今天跟大家分享一位韓國粉絲朋友Won Woon Han的演奏,他演奏的曲目是OUR STORY .
後來我創辦的琴之翼 V.K克國際音樂大賽Wings of Piano V.K International Music Competition
我覺得非常的感動,而且對他持之以恆的毅力非常佩服。舞台上他彈奏的每一顆音符展現出來他的努力以及他的誠意,而且進步很多。(其實這樣進步神速的故事台灣參賽者也有許多,我都偷偷看到了。)對我來說,我從粉絲朋友們上面得到了許多正能量,我是幸福的,因此才能夠創作出帶給更多人美好的音樂,如紙飛機的冒險、Evolution era…等等。謝謝你們,讓我們一起欣賞這場在韓國的演出吧。
Hello Hello Hello Hello~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Long time no see~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Venerate(respect) my pianist V.K
I want to share good(?) dolefu[{sad}?] News~
May be, it(this is) will be very very long contents.
Warnning(be Safe).
Here is my video
Please watch this and enjoy it~
Always i did bring video, From now too.
This is my play your song 'Our Story'
But this is special.
Really really really really~~~~~~~~ Special!!!!!
More detail explain.
I did participate in Small Piano Concert on January 14th
The name is 제1회 마음만은 피아니스트 정기연주회(이하:마피아)
Maybe English name is The first Piano Concert: If my mind is a Pianist(Short Name: Mapia)
Here is site.:https://www.mapianist.com
Maybe English name is incorrect (you may know this information. my english skill very poor)
So, This site this For person that Favorite Piano, For Person that Favorite listen to Piano Music
and For person that Favorite Play the piano etc
There is manifold person and Music style
For example, Jazz, Newage, Classic, k-Pop, Movie ost.
And this site can share Plenty of Piano Sheet( Free or NON free)
This is site introduce~.^^
From Now i explain Korean Word on My video.
There was many people.
Maybe total Population about 40~60
Pianinist(Participate in Play the piano person, Like me, about 15)
My turn is 7th
Here is dialogue(script)
안녕하세요 마피아에서 Soul Killer로 활동하고있는 24살................................입.....니다...
Hello, I use this nick name 'Soul Killer' activate on MAPIA site and 24 years....................................................................old(My Mouth is tied.
I don't konw, next I want to say......MY Head is down untill my waist)
우선 이자리 마련해주신 마피아 관계자분들꼐 감사의 말씀 올려드리고, 바쁘신 와중에도 불구하고 찾아주신 여러분들께 감사의
First Thanks to MAPIA administator about Provide this place, Once and again Very thank you.
Although audience is very very busy, But participate in this place, also, very thank you Once and again Very thank you
먼저 제가 연주하기전에 곡 설명을 먼저 해드릴게요.
Before my play show to audience, Explain Composer V.K and song.
V.K는 한국 피아니스트가 아닌 대만 피아니스트입니다.
V.K is not Korean Pianist, but Taiwan Pianist.
음...........................................................................원래는 저도 몰랐었는데.......휴대폰 리듬게임 중에 Deemo 라고 있어요
Umm.....................................................(My mouth is tide.......) Orginally say, I also didn't know About V.K, Until i meet Deemo.
거기에 삽입된 곡중 하나인데... 아 물론 제가 연주하는 곡은 아니에요. 이곡은 새로운 앨범의 메인 곡입니다.
This song One of the deemo's song( my mistake), absolutely say This is not deemo song.
This is main song of V.K's new album
디모는 아이폰이나 안드로이드 다 가능하니까 아름다운 곡들 많이 있으니까 한번 해보시는것도 좋을것 같아요.
Deemo is play possible iphone, Android. There is many beautiful song on deemo song~! Try it~
어쩌다가 제가 디모를 홍보하고있는....
I advertise Game Deemo(Joke)
아 그리고 제가 아직 악보를 외우지를 못해서....(자리 피함)
Oh I forget important information, I didn't memorize song Sorry(step down on the stage)
여기까지 하구요 바로 연주할게요........감사합니다.
End. I play the song Right now. Thank you (Head down until my waist)
(잘생기신분이 무대에 오르려다가 무대 바닥에 발을 헛디뎌 위험한 상황 발생)
(Happen to dangerous Situation., The handsome guy jump on the Stage, BUT There is a problem.
Miss he's step, Very dangerous Situation. The hamsome guy is Piano Player Like me.
I say to Hansome guy 'Are you okay?
(뒤에있는 남성분은 마피아 관리자 경찰님이십니다.)
{(you can see the another person,(Behind me) He is MAPIA administator. He use this nick name: Police }
경찰님이 말씀하시길 넘돌이 해드릴까요?
The police say " Do you need a page tuner?"
아 아뇨 괜찮아요.
I say " no no fine, thank you~^^"
마이크 쥐고 (웃음) 여기까지 하도록 하구요 연주......할게요 감사합니다.
(보면대 설치한뒤, 앉은 상태에서 준비 완료 손짓 보여드림)
Grab the micro phone(laugh) This is end, I play the piano right now. Thank you.
(Set up the Music stand, I Sit down Piano seat and I move my fingers. This mean is 'I'm Ready')
and Music, my play start.
V.K very very very sorry..... sorry sorry
I spoil your song very very very sorry....................................................very sorry ㅑ'm doleful sad, depressed.
Forgive me forgive me forgive me.........................................................
I did have plenty of exercise again and again, again, again.
But i didn't show as much as my effort
Forgive me forgive me.............................................................................................
Once and again very very sorry
Nex time i may have another concert.
I will not show mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry sorry.....................................Forgive me ..............
I experience precious event(?) News(?)
This is very very important !!!
Concentrate Please
After my play, we have a break time.
I'm going to back stage Because i retrive my Cellular Phone.
While I'm going to back stage, I meet 2~3 girls
Girls are comming to me
and say (Define something Girl1->G1, Girl2->G2 Girl3->G3 )
G1: Hello Glad to meet you. Your play is very very awesome, touched, very very fantastic.
Thank you for share good music!!!! Good Good!!!!
I say: Bless my bark.....oh oh oh........................ I Can not think this event. NO NO I did nothing.
Although I have plenty of Mistake, But you are naturally enjoy my music...
Thank you too.. very thank you thank you.(I'm very touched......)
G1: NO no you are very very nice, good. (point next Girls2) She is my friend.
she is crying until You are play finish.
(I'm very amazed... She is really really cry......cry...............cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think by myself Oh my god....
This is my guult. Oh no no what should i do?)
G2: Yo...........u.......yo.... YOU... are very very awesome..... i can not stop my tears.
(she is moving her's hands, and get rid of her's tears)
G2: Sorry. your play is very very very awesome, and Song is very very my style.
I love it !! Thank you Once and again say Thak you!!!!
I say: Oh.... Oh.....oh........................thank you thank you (I amazed and touched too)
I did nothing, Don't cry Don't cry. I also thank you too...
Thank you Thank you..... I don't know What i want to say... My mouth is tied.... Thank you thank you.
(And my Head down until my waist)
G3: Can i shake your hands? Can you receive my Request?
I say: Of course Of course. Here is my left hand.
G3: Thank you thank you Have a nice day~
I say : Oh....oh thank you thank you i really appreciate it...
Have a nice day too(And my head down until my waist)
Also boys too.( Define something Boy1 -> B1, Boy2->B2
After all play(Piano play) finish, We have a party.
I meet a two boys
Here is Script.
B1: Your play is very Awesome. V.K is my favorite composor
I say: Really ? I also too... Thank you Thank you (MY head down Untill my Waist)
B1: You are upload V.K'S song, aren't you?
I say: Yes yes it's me.
B1: Always I listen to your play,
I say: oh....oh thank you although i have plenty of mistake, you are like my play.
Really Really appreciate. Thank you Thank you. I effort to exercise, and i bring many V.K's song
B1: Thank you Thank you!! Have a nice day.
I'm look forward to uploding your play.
I say: Once and again i also Thak you too.(And my head down until my waist)
B2: Can.....you take a picture together> Can you receive my request?
I say: Of course Come here~~
I also meet many a person.
The person is know composer V.K or not.
The person is know Game Deemo or not.
I'm really really Happy. Because of V.K and deemo are very famous and Soar Spread.
Really Really Happy i have never forget precious Experience.
I really relly can't Forget Until end of my life
ALL every thing is....Thanks to V.K
I really reayy appreciate^^ O_<. ^_^ :) ^//////^
and there is one more thing
Before i meet your music, I'm very shy human.(Of course, from now Shy too)
I'm very difficult stand on the stage.
Also difficult Stand in front of many people.
For example, when i was teenager, School give manifold performance assessment for me.
Korea, Math, P.E(physical education), Computer. < This subject is not problem for me.
But MUSIC is different.
Almost Music performance assessment is show my skill in front of many people.
I'm very scared, I don't know.
When i stand In front of many people, My all body is shiver, this is not light very very very very very harsh.
Don't stop I can't stop, I will not stop. I never stop my body !
So this accient, Many children make fun of me.
Of course, I didn't black sheep.
I have a Friend.
This symptom is Keep acting Untill High school.
Of course When i was 17~19Years old, keep acting This symptom.
After i Graduate from high school, I enter the College.
And one day, I meet a Rhythm Game 'Cytus' and also meet deemo.
AT this time is i meet a your song.
and... one day pass pass and again.
I'm touch the piano again,
In fact i was played piano, maybe at that time, my old is 6~7years.
And exercise your song and again again.
I'm reinvigorate to myself(my Body)
and Finally i experiment my symptom.
Still Keep acting symptom.
The experiment is here(MAPIA CONCERT)
Long ago my turns comming, I feel very very nervous very very high.
But from now very different.
I Can't feel nothing, even my symptom.
At my turn, i stand on the sage, and i say.. but Speak is need more exercise.
Everything is clear.
I can get rid of my Symptom.
it is possible. Because of you(V.K)
Of course i need more exercise play the grand piano or other piano, not my piano at my home.
Once again I'm very sorry about spoil your song.
Very very sorry.
And, very very thank you.
MAYBE you are not here, this world.
Maybe I always act shy boy, and can't get rid of my Symptom.
VERY VERY thank you.
Thank you thank you .thank you................................................
Thank you Really appreciate.~~^^ O_<. ^_^ :) ^//////^
Once and agin very thank you
Catch you later~~^^
(Bless my bark very long......sorry...^^)
O_<. ^_^ :) ^//////^
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過43萬的網紅Shawn Lee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,You're my Favourite Subject #FavSubSL Available on Spotify http://open.spotify.com/album/79vI8l9Rxu303q91EL9JlN Fav Sub - Single by Shawn Lee https...
my favorite subject is math 在 Shawn Lee Youtube 的最佳解答
You're my Favourite Subject #FavSubSL
Available on Spotify
Fav Sub - Single by Shawn Lee
Krik it up, Krik it up now x2
Here we go!
(Verse 1)
Ma’am you looking mighty fine behind your desk,
I can’t think of what rhymes with that,
You throw me off focus, but I can’t complain,
You’re like a math formula that stays in my brain,
Uh huh,
I’m falling hard for a shawty with glasses,
When I stare into your eyes, I see all of the answers,
This might be border line madness but,
You’re the reason I look forward to classes,
I mean,
(Pre Chorus)
Oh baby, oh baby you know I have a thing for you,
Cause you're smart, and funny, you're gorgeous,
You're whole existence is flawless,
Oh baby, oh baby, come teach me a thing or two
We should ditch class and go watch the sunset,
You're ,my Favourite Subject.
You're ,my Favourite Subject
(Verse 2)
I get my homework done way in advance,
To free up time for our after school plans,
Smoking hot teacher dating the class clown,
We both know how fast word gets around,
One minute you’re grading my test,
Then I’m getting caught taking a nap,
Next the inside jokes and I’m making you laugh,
Before you know it, I’m anticipating your text,
(Pre chorus)
Visuals by Midas The Industry
Follow me on :
Music by Daniel Veerapen
Lyrics by Jin Hackman
Produced by Daniel Veerapen @ Deroma Productions
Female vocals by Ashley Chan
Mixed And Mastered by Reuben aka Blastique Samuel @ Mile High Sounds
Visuals by Midas The Industry

my favorite subject is math 在 Favorite subject, My favourite subject, Math - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Oct 7, 2013 - My favorite subjects are math and science because those two are really important in life(: ... <看更多>