【KEF 57 周年慶祝月 Music Gallery 獨家優惠】
為慶祝 KEF 57年周年慶,KEF Music Gallery 將於10月11日至14日(4天) 推出三重推廣活動以答謝顧客的長期支持,活動包括:「KEF生日配對」、「每日限量音樂驚喜」及「即買即賞」儘享高達半價優惠。音樂愛好者可以藉這黃金機會購買KEF產品,體驗極致音樂享受。優惠詳情請按: http://bit.ly/2QqOuME
To mark KEF's 57th anniversary this month, KEF will celebrate International KEF Month with waves of rewards to show appreciation to customers for their long-standing support for KEF. The Birthday Privileges include “KEF Birthday Matching”, “KEF Daily Deals” and “KEF Instant Redemption”. Customer can enjoy up to 50% off. Don't miss this chance to own the KEF products!
Read here for promotion details: http://bit.ly/2DV73r6
#KEFHK #IKM #InternationalKEFMonth #KEFMusicGallery