You might see these masked photos of people from different ethnicities on your feed. Let me share more... 😊
@wedo_global runs projects on intercultural awareness and dialogue— debunking myths about minorities, especially to the children and youth, the future leaders of our community.
With the current challenges brought by the pandemic, they’ve found a way to continue promoting the message of social harmony— and that everyone fights this virus together.
The #WeMaskAction project provides opportunities for women from minority groups who were unable to secure work during the pandemic. At the same time, their ongoing mask donations continue to match contributions given towards this cause.
Get yours, or gift one to a friend through
Also, if you want to read about people from diverse backgrounds who are supporting this project (like Chi, pictured here— a fashion designer who is also the campaign leader), hop on over to their IG page.
#PromoteCharities #MulticulturalAwareness #EthnicMinorities #EqualOpportunities