sinhalese 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最讚貼文
1️⃣ 僧伽羅人來到斯里蘭卡的時間,比泰米爾人稍微早一些,他們的文化根源和今天印度北部(如印地語/烏爾都語、旁遮普語、尼泊爾語、孟加拉與等)相似,其語言都可以追溯到普拉克里特諸語(Prakrit languages),再往上則能回溯到吠陀梵語(Vedic Sanskrit,較古老形式的梵語)。傳說公元前6世紀,這群人在一位王子維闍耶(Vijaya)帶領下移居斯里蘭卡,與當地原住民通婚而形成今天的僧伽羅人。
2️⃣ 至於泰米爾人,其實來到斯里蘭卡的時間也不算太晚,畢竟和印度南部今天的「泰米爾納德邦」不過一海之隔,相傳在西元前2世紀就來到斯里蘭卡,後來建立的朱羅王朝更統治北部幾個世紀之久,這個王朝的後裔就是今日的斯里蘭卡泰米爾人。(值得一提的是:斯里蘭卡的人口統計會把「斯里蘭卡泰米爾人」和「印度泰米爾人」分開,後者專指19世紀之後英國殖民下移居的泰米爾人。)
3️⃣ 這兩種人不但宗教不同(上座部佛教、印度教),語言更是分屬兩個完全沒有關聯的語系(印歐語系、達羅毗荼語系),在斯里蘭卡的分佈也也是涇渭分明——大多數的行政區內,不是僧伽羅人佔超過70%就是泰米爾人超過70%。硬要說有什麼同源之處的話,大概是他們的文字都是屬於婆羅米系文字(Brahmi Script) 吧!
4️⃣ 最後補充一個小知識:印度和斯里蘭卡之間有一條沙洲稱為羅摩橋(Rama's Bridge),每次看地圖都讓我很好奇,到底人有沒有辦法不搭船直接走過去呢?一查之下發現,原來在西元15世紀之前,這條沙洲是完全露出水面的狀態,所以當時的人是真的可以步行到斯里蘭卡的!這條連結說明了斯里蘭卡與次大陸曾經是如此神聖不可分割(誤),也使得海峽兩邊都有泰米爾人居住的歷史更加合理。
勘誤:經熱心聽眾提醒,「safari」中文正確翻譯應為「獵遊」,我在本集的文宣中誤以「莽原」一詞指稱,特此更正 😅
- 行旅調調 Xinglustyle EP17 斯里蘭卡種族與內戰|半山腰住進泰米爾陌生人的家
- 耳朵旅行社 S2/E34 誌華:在斯里蘭卡交換笑容
【EP62 莽原旅遊首選之地,僧伽羅與泰米爾的百年糾葛:在斯里蘭卡與野生動物的第一線接觸 ft. 用工作探索世界的旅人 Malina】
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sinhalese 在 Bangkok Foodies Facebook 的精選貼文
First time dabbing the taste buds with Sri Lankan Curry & Rice combinations by new food delivery concept @cocolombobkk, which is actually a spin off, developed by the @ministryofcrab.bkk people, meaning... They pretty well know their shhhtuff.
We loved how the meals came bundled up in thick banana leaves and natural rope keeping all that heat and juicines bound together. The reveal is the most astonishing part for those unfamiliar with this cuisine. Colours and fragrances just burst onto the scene. We tried the Mutton; thick curry marinated in spices, sauteed with lemongrass, onion garlic and tomato & slow cooked for two hours, and the Mango curry. A Sweet, sour, & tangy melody. made using raw mango, chili, curry powder, caramelized with jaggery.
The meals are accompanied with wafer thin and crisp pappadums and surrounding s bed of Thai Jasmine rice are an all-sort of exotic sides and spiced condiments; Coconut Dahl, Brinjal Moju (eggplant) , Cucumber Salad, 3 Sambols (Luna Miris, Seeni, Pol), Okura and Kottu Roti. It's seriously an assault in the mouth and for some, may repeat in the stomach but it's absolutely worth it. Ideal for sharing with friends as they are certainly hearty in size and for the price appropriate. Don't forget to cool down your tongue with the Banana bondis🍌🍌🍌 or Banana piyos in Sinhalese.
Highly satisfying, if simple, this dessert is drenched in palm treacle and topped with salted caramel. Mmmmmm! Why not take it up a notch, heat them up, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a dash of cinnamon! #cocolombobkk
#BangkokFoodies #SaveOurRestaurants
Order yours at LINE OFFICIAL @cocolombobkk
sinhalese 在 Sinhalese - Britannica 的相關結果
Sinhalese, also spelled Singhalese or Cingalese, member of a people of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) who constitute the largest ethnic group of that island. ... <看更多>
sinhalese 在 Sinhalese 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典 的相關結果
sinhalese 錫蘭人[語] 的來源(2): WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn] Sinhalese adj 1: of or relating to the Sinhalese languages; "the Sinhalese versions of the ... ... <看更多>
sinhalese 在 Sinhalese people - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Sinhalese people are an Indo-Aryan ethnic group of the island of Sri Lanka. They were historically known as Hela people (Sinhala: හෙළ). ... <看更多>