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hydrogen production 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的精選貼文
又一家重量級車商決定要加入氫燃料電池行列。..... 只會排放純水 最環保的BMW X5明年將小規模量產!(05/04/2021 三立新聞網)
(生活中心/顏敏翔報導) 自從特斯拉(Tesla)車廠的電動車在全球市場取得成功之後,電動車已成為現今車壇的主流趨勢,許多車廠爭先恐後地進入電動車領域,不過也有部分車廠認為其它新能源也能成為日後發展的路線,其中一個選項就是氫燃料電池;BMW已經宣布將在2022年生產X5氫燃料電池車,也就是氫燃料電池概念車i Hydrogen NEXT的量產車型。
BMW在2019年曾發表一款以現行X5為基礎開發的氫燃料電池概念車i Hydrogen NEXT,其搭載2個以碳纖維材質打造的氫燃料罐,可儲存約6公斤的氫氣,儘管看起來不多,但原廠表示i Hydrogen NEXT的續航里程可媲美傳統燃油車型,動力系統則能夠輸出 374匹馬力,且填充氫燃料僅需3~4分鐘即可完成。
PS. 這批氫燃料電池X5將作為2023年份車款推出,但是這批小批量生產的氫燃料電池X5車款,還不會正式對於一般社會大眾公開販售,主要還是作為展示BMW對於氫燃料電池科技的研發成果,以及先期氫燃料電池汽車生態系建立的先導計劃之用。
hydrogen production 在 CommonWealth Magazine Facebook 的最讚貼文
◤The Future of Semiconductor. Depends on a Tainan Hydrogen Plant◢
Air Liquide Far Easter (ALFE) recently commissioned the world’s largest ultra-high purity, low-carbon hydrogen production facility in Tainan, where hydrogen will be obtained by water electrolysis using renewable energy.
At the plant’s inauguration ceremony, customer representatives from TSMC and a US chipmaker filled the front-row seats.Why is hydrogen, invisible and intangible as it is, so important to the future of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry?
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#hydrogen #renewable #energy #transition #electricity
hydrogen production 在 Hydrogen production - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Hydrogen production is the family of industrial methods for generating hydrogen gas. As of 2020, the majority of hydrogen (∼95%) is produced from fossil ... ... <看更多>
hydrogen production 在 Production of hydrogen - U.S. Energy Information ... - EIA 的相關結果
To produce hydrogen, it must be separated from the other elements in the molecules where it occurs. There are many different sources of ... ... <看更多>
hydrogen production 在 Hydrogen Production | Department of Energy 的相關結果
With approximately 10 million metric tons (MMT) hydrogen currently produced in the United States each year, the primary demand for hydrogen today is for ... ... <看更多>