#2. GDP per capita (current US$) - Russian Federation | Data
GDP per capita (current US$) - Russian Federation from The World Bank: Data. ... 1990 2000 2010 2020 0.00 8.14k 16.3k Russian Federation. 1988 - 2020.
#3. Russia GDP per Capita, 1992 – 2022 | CEIC Data
Russia Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per Capita reached 10,161.977 USD in Dec 2020, compared with 11,536.262 USD in Dec 2019. Russia GDP Per Capita data is ...
#4. Russia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - World Economics
World Economics Research calculates that Russia's offical GDP is up to 36.5% under-estimated. ... GDP Per Capita - Quality Raitings. Inequality
#5. Russian Federation GDP per capita, 1980-2020 -
Russian Federation - Gross domestic product per capita in current prices ... In 2020, GDP per capita for Russian Federation was 10,037 US dollars. GDP per capita ...
#6. Economy of Russia - Wikipedia
GDP growth. 2.0% (2019) –3.0% (2020); 4.3% (2021e) 2.4% (2022f). GDP per capita. Increase $11,654 (nominal, 2021 est.) Increase $29,485 (PPP, 2021 est.).
#7. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Russia 2026
This statistic shows the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Russia from 1996 to 2020, with projections up until 2026.
#8. Russia, GDP, Per Capita - Economic Data Series | FRED
15 economic data series with tags: Russia, GDP, Per Capita. FRED: Download, graph, and track economic data. Gross Domestic Product.
Current and historical Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Russia in nominal and real US ... GDP per Capita in the Russian Federation (with a population of ...
#10. Russia GDP and Economic Data - Global Finance Magazine
Global Finance Magazine™: find Russia real Gross Domestic Product growth rate, latest forecasts and historical data, GDP per capita, GDP composition by ...
#11. Russia GDP per capita, PPP - data, chart - The Global Economy
Russia : GDP per capita, Purchasing Power Parity: For that indicator, we provide data for Russia from 1990 to 2020. The average value for Russia during that ...
#12. Level of GDP per capita and productivity - OECD Statistics
Time 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19... Australia 26.8 27.5 28.1 28.7 28.2 29.3 29.8 29.7 31.0 31.2 31.5 32.4 32.8 33.7 Austria Belgium 27.5 28.5 30.5 32.5 33.9 34.1 36.2 37.1 38.5 39.4 41.7 43.0 44.2 44.7
#13. Russia Economy - GDP, Inflation, CPI and Interest Rate
GDP per capita (USD), 9,289, 8,699, 10,718, -, 11,583. GDP (USD bn), 1,361, 1,277, 1,574, -, 1,700. Economic Growth (GDP, annual variation in %), -2.0 ...
#14. GDP per capita, 1820 to 2018 - Our World in Data
GDP per capita adjusted for price changes over time (inflation) and price differences between countries – it is measured in international-$ in 2011 prices.
#15. Russia GDP Per Capita by Year - S&P 500 PE Ratio
Russia GDP Per Capita table by year, historic, and current data. Current Russia GDP Per Capita is 8748.37 USD.
#16. GDP - per capita (PPP) - Historical Data Graphs per Year
Russia, 4,200, 7,700, 9,300 ... Definition of GDP - per capita (PPP): This entry shows GDP on a purchasing power parity basis divided by population as of 1 ...
#17. Russia vs. Ukraine: An Economic Comparison | Nasdaq
(In 2021, US GDP per capita grew to $69,225.) ycharts. Russia and Ukraine Stock Performance. Russian and Ukrainian stock indexes have been ...
#18. Russian Federation and the IMF
At a Glance. 2022 Projected Real GDP (% Change) : 2.8*; Country Population: 146.042 million; Date of Membership: June 1, 1992; Article IV/Country Report: ...
#19. Ratio of GDP per capita of the USSR/Russia to the USA 1885 ...
The socio-economic history of Russia demonstrates that its 'place' in global economic relations has been subject to complex cyclical processes.
#20. Per capita GDP at current prices - US dollars - UNdata - the ...
The Economic Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) maintains and annually updates the National Accounts Main Aggregates database.
#21. Russia GDP per Capita - YCharts
In depth view into Russia GDP per Capita including historical data from 1989, charts and stats.
#22. GDP per capita since 1820 - Utrecht University Repository
Since then, the number of historical studies quantifying economic growth has grown very rapidly; for almost all major countries there are now reconstructions of ...
#23. estimates of GDP per capita of the Congress Kingdom of ...
We present a comparative analysis of GDP per capita in Russian Poland and selected European economies in the last ...
#24. Russia - Rankings, News | U.S. News Best Countries
... U.S. News Best Countries ranking. Explore photos, statistics and additional rankings of Russia. ... GDP Per Capita, PPP: $29,189. GDP: $1.69 trillion.
#25. Why Russia Cannot Become the Country of Prosperity
lessons of the history of Russia. ... Russia's GDP per capita is even lower in the world ranking than in nominal GDP. This is clearly.
#26. Russia and its former satellites lag behind rest of Europe on ...
The Czech Republic has the highest per-capita GDP among former ... Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the economic sanctions imposed by the ...
#27. Russia vs Ukraine Economy Stats Compared - NationMaster
GDP > Composition, by sector of origin > Services, 58.4% Ranked 101st. 59.1% Ranked 98th. 1% more than Russia ; Exports per capita, $3,678.60. Ranked 56th. 2 ...
#28. How Russia Makes Its Money - Investopedia
1 In terms of GDP, Russia trails much smaller countries, such as the United Kingdom, Italy, and France.3 This is far lower than the country's inputs—such as ...
#29. Russia's GDP per capita is 30% lower than in 2013.
Partially Correct: If calculated without adjusting for inflation or purchasing power, Russia's nominal GDP per capita (in current U.S. dollars) declined by ...
#30. Country comparison Ukraine vs Russia - |
2,584K 2021Q3 Qu. GDP Per Capita Annual GDP 2020 €135,966M €1,293,052M 2020 Annual GDP Annual GDP 2020 $155,300M $1,478,570M 2020 Annual GDP GDP per capita 2020 €3,283 €8,846 2020 GDP per capita
#31. Russia (RUS) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners | OEC
Find the latest trade statistics and economic complexity data for Russia. ... the number 70 economy in terms of GDP per capita (current US$) and the number ...
#32. AN ECONOMIC HISTORY of RUSSIA - McMaster University ...
geography of Russia and for the relation of the history to the geography is not a map, ... conception of the peasant as a bondman—Characteristics of per.
#33. SIPRI Military Expenditure Database
Figures in constant (2019) and current US $, as a share of GDP and per capita are presented according to calendar year.Figures as a share of government ...
#34. PolitiFact | Russia's economy and Western sanctions
The Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the sanctions unleashed against ... of the Soviet Union have now surpassed Russia in GDP per capita, ...
#35. Russia's economy: Before the long transition - ScienceDirect
Since the early 1990s, Russia's average GDP per capita, measured based on ... The history of Russia's political economy is closely correlated with oil ...
#36. An Economic History of Finland - EH.Net
Finland was part of Sweden until 1809, and a Grand Duchy of Russia from 1809 to ... Gross Domestic Product per capita in Finland and in EU 15, 1860-2004, ...
#37. Economies of Russia's cities and metropolitan areas. Issue #1
The 2015 GDP per capita, in Russia, was 22.6 thousand international dollars[5]. How do Russia's major metro areas perform compared with their global peers? By ...
#38. Russia Economy - The Heritage Foundation
Population: 144.1 million · GDP (PPP):. $4.1 trillion; -3.1% growth; 0.8% 5-year compound annual growth; $27,903 per capita · Unemployment: 5.7% · Inflation (CPI):.
#39. An analysis of the Soviet economic growth from the 1950's to ...
Before the First World War, Russia was an under-developed and industrializing ... Figure 1: Per Capita GDP growth rate in USSR, 1950-1991(1990 international.
#40. The Power of Nations: Measuring What Matters - MIT Press ...
In fact, for most of human history, they consumed nearly all of every ... Economists, for example, use GDP per capita to measure economic ...
#41. Belarus vs Russia vs Ukraine vs Poland History of Economy
#42. The cost of war: how Russia's economy will struggle to pay the ...
The invasion of Ukraine has placed Russia on the verge of bankruptcy. ... A rough estimate based on life expectancy and GDP per capita ...
#43. Why Russia is economically weak and politically strong
In GDP terms, the Russian economy is much smaller than that of the ... In GDP terms, Russia is only 12 per cent larger than Belgium plus the ...
#44. Unit 1 The capitalist revolution – The Economy -
Figure 1.1a History's hockey stick: Gross domestic product per capita in five countries (1000–2018). View interactive graph. View static graph. Jutta Bolt and ...
#45. Stakeholder Capitalism: A brief history of GDP and its use
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the sum of the value of all goods and ... of a household, rather than a “per capita production” number.
#46. How Russia's Pipeline Politics Holds the EU Hostage - The ...
Russia's economy is $4.2 trillion as measured by its 2018 gross domestic product.1 That's using purchasing power ... Russia's GDP per capita is $11,584.
#47. The Return of History: The Post-Soviet Space Thirty Years ...
In economic terms, they are behind the Baltics but ahead of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Armenia. GDP per capita is close to $10,000 in Russia ...
#48. How sanctions are pinning down the Russian economy - NPR
Translation: Facing one of the harshest sanction campaigns against any nation in modern history, Russia is in for a world of hurt.
#49. Ukraine and Russia explained in maps and charts - Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera breaks down the history, politics and economics of the ... Ukraine has a per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of about $3,100, ...
#50. The Russian Crisis 1998 - RaboResearch - Economic Research
GDP per capita even reaches its lowest level since the formation of ... At the time Russia's sovereign default is the largest in history.
#51. Which Has The Bigger Economy: Texas Or Russia? - Forbes
Texans, therefore, enjoy a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of around $58,000, whereas Russians have one closer to $8,700.
#52. The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges
2.2 Projections of per capita GDP growth, by region ... 11.1 Numbers of international migrants, by origin and destination, 2013.
#53. Russia's national income in war and revolution, 1913 to 1928
With the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 Russia's part in that war came to ... The Real GDP per head of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1885-2006.
#54. Why is Ukraine such an economic failure? - by Noah Smith
One is this post by Rob Lee explaining what Russia might hope to gain from ... Its GDP per capita (PPP) is somewhere around $13000, which is ...
#55. Belarus / Economic Studies - Coface
GDP per capita 6,398 US$ ... In addition, the Russian army is fully supported by the economic infrastructure and supply of Belarus.
#56. Moldova's Prime Minister on Russia and Staying Neutral | Time
Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine has done many ... And despite a GDP per capita PPP of $13,000 last year—ranking ...
#57. World history by per capita GDP - Mint
In recent times, his charts have been used to tell the fascinating story of how the share of India and China in world GDP used to be very high ...
#58. Russia GDP Value & Rate 2022 | Per capita -
Russia GDP Value was 1484 USD Billion in 2022. Statistics and historical data on GDP growth rate, per capita PPP, constant prices. Structure of Russia GDP: ...
#59. 6 Graphs Explain the World's Top 10 Emitters
Emissions on a per capita basis bring contributions to climate change ... The level of GHG emissions per GDP is a commonly used metric of ...
#60. Over 2,000 Years of Economic History in One Chart - Visual ...
World GDP per capita over time. For thousands of years, economic progress was largely linear and linked to population growth.
#61. GDP: a brief history - Foreign Policy
... Alan W. Heston, and Robert Summers compile the first estimates of GDP per capita worldwide, with figures for more than 100 countries.
#62. 20 Years of Vladimir Putin: The Transformation of the Economy
... Russian GDP grew by 94% and per capita GDP doubled. This is the most outstanding decade in Russian economic history — with the exception ...
#63. China's Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and ...
Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Per Capita GDP: 1950-1978; Figure 3. Chinese Annual Real GDP Growth: 1979-2018; Figure 4. China's Real Annual GDP Growth: ...
#64. Socioeconomic inequality in Russia
Furthermore, socioeconomic inequalities are exacerbated by huge regional inequalities: in 2016, per capita. GDP in the oil- and gas-rich Arctic Nenets region ...
#65. AlternAtive Worlds - Office of the Director of National Intelligence
We are at a critical juncture in human history, which could lead to widely contrasting futures. ... to double GDP per capita, with about 9 million people.
#66. Ukraine's choice: corruption or growth - Atlantic Council
Comparisons of Ukraine's economy since 1992 with neighboring Poland and Russia illustrate this problem. In 1992, GDP per capita in Poland ...
#67. The Underachiever: Ukraine's Economy Since 1991
For years Russia provided Ukraine with underpriced gas while ... but the best ones available show Ukraine's GDP at just $1,307 per capita.
#68. russia-trade-and-investment-factsheet-2022-03-18.pdf - GOV.UK
Total UK exports to Russia amounted to £4.3 billion in the four quarters to the end of Q3 ... GDP per capita. (1000 USD).
#69. Russia - EIA
Energy consumption per capita, 227.91 million Btu per person, 18, 2019. Energy consumption per GDP, 8.82 thousand Btu per USD at purchasing ...
#70. The Big Mac index | The Economist
The relationship between prices and GDP per person may be a better ... data for the euro area, Hungary, Russia and Venezuela for July 2021.
#71. 5 charts show Russia's economic highs and lows under Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin has been instrumental in keeping ... This graph below shows Russia's GDP per capita, a core indicator of ...
#72. The Facts of Economic Growth - Stanford University
2008. Statistics on world population, GDP and per capita GDP, 1-2006 AD. Downloaded on December 4, 2008 from http ...
#73. Maddison Historical Statistics
The Maddison Project database presented below builds on Angus Maddison's original dataset. The original estimates are kept intact, and only ...
#74. Comparing United States and China by Economy
Comparing economic statistics between United States and China. United States vs China by GDP, GDP per capita and GDP growth rate.
#75. Russia between Europe and Asia - JSTOR
These differences are the result of Russia's history, and the main reason for ... Russia has the highest indicator of Gdp per capita among the members of ...
#76. Gapminder Tools
Gapminder World Poster This chart compares Life Expectancy & GDP per capita of all nations. How Did The World Population Change? First slowly. Then fast.
#77. Venezuelan Poverty, Afghan Opium, and Russian Permafrost
A three-fold increase in oil prices from 2003 to 2014 brought about vast improvements in per capita GDP and poverty rates, ...
#78. Global manufacturing scorecard: How the US compares to 18 ...
The same is true for Russia, as it was ranked second in ... Source: Giving What We Can, “Median GDP Per Capita: How Much Does the Typical ...
#79. File:Regional GDP per capita map of Russia.png - Wikimedia ...
File history. Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. Date/Time, Thumbnail ...
#80. Finland's regional GDPs 1880-2010
Lund Papers in Economic History are published as occasion arises, not at fixed intervals. ... Rapid convergence in GDP per capita only took place after the.
#81. A Tale of Two Economies: Russia and the US - Geopolitical ...
Russia's economy is roughly a tenth the size of the U.S.' (the World Bank stated that Russia's GDP in 2015 was $1.3 trillion.) ...
#82. Urbanization and GDP per capita: New data and results for the ...
Polish lands in 19th century are usually located in the economic peripheries of Europe. However there are no usable datasets of Polish GDP ...
#83. How Russia Wins the Climate Crisis - The New York Times
Burke's research suggests climate change will, by 2100, make Canadians two and a half times richer in terms of per capita G.D.P. than they ...
#84. Ukraine: Conflict at the Crossroads of Europe and Russia
GDP. $155.6 billion. GDP Per Capita. $3,727. Sources: CIA World Factbook; ... as a mistake of history and a threat to Russia's standing as a great power.
#85. World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer
GDP Expenditure Components ? GDP Production Components ? Gender ? Government Expenses Categories ? Government Revenue Categories ? Greenhouse Gases.
#86. Real GDP Per Capita Since 1870 - SSRN Papers
The growth rate of real GDP per capita in the biggest OECD ... For many countries, there exist historical estimates of real GDP since 1870.
#87. Why did the Russian GDP per capita decrease from 2014-2017?
Russian GDP per capita by PPP historical chart. Oh, and Crimea is now in the headcount. GDP in Crimea is quite significantly lower than Russian average.
#88. The World in 2050 Will the shift in global economic power ...
emerging economies, as indicated by recent problems in Russia and Brazil, ... However, average income per capita (i.e. GDP per capita) will still be ...
#89. GDP isn't everything | The Strategist
The Economist recently contrasted the cold shoulder that Russian ... economic development (as measured by per capita income) translated into ...
#90. The Cost of the War to the China-Ukraine Relationship - The ...
However, Ukraine was only the 123rd economy in terms of GDP per capita, ... But after Russia, the next largest sources of weapons for China ...
#91. Divided World: The UN Condemnation of Russia is endorsed ...
All the countries in the top third of the GDP per capita (nominal) rankings, ... It is a history seldom mentioned in the mainstream media, ...
#92. Russia after the Global Economic Crisis: Chapter 1
Russian economy—most importantly, corruption and dependence on com- ... Figure 1.1 GDP per capita (in purchasing power parity) in selected countries, ...
#93. Russia, Ukraine and Europe's 200-year quest for peace
As Russia's invasion of Ukraine enters its second month, ... By 2020, EU GDP was more than eight times that of the CIS, and its per capita ...
#94. Five Years Later, Putin Is Paying for Crimea -
It changed the course of history, luring Russian President Vladimir ... in terms of per capita gross regional product than all other Russian ...
#95. Russia - Economy | Britannica
Overall, agriculture contributes little more than 5 percent to Russia's gross domestic product (GDP), though the sector employs about one-eighth of the ...
#96. The History That Explains Russia's Geopolitics | Foreign Affairs
Putin has returned to a historical pattern. ... But its per capita GDP reached only 20 percent of the United Kingdom's and 40 percent of ...
#97. Moody's affirms Bangladesh's Ba3 ratings, maintains stable ...
Based on a historical track record of relatively stable inflation in ... GDP per capita (PPP basis, US$): 5,287 (2020 Actual) (also known as ...
#98. Research in Economic History - 第 73 頁 - Google 圖書結果
According to the latest data available, in 2006 in Russia it was 32% ... China is still lagging behind Russia in terms of GDP per capita and HDI, ...
#99. The Economic History of Central, East and South-East Europe: ...
1 See Table 3.3 on the eastern European economies' GDP per capita in comparative perspective. For recent PPP-adjusted estimates of GDP in Europe, ...
russia gdp per capita history 在 Belarus vs Russia vs Ukraine vs Poland History of Economy 的推薦與評價
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