【🎹鋼琴的大千世界】♩. ♪ 已82歲高齡的俄國莫斯科音樂院資深鋼琴教授Vladimir Tropp於這週的獨奏會,在下半場演奏柴可夫斯基的鋼琴作品。
P. I. Tchaikovsky :
影片時間 / 曲目
00:40 Nocturne Op. 10 No. 1
06:34 Meditation Op. 72 No. 5
12:48 Aveu passionné
16:50 Feuillet d’album Op. 19 No. 3
19:29 Waltz Op. 40 No. 9
24:39 Tendres reproches Op. 72 No. 3
29:33 Rêverie du soir Op. 19 No. 1
34:22 Dialogue Op. 72 No. 8
39:32 Chant élégiaque Op. 72 No. 14
47:40 Nocturne Op. 19 No. 4
Vladimir Tropp
Honoured Artist of Russia
Born in 1939 in Moscow. Studied at several of the Gnessin music educational institutions, where he completed his education. Studied under Sofia Devenishskaya, Moisei Feigin and Teodor Gutman.
Since 1963 he has worked at the faculty of special piano of the Russian Gnessin Academy of Music in Moscow, while since 1997 he has been head of the faculty. Since 2002 he has taught at the faculty of special piano at the Moscow Conservatoire.
Tropp’s students include numerous concert pianists and winners at prestigious international competitions (among them Konstantin Lifschitz, Yulianna Avdeeva, Konstantin Shamray, Mikhail Mordvidov, Valery Kuleshov and Yevgenia Rubinova). Some of them now teach at the Moscow onservatoire, the Russian Gnessin Academy of Music and other music institutions in Moscow.
While still a student he began to give recitals and to appear with orchestras. In 1970 he was a prize-winner at the International Enescu Competition in Bucharest. Since then he has frequently performed in recitals and with ensembles in addition to giving master-classes throughout the world. On numerous occasions he has appeared at international festivals and been a jury member at several international competitions.
Regularly gives concerts in Moscow (the Small and Rachmaninoff Halls of the Conservatoire and the Russian Gnessin Academy of Music) and in other Russian towns and cities.
Has frequently recorded on radio, records and CDs with music by Schumann, Chopin, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Medtner, Shostakovich and other composers. Has released more than ten discs together with the Japanese company Denon. Tropp’s disc from the series Russian Piano Miniature received the Japanese Academy of Recording Award. He has also recorded for the Japanese TV and radio company NHK.
There have been programmes about Tropp’s performances made by Kultura TV, Radio Orfei and Radio Russia.
For many years he has been involved in researching the legacy of Rachmaninoff. He has studied all of the accessible archives of the composer in Russia and internationally as well as publishing a series of articles about his music. He has taken part in films about Rachmaninoff made for TV in Great Britain and Russia. In November 2009 he performed a programme of works by Rachmaninoff in the auditorium where the composer gave his first appearance as a soloist.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Top movie picks,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#吉爾特伯格 #伊莉莎白國際鋼琴大賽 #李斯特 享「當代李斯特」美譽的吉爾特伯格,1984年出生莫斯科的以色列鋼琴家,師承知名鋼琴家暨教育家阿里.瓦迪(Arie Vardi)。榮獲多項國際比賽,包括榮獲2011年魯賓斯坦國際鋼琴大賽大獎及最佳協奏曲獎,2013年伊莉莎白國際鋼琴大賽冠軍。2015年...
medtner 在 鋼琴家顏華容 Artemis Yen - Pianist/Author/Dreamer Facebook 的精選貼文
這個週末 11/15(日)下午,在 藝集生活 以貝多芬五首鋼琴協奏曲為主軸,遍歷「鋼琴家貝多芬」與「交響樂作曲家貝多芬」的靈感交會之旅,就要來到第四號G大調鋼琴協奏曲。
這首協奏曲的第二樂章被稱為貝多芬的「地獄中的奧菲斯」("Orpheus in Hades"),
2020藝集講堂 I 顏華容: 燃起鋼琴熊熊火炬的貝多芬—鋼琴奏鳴曲與協奏曲
medtner 在 鋼琴家顏華容 Artemis Yen - Pianist/Author/Dreamer Facebook 的精選貼文
在這次的曲目中,俄國作曲家梅特納 Medtner的「故事曲」佔了很重的份量。這位被學長拉赫瑪尼諾夫讚為「我們這輩最傑出」的天才作曲家實在是個頭腦「轉速過快」的人,也是個不避諱以「不偉大的角色」作為靈感的人—大家可以聽聽他如何在短短幾分鐘內將一個可愛素樸的主題旋律的「語氣」和場景變化多端,而這樣大費周章的作曲技巧,不是為了偉大的英雄,卻是為了費心寫故事中經常出現的「傻子」和歹命好女孩⋯⋯
medtner 在 Top movie picks Youtube 的最佳解答
#吉爾特伯格 #伊莉莎白國際鋼琴大賽 #李斯特
享「當代李斯特」美譽的吉爾特伯格,1984年出生莫斯科的以色列鋼琴家,師承知名鋼琴家暨教育家阿里.瓦迪(Arie Vardi)。榮獲多項國際比賽,包括榮獲2011年魯賓斯坦國際鋼琴大賽大獎及最佳協奏曲獎,2013年伊莉莎白國際鋼琴大賽冠軍。2015年起,成為Naxos唱片旗下長約的鋼琴家。英國雜誌《留聲機》稱讚:「極具感染力的演奏令許多大師前輩黯然失色!」是新一代大師級鋼琴家。
訂閱【電癮好選喆Top movie picks】https://goo.gl/3S03OY
簡立喆主播臉書 https://goo.gl/cUWJx7