiving departments/offices to enter. University premises must continue to be staffed for temperature taking at the entrance and real-name system should also be implemented. ( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926 )
4. Starting May 15, students should refrain from entering the University unless absolutely necessary and they should also decrease the number of going out. Preventive measures must be fully observed to minimize the risk of infection. Student club events will be suspended or go online and event venues at the Activity Center will be closed (students are allowed to pick up personal belongings from club offices). The Student Counseling Center will continue to provide intake and counseling services and inquiry for relevant resources will still be available via telephone or email.
5. Starting May 15, campus restaurants/cafeterias will encourage diners to buy take-outs. Those dining indoors should be seated alone at a table or share one installed with a protective board.
6. On the morning of this Saturday (May 15), the General Service Division of the Office of General Affairs will begin a large-scale disinfection at the University’s public spaces.
7. Starting May 15, all classes will be taught remotely. Students will be denied access to university-owned teaching halls. Faculty, staff, and teaching assistants may be allowed in to record online courses. Faculty members in charge of laboratories should schedule their usage, with each session being simultaneously used by up to four people.( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388 )
8. Starting May 17, all departments and administrative offices groups considering staff’s areas of responsibilities should plan how to work from home, work in different locations, or rotate staff in smaller groups. A list to this purpose should be provided to the Personnel Department.
9. Preventive measures will constantly be adjusted in accordance with the CECC’s latest announcements. The University is asking for your compliance with the preventive measures.
As the COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc, please be reminded to wear a mask at all times when you go out, wash hands frequently, and keep appropriate social distancing. Be on alert for suspected symptoms: fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste. If they appear, please wear a medical mask, immediately seek medical attention at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing, and refrain from using any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please voluntarily tell the physician your contact and travel history, potential occupational exposure to the virus, as well as people around you with similar symptoms. When you return home, please also wear a medical mask and avoid going out if not necessary.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
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16 Apr 2021 - The first time I went to dabao dinner for the family. Awwwww.
The big girl was planning to take the bus on her own for the first time and meet us at the mall after her oral exams today. However, our plans changed at the last minute and we decided to stay home instead.
She was a tad disappointed and told me that despite her initial fear, she was actually looking forward to travelling by herself. I was happy and relieved to hear that, and wished I could let her do something since she was feeling enthusiastic. So I said "How about you walk to the food court yourself and buy back dinner since the rest are still sleeping?"
There was a twinkle in her eyes and she immediately sprang into action as she took a pen and paper to take my orders. I told her to buy 2 packets of 白鸡饭, 1 packet of 烧鸡尾饭, 1 油菜, 4 卤蛋, 2 slices of watermelon and 2 slices of rock melon. She took her bag, wallet, keys, card, mask and happily skipped out of the house after telling her sister who was still lying in bed "I'm going to buy dinner!"
I wasn't worried about her because I knew this girl is cautious, observant and responsible. Indeed, she came back promptly with all our orders within half an hour. Woohoo! Mission accomplished!
It was a milestone for her and I think she is definitely ready to travel by the train or bus on her own already. For me, it's a reminder that the time has come to let go even more, knowing that I've taught her and trained her well enough to be independent.
I said to her "Next time we don't need to order food delivery liao, you can just go out and buy for us." To which she smiled and said "Okay!" I think this gives her a sense of achievement just as it gives me a sense of pride. It also makes her feel confident, brave and happy, knowing that she did something for the family. So kudos to ya, dear Angel! I am proud of you! ❤
P.S. She is wearing my shirt here and it makes me feel emotional seeing it. I passed her some of mine because she has outgrown hers recently. Yup, growth spurt, she also eats more than me already and can soon share my shoes too. Awww. Kids grow up really fast, don't they?
#ahappymum #firstborn #11y4m #growingup #dabao #icandoitifitry
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・加碼1%每月上限600 (60,000封頂)
。Apple Pay、Google Pay、LINE Pay、Samsung Pay、Garmin Pay、Fitbit Pay
花旗現金回饋PLUS卡|https://pse.is/3jxmk5 (8/4前申辦送Apple智能音響)
📌威秀影城平日6折/假日85折 ・活動至111/6/30
📌全國加油站人工降價0.9/升、自助降價1.2/升 / 台亞自助降價1/升 *限定使用Apple Pay
。Apple Pay、Samsung Pay、LINE Pay、街口支付、Pi 拍錢包、PX Pay、skm pay、HAPPY GO Pay、eslite Pay、家樂福錢包
玉山Only卡|https://pse.is/J668L (最高5.2%回饋)
📌等級五一般通路3.2% / 指定通路5.2%
📌Uber Eats單筆訂餐100以上3次享1,000點,300元回饋100(33%)
・每月上限2,000點 = 200元
・核卡30天內任刷一筆享「主題運動背包及提袋」乙份 -8/31
・核卡後45天內新增一般消費累積達5,000元(含)以上,贈「瑞士國鐵商旅三件組」乙組 -12/31
📌申請電子帳單免年費 - 算是里程卡中比較好的一點
匯豐匯鑽卡|https://pse.is/3aemhy (指定通路最高6%)
📌一般通路1% / 指定通路3%
。一般通路2% / 指定通路6%
・現金點數1點 = 1元
・指定通路|街口支付、LINE Pay、Uber Eats、PChome線上購物、momo購物網
。綁定街口支付繳水電、瓦斯、停車費,綁定LINE Pay繳電信費享回饋
📌保費1% / 符合條件2%
✨紙本訂閱優惠:今周刊紙本26期1,599元 (52折,總價值3,064元)
加碼贈送 【MONDAINE瑞士國鐵帆布萬用收納包】丹寧藍 建議售價490元
✨電子訂閱優惠:今周刊電子38期 1,599元 (38折,總價值4,252元)
加碼贈送 【MONDAINE瑞士國鐵帆布萬用收納包】丹寧藍 建議售價490元
彰銀My購卡|https://pse.is/3jxabx (指定網購10%)
中信英雄聯盟卡|https://ctbc.tw/Ejj7ka (指定通路/網購10%)
永豐幣倍卡| https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (指定行動支付6%)
永豐JCB|https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (網購6%)
玉山Ubear |https://pse.is/KXJWW (網購/行動支付3.8%)
玉山Pi錢包|https://shinli.pse.is/PSTRY (PCHome 5%回饋無上限)
GOGO卡| https://shinli.pse.is/V29G4 (週六行動支付/網購6%)
富邦momo|https://shinli.pse.is/RBJNF (網購3回饋無上限)
樂天信用卡|https://shinli.pse.is/EUV7G (網購10%)
中信英雄聯盟卡|https://ctbc.tw/Ejj7ka (外送/網購10%)
永豐三井聯名卡|https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (餐廳/外送10%)
永豐Sport卡|https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (無腦3%現金回饋)
永豐幣倍卡| https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (無腦3% / 指定行動支付6%)
富邦J卡|https://shinli.pse.is/U8UWP (新戶3.5%無上限)
花旗現金回饋PLUS鈦金卡|https://pse.is/3al9qa (指定通路10%)
台新玫瑰Giving卡|https://pse.is/3cjgtb (假日3%)
聯邦賴點卡|https://pse.is/3b4lj5 (國內2%/LINE Pay7%)
星展ECO永續卡|https://shinli.pse.is/RNHW6 (國內無腦3%)
FlyGo卡| https://shinli.pse.is/UTMAF (高鐵/加油5%)
匯豐現金回饋卡|https://shinli.pse.is/UYRCA (國內1.22%/海外2.22%)
匯豐匯鑽卡|https://pse.is/3aemhy (指定通路最高6%)
永豐幣倍卡| https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (指定行動支付6%)
台新街口聯名卡 |https://shinli.pse.is/V29G4 (指定通路最高11%)
GOGO卡| https://shinli.pse.is/V29G4 (行動支付/網購6%)
凱基魔Buy卡|https://shinli.pse.is/3amq3r (指定行動支付享8%)
花旗現金回饋PLUS鈦金卡|https://pse.is/3al9qa (指定行動支付10%)

go card buy 在 SHIN LI Youtube 的最讚貼文
#行動支付 #信用卡 #2021信用卡
合作信箱✉️ : xshinxli@gmail.com
00:00 2021行動支付信用卡推薦!零門檻10%無腦神卡登場
01:06 華南i網購生活卡 3.5%
01:58 玉山UBear 3.8%
02:34 華南櫃買贏家生活卡 5%
03:08 彰銀My樂卡 6%
04:12 Richart GOGO卡 6%
05:08 匯豐匯鑽卡 6%
06:04 凱基魔Buy卡 8%
07:05 新光寰宇現金卡 10%
08:01 花旗現金回饋PLUS卡 10%
08:43 永豐幣倍卡 6%
09:45 Apple Pay / Google Pay 信用卡推薦
10:09 行動支付信用卡推薦
10:19 行動支付神卡推薦
11:00 2021行動支付信用卡心得
📌街口支付指定通路 8%
玉山UBear|https://pse.is/KXJWW (網購/行動支付3.8%)
📌橘子支付 5%
・Apple Pay、Google Pay與台灣Pay
・台灣Pay、Google Pay、LINE Pay、街口支付、Pi拍錢包、悠遊付
Richart GOGO卡|https://shinli.pse.is/V29G4 (週六行動支付/網購6%)
・基礎0.2 + 低消0.8% + 指定2% + 週六3%
・ LINE Pay、My FamiPay、OPEN錢包、悠遊付、台新Pay
・平日PX Pay也有3%
匯豐匯鑽卡|https://pse.is/3aemhy (指定通路最高6%)
・累積紅利回饋達5,000 + 匯豐帳戶存款10萬回饋翻倍享6%
・每月上限10萬 (若真的有大筆消費,建議可以先爬文)
・街口支付、LINE Pay (街口繳費有回饋)
凱基魔Buy卡|https://shinli.pse.is/3amq3r (指定行動支付享8%)
📌指定行動支付 8%
・基礎0.7%點數 + 5%現金 + 2.3%點數
・Apple Pay、Google Pay、LINE Pay、街口、Pi拍錢包、悠遊付、OPEN錢包、橘子支付、icash Pay、歐付寶
・Apple Pay、LINE Pay、Google Pay、台灣Pay、街口支付、GOMAJI Pay、歐付寶、支付連國際、PI
📌Fami Pay 享10%
📌新戶指定行動支付 11%
・限定Apple Pay、LINE Pay
花旗現金回饋PLUS卡|https://pse.is/3al9qa (指定行動支付10%)
・Apple Pay、Samsung Pay、LINE Pay、街口支付、Pi 拍錢包、PX Pay、skm pay、HAPPY GO Pay、eslite Pay、家樂福錢包、悠遊付
永豐幣倍卡| https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (指定行動支付6%)
📌國內2% / 國外3%
・加碼1%每月上限200 (20,000封頂)
📌指定行動支付國內5% / 國外6%
・特選加碼3%每月上限200 (6,666封頂)
📌國內3% / 國外4%
・加碼2%每月上限1,500 (7.5萬封頂)
📌指定行動支付6% / 外幣消費7%
・特選加碼3%每月上限600 (20,000封頂)
・Apple Pay 、LINE Pay、Google Pay、Samsung Pay、Garmin Pay、Fitbit Pay
懂匯每月上限200 (6,666封頂) / 超匯每月上限600 (20,000封頂)
ApplePay / GooglePay 推薦
2.永豐幣倍卡 6%
3.華南櫃買 5%
1.華南i網購 3.5%
2.玉山UBear 3.8%
1.永豐幣倍卡 6%
2.玉山UBear 3.8%
3.Richart GOGO 5.2%
彰銀My購卡|https://pse.is/3jxabx (指定網購10%)
中信英雄聯盟卡|https://ctbc.tw/Ejj7ka (指定通路/網購10%)
永豐幣倍卡| https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (指定行動支付6%)
永豐JCB|https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (網購6%)
玉山Ubear |https://pse.is/KXJWW (網購/行動支付3.8%)
玉山Pi錢包|https://shinli.pse.is/PSTRY (PCHome 5%回饋無上限)
GOGO卡| https://shinli.pse.is/V29G4 (週六行動支付/網購6%)
富邦momo|https://shinli.pse.is/RBJNF (網購3回饋無上限)
樂天信用卡|https://shinli.pse.is/EUV7G (網購10%)
永豐幣倍卡| https://shinli.pse.is/N4YCD (指定行動支付6%)
台新街口聯名卡 |https://shinli.pse.is/V29G4 (指定通路最高11%)
GOGO卡| https://shinli.pse.is/V29G4 (行動支付/網購6%)
凱基魔Buy卡|https://shinli.pse.is/3amq3r (指定行動支付享8%)
花旗現金回饋PLUS鈦金卡|https://pse.is/3al9qa (指定行動支付10%)
