我們非常感謝 SO Yuk-wa, Louisa 蘇玉華 擔任風雨蘭大使,支持性暴力受害人支援服務,為12月1日(星期六)九龍區賣旗日招募義工。我們需要1,500位賣旗義工協助,你都 #幫手SHARE & 一齊嚟賣旗啦🙏🏻🙏🙏🏿
網上登記 Be our Flag Day Volunteer:bit.ly/flagvol
RainLily is grateful to have Louisa So as our RainLily Ambassador to promote our sexual violence crisis service and to support our Flag Day in 1 Dec, 2018. We need 1,500 volunteers, join us now!
#CAREandmore #RainlilyFlagDay2018 #風雨蘭賣旗日2018 #Care #Aware #Respect #Empower #蘇玉華 #LouisaSo #風雨蘭大使
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風雨蘭2018年的賣旗日以「Care and more(在乎+)」為題,除藉此喚醒大眾對性侵事件的關注外,更希望邀請大眾成為受害人的同行者,「多關心、多了解、多尊重、加多一點力」(C.A.R.E.)。
Through Care and more, theme of RainLily 2018 Flag Day, we wish to bring the issue of sexual violence to the light and, and would like to invite members of public to become supporters to sexual violence victims. Be more Caring, stay Aware of rape culture, Respect other's autonomy, and mutually Empower one another (C.A.R.E.) .