🎗Can hobbies have negative effects?
Yes. I think if you spend too much time on your hobbies, it can affect other aspects of your life. For example, if one of your hobbies is playing games, and you spend hours playing Plants vs. Zombies or Angry Birds, then you will have little time for your studies and your social life. Another example is if you love watching movies, and after a hard day at work, instead of doing exercise, you spend all evening watching your favourite films, which is really harmful to your health. So, I think whether a hobby has negative effects or not depends on how we spend time doing it.
Sở thích có thể có tác động tiêu cực không?
Có chứ ạ. Tôi nghĩ rằng nếu bạn dành quá nhiều thời gian cho sở thích của mình, nó có thể ảnh hưởng đến các khía cạnh khác trong cuộc sống của bạn. Ví dụ: nếu một trong những sở thích của bạn là chơi game và bạn dành hàng giờ để chơi Plants vs. Zombies hoặc Angry Birds, thì bạn sẽ có ít thời gian cho việc học và đời sống xã hội của mình. Một ví dụ khác là nếu bạn thích xem phim, và sau một ngày làm việc mệt mỏi, thay vì tập thể dục, bạn dành cả buổi tối để xem những bộ phim yêu thích, điều này thực sự có hại cho sức khỏe của bạn. Vì vậy, tôi nghĩ rằng một sở thích có ảnh hưởng tiêu cực hay không phụ thuộc vào cách chúng ta dành thời gian thực hiện nó.
🎗What effects do you think humans have on wild animals?
I think human activities have great impacts on wildlife. First, we are destroying their habitats by burning or clearing forests for agriculture or tourism. Thousands of wild animals have died, and some species have become extinct because of habitat destruction. Second, lots of wild animals are suffering because of illegal hunting and poaching. For example, we can see many videos or pictures about rhinos losing their horns, wild elephants losing their tusks or leopards being killed for their fur.
Bạn nghĩ con người có ảnh hưởng gì đến động vật hoang dã?
Tôi nghĩ rằng các hoạt động của con người có tác động lớn đến động vật hoang dã. Đầu tiên, chúng ta đang hủy hoại môi trường sống của chúng bằng cách đốt hoặc phá rừng làm nông nghiệp hoặc du lịch. Hàng ngàn động vật hoang dã đã chết, và một số loài đã bị tuyệt chủng vì hủy hoại môi trường sống. Thứ hai, rất nhiều động vật hoang dã đang phải chịu đựng vì nạn săn bắn và săn trộm bất hợp pháp. Ví dụ, chúng ta có thể thấy nhiều video hoặc hình ảnh về những con tê giác bị mất sừng, những con voi hoang dã bị mất ngà hoặc báo bị giết để lấy lông.
🎗What effects does new technology have on employment?
I think the effects of technology on employment are both negative and positive. In terms of the positive, thousands of jobs have been created, and many people have benefited from it, such as web developers, web designers or IT engineers. Therefore, it has helped improve their living standards. However, lots of people, especially those who do manual work, are faced with unemployment because their work has been replaced by machines or modern technological devices.
Công nghệ mới có ảnh hưởng gì đến việc làm?
Tôi nghĩ rằng những tác động của công nghệ đối với việc làm vừa mang tính tiêu cực vừa tích cực. Về mặt tích cực, hàng ngàn việc làm đã được tạo ra và nhiều người đã được hưởng lợi từ điều này, chẳng hạn như các nhà phát triển web, thiết kế web hoặc kỹ sư CNTT. Do đó, nó đã giúp cải thiện mức sống của họ. Tuy nhiên, rất nhiều người, đặc biệt là những người làm công việc thủ công, phải đối mặt với thất nghiệp vì công việc của họ đã được thay thế bằng máy móc hoặc các thiết bị công nghệ hiện đại.
🎗What effects has modern technology had on the way food is produced?
I think technological advances have great impacts on food production. Millions of tonnes of genetically modified foods are produced every day. These foods are more resistant to diseases than foods produced in a traditional way. And thanks to breeding technologies, some plant species have been saved from extinction. But we also need to think about the negative effects of technology on food production. These days, the overuse of chemical pesticides and fertilizers is one of the main reasons for the increase in cancer and other fatal health problems.
Công nghệ hiện đại có ảnh hưởng gì đến cách thực phẩm được sản xuất?
Tôi nghĩ rằng những tiến bộ công nghệ có tác động lớn đến sản xuất thực phẩm. Hàng triệu tấn thực phẩm biến đổi gen được sản xuất mỗi ngày. Những thực phẩm này có khả năng kháng bệnh tốt hơn so với thực phẩm được sản xuất theo cách truyền thống. Và nhờ các công nghệ nhân giống, một số loài thực vật đã được cứu khỏi sự tuyệt chủng. Nhưng chúng ta cũng cần nghĩ về những tác động tiêu cực của công nghệ đối với sản xuất thực phẩm. Ngày nay, việc lạm dụng thuốc trừ sâu và phân bón hóa học là một trong những lý do chính làm tăng ung thư và các vấn đề sức khỏe gây tử vong khác.
🎗What effects can watching television have on children?
I think that watching TV can have both positive and negative effects on children. By watching educational TV programmes, such as the Discovery Channel or BBC’s Planet Earth, children can learn more about the world they live in. Watching TV can also help them develop their imagination and creativity, which are essential skills for their future careers. However, if they spend too much time watching TV, they will have less time for their studies, and this could affect their academic results. Also, sitting for too long in front of the screen is harmful to their health.
Việc xem truyền hình có những ảnh hưởng gì đối với trẻ em?
Tôi nghĩ rằng xem TV có thể có cả tác động tích cực và tiêu cực đến trẻ em. Bằng cách xem các chương trình truyền hình giáo dục, chẳng hạn như Kênh Discovery hoặc BBC Trái đất, trẻ em có thể tìm hiểu thêm về thế giới mà chúng đang sống. Xem TV cũng có thể giúp chúng phát triển trí tưởng tượng và khả năng sáng tạo, đó là những kỹ năng cần thiết cho sự nghiệp tương lai của chúng. Tuy nhiên, nếu chúng dành quá nhiều thời gian để xem TV, chúng sẽ có ít thời gian hơn cho việc học và điều này có thể ảnh hưởng đến kết quả học tập của chúng. Ngoài ra, ngồi quá lâu trước màn hình có hại cho sức khỏe của trẻ.
how do animals help humans 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
The Three Groanings
“For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of decay into the liberty of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. Not only so, but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body. For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees? But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience. In the same way, the Spirit also helps our weaknesses, for we don’t know how to pray as we ought. But the Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings which can’t be uttered. He who searches the hearts knows what is on the Spirit’s mind, because he makes intercession for the saints according to God.” (Romans 8:20-27 WEB)
Firstly, the whole creation is groaning due to the fall that happened when Adam sinned. Sin brought death into the world, and death is producing all these groanings that show that creation is suffering.
God never designed for animals to harm man, and insects (such as mosquitoes) never bit Adam and Eve in the garden. Every creature, including man, was herbivorous, eating plants and fruits.
“God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree, which bears fruit yielding seed. It will be your food. To every animal of the earth, and to every bird of the sky, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food;” and it was so.” (Genesis 1:29-30 WEB)
After Adam, the appointed ruler of earth, ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil against God’s command, that sin caused all of Adam’s subjects and kingdom to experience death and fall under a curse.
Ever since, the earth has been groaning, suffering from the effects of sin. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes—these are some manifestations of the earth’s groans.
Animals, insects, and birds attacking humans, plants producing poisons, these are also part of creation’s groans.
Secondly, we believers who have the indwelling Holy Spirit groan because we feel all the limitations and imperfections of this mortal body that has been corrupted by sin.
We who know about the Rapture eagerly long for the redemption of our body. Imagine a body that can never die or be destroyed. It never feels suffering, tiredness, or weakness, and can appear and disappear at will, traveling across the world in an instant, passing through solid objects at ease if needed to. This are just some of the amazing capabilities of the glorified body that is promised to us. Jesus demonstrated these after He rose from the dead.
God knows that we are groaning within, and that the sinful flesh makes us limited and weak at times. Our spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. To combat this, God gave us the greatest gift after Jesus’ ascension: the indwelling Holy Spirit.
The Spirit prays for the solutions to our most urgent needs that even we are unaware of, and He does so through groans that cannot be uttered.
Even though the Spirit does not pray with intelligible words, Abba God knows what is in the Spirit’s mind, and He takes that as perfect prayer in accordance with His own will.
These are the three groanings. The first came because of sin, the second because of patiently waiting for the final part of redemption, and the third is God’s gracious help to us while we are still waiting.
How wonderful it is to know that the Holy Spirit is offering up perfect prayers for you, even when you do not know the right things to pray for.
“Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, yes rather, who was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.” (Romans 8:34 WEB)
In the same chapter, we find that Jesus who is in Heaven is also praying for us.
We have the Holy Spirit praying for us from earth, and we have Jesus praying for us from Heaven. This is according to Abba God’s will, and it is perfect.
“What then shall we say about these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who didn’t spare his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how would he not also with him freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:31-32 WEB)
The triune God is for you, not against you. The world was corrupted by sin, but God’s heart is not to destroy or condemn the world, but to save it.
He has already provided the perfect atonement through the blood that Jesus shed at the cross. God is using all His power to give you a glorious future, so put your faith in Him!
You don’t have to feel helpless or afraid…God has given you powerful spiritual weapons to use in spiritual warfare. In “Silencing the Serpent”, you will discover what these weapons are, what the enemy’s tactics are, and how you can break free from longtime addictions, bondages, and unhelpful beliefs: https://bit.ly/silence-the-serpent-now
how do animals help humans 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
😔 so many species have now extinct due to habitat loss and aggressive poaching, mainly due to human greed and abuse of power. It's disheartening. When a species is about to extinct or in danger, only then some serious actions are taken trying to save what's left. By this time, it's already too late to salvage.
Only if humans can learn how to coexist and live in harmony with all creatures, including ALL animals and nature, we can save all kinds from being harm.
What can we learn from this pandemic is to take a step back, and understand what we can do as an individual to help improve ourselves, our family, and the bigger crowd, society, country and the world we live in. How can we help the animals around us. How can we help mother nature.
If each of us can strive to learn, be kinder, help and support each other, we can lead a more harmonious life for everyone, for all creatures.
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1. Bees are powerful pollinators. · 2. Beavers combat climate change. · 3. Llamas patrol farms. · 4. Rats detect landmines. · 5. Squirrels help ... ... <看更多>
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Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found that ... ... <看更多>
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Whether they are dogs, cats, guinea pigs, monkeys, llamas, pigs or hens, animals help humans in countless vital ways. They often make a valuable ... ... <看更多>