首先,相信閣下未清楚了解教育局在小學呈分試上採用所謂standardization嘅運用,局方會按照每間小學所呈上各科目的分數,來計算各科目的中位數和標準差standard deviation,然後利用標準差的「數值」(-3至+3)來計算各科分數。由於並非normal distribution,因此在大多數情況下標準差範圍會徘徊在-1至+1之間。
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅prasertcbs,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Normal Distribution Curve with Area Under Curve เทคนิคการใช้ฟังก์ชัน NORM.S.DIST() และ NORM.DIST() ในการสร้างกราฟการแจกแจงปกติพร้อมกับแสดงพื้นที่ใต้ก...
「standard normal distribution」的推薦目錄:
- 關於standard normal distribution 在 教育顧問 Ian Tsang Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於standard normal distribution 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於standard normal distribution 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於standard normal distribution 在 prasertcbs Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於standard normal distribution 在 prasertcbs Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於standard normal distribution 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於standard normal distribution 在 Standard Normal Distribution Tables, Z Scores, Probability ... 的評價
- 關於standard normal distribution 在 5.2 The Standard Normal Distribution 的評價
- 關於standard normal distribution 在 What is the difference between normal distribution and ... 的評價
standard normal distribution 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[Karma is a bitch(*)]你估唔到嘅風險,先真係風險嘛。
1. 3715呢單嘢,真係十分多嘢可以講。唔知上文下理嘅,睇返舊文,期油價大跌令到3175狂跌(https://bit.ly/3eEoVVo)。然後前晚(星期三)仲忽然改玩法,唔等到去五月,將六月期油roll去七月,索性而家即時轉去九月(https://bit.ly/3cFwrh4)
2. 用比較接近人話嘅講法:就係幫你平倉,幫你打靶,止咗蝕,但之後冇仇報咁咯。
3. 咁首先,你就見到,昨日(星期四)隻3175當然跌到趴街—但可能冇做嗰個動作跌得仲勁,唔識計,搵高人計下。至少你見到,原油價去到負數,「你隻3175都只係插一半唔夠,要還神」
4. 但正如三叔在個公告講,「缺點是假如 2020 年 6 月合約的市場價格在未來反彈,投資者可能無法享受持有 2020 年 6 月合約的任何好處」
5. 結果,昨晚(星期四)咪即彈咯!即時冇仇報!低位已被人打靶!
6. 但,我最初冇寫,但真係唔意外—其實你見好多時都係咁,啲人人買嘅嘢,災難性低位打靶後,個市就回升的了。市場滿係血,屠殺埋最痴線嘅好友,就係見底之日。
7. 而呢壇嘢,只能講句,不可抗力,甚至好似唔係好應該怪三叔(雖然我好想問:如果我沽空咗隻3715又點計?),佢話「保障你最大利益」嘛。
8. 事實上,我同啲比較信得過嘅朋友傾,普遍都覺得負油價呢樣嘢誇大咗,唔會係新常態,只係咁啱某個時刻,某啲要某度交付嘅期油,係做過下呢種價。唔代表以後要貼錢先有人要。
9. 但,就係呢幾下,已經搞到世界大亂。我懷疑啲行自己都冇諗過有呢啲情況,你問我我都冇諗呢啲情況。真係世界大亂。亦唔止三叔隻ETF係咁。美國嘅原油ETF都有類似嘅東西(https://bit.ly/2wZdWF0)。另一方面,中國銀行嘅咩原油寶 (https://bit.ly/2wYALZp)亦都上頭條。因為佢唔係ETF,ETF頂多total loss—但原來有嘢慘過total loss—就係銀行向你追差價。其實等於孖展炒爆咁啫,只不過買嗰個開頭可能都唔知,以為最多去到零,原來可以要倒嘔。
10. 歸根究底,真係市場耐唔耐有一鑊咁嘅嘢。風平浪靜時有時都有,而家呢啲又波動又經濟大衰退又忽然減息,往往就蝴蝶效應,唔知拍死咗邊個。
11. 唔係完全一樣,但個故事,同2018年2月”Volmageddon"幾相似,都係一大堆散戶,買ETF,當時就係咁買反向波幅,即係不停咁short VIX (又叫Vol,波幅指數)。但你背後嘅東西唔係股票指數或黃金。結果一逆轉,個Vol一抽上去,瘋狂人踩人。
12. (https://bit.ly/3buCPaP)(https://bit.ly/3byd60U)
13. 而當年成件事最正嘅係:Short 足幾年Vol嘅固然贏成千日,然後一晚輸清晒,但long Vol嘅,一樣係死(主要因為時間值)!即係買邊兩都死(https://econ.st/3eK6RJq)
14. 今次堆期油ETF,你見係好多好多散戶仆入去嘅。唔止香港,美國都係。而我完全唔知點解。兩星期前我未聽過2371,之後可以20億成交一日,差不多等於匯控同建行加埋。咩事?
15. 另外仲想分享嘅係:風險。好似好簡單嘅嘢,但其實好似冇人說得準。學院派CFA咪講vol,sigma,standard deviation,dispersion from expected return,天氣不似預期,log normal distribution(**)乜乜物物。
16. 但明顯係有問題,唔識log normal都好,都聽過下standard deviation。對不?掟粒骰仔,預期值係3.5。1固然係dispersion,但6一樣係!你放落股票度就搞笑啦。輸錢係風險,但贏錢都當風險?於是又有人發明咗只係要下半截嘅風險(當年我地戲稱為「無上裝」),但代入啲式都又係煩過梵高。
17. 講遠咗少少,想講嘅係:真正嘅風險,唔係vol,係在你估唔到嘅地方。唔想講「黑天鵝」(發明嗰個好執著的),但係類似嘅東西。3月呢啲咁嘅肚瀉式股市下跌,誇張,但唔係冇諗過。舊年你同我講3月股市會一兩星期跌三四成,我會唔信,但至少我知你講乜。但你話我知油價係負數,我就唔知你講乜,頂多話你知「只係理論上會發生」
18. 即係,你男朋友係陳冠希,咁佢偷食就唔係真風險!但你男朋友係正氣先生司徒華,佢都去偷食,就黑天鵝啦!
19. 買股票大跌唔係真黑天鵝,你買嗰時都知股票會跌。買債券然後佢清盤,都唔算。但你買咩原油ETF出現呢啲咁嘅嘢,甚至好似原油寶咁要倒嘔,就真係風險啦。
20. 好似唔關事但其實關事嘅故事:《一級雙雄》(Rush),入面Niki Lauda,有日耳曼人式嘅冷靜計算(特登造到同英國人James Hunt狂放做對比)。好似有場係落雨,佢就唔肯落場之類(大意)。聽落好矛盾,喂,賽車手都怕死?要知道,1970年代嘅賽車手,真係好易死。Niki Lauda戲入面有講,拿,我每次開車落場呢,都預咗有20%嘅機會死的(***),呢個係我嘅選擇,我由做賽車手第一日已經知 — 但額外嘅風險,我係唔會制嘅。
(**)呢度仲衍生咗個好大鑊嘅問題:啲公司嘅risk management tool,都係啲數佬整嘅—我有理由懷疑早兩晚係炒晒粉的—因為人地冇預你油價可以負數—因為log normal distribution係不能出負數的。10嘅幾多次方係負30呢?你咪撚話我知你部機計complex number。咁同樣地,你log 負數,有乜後果呢?另文講下。
課程編號填: CC01
逢一三五入去 homebloggerhk.com (見到就睇到《事先張揚》),亦睇得返以前嘅文。一般我都係會黃昏出文嘅。
standard normal distribution 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答
俐媽看到這個圖(IG: freeformeshop)的想法是:
👩🏻🏫 宜婷+俐媽英文教室:
1️⃣ 數系:
①ℕ natural number 自然數
②ℤ integer 整數
→ decimal小數(循環 recurring+,無限infinite+)
③ℚ rational number 有理數
→ irrational number 無理數
④ℝ real number 實數
→imaginary number虛數
⑤ℂ complex number 複數
2️⃣ sentence 語句
3️⃣ proposition 命題:有真假可言的直述(indicative)語句
4️⃣ axiom 公理:不證自明的命題
5️⃣ set 集合
6️⃣ assume (vt.) 假設(-sum: take)
→assumption (n. C) 假設
→make assumption about
7️⃣ denote (vt.) 表示
→denotation (n.C) 意義,本意
8️⃣ exist (vi.) 存在(-sist: stand)
→existence (n.U) 存在
9️⃣ satisfy (vt.) 滿足
🔟 commutative laws 交換律【x+y=y+x、x×y=y×x】
1️⃣1️⃣ associative laws 結合律【x+(y+z)=(x+y)+z、x(yz)=(xy)z】
1️⃣2️⃣ distributive law 分配【x(y+z)=xy+ xz】
1️⃣3️⃣ law of trichotomy 三一律
1️⃣4️⃣ axioms of equality 等量公理
1️⃣5️⃣ reciprocal (n.) 倒數;(adj.) 相互的,互惠的
1️⃣6️⃣ factor因數
→ common factor 公因數
1️⃣7️⃣ multiple 倍數
→ common multiple 公倍數
1️⃣8️⃣ Euclidean algorithm 輾轉相除法(歐幾里得算法)
1️⃣ subset 子集(sub-: under)
2️⃣ empty set 空集合
3️⃣ universal set 宇集(uni-: one/ -vers: turn)
4️⃣ intersection 交集(-sect: cut)
5️⃣ union 聯集
6️⃣ difference set 差集
7️⃣ complement set 補集
8️⃣ Venn diagram 文氏圖
9️⃣ power set 冪集合
🔟 element 元素
1️⃣1️⃣ sufficient condition 充分條件
1️⃣2️⃣ necessary condition 必要條件
1️⃣3️⃣ if and only if 若且唯若(充分且必要)(⇔)
1️⃣ Random Variable隨機變數【variable (n.C) 變數;(adj.) 多變的,反覆無常的】
2️⃣ discrete (adj.) 離散的,單獨的
3️⃣ Probability Distribution 機率分布
4️⃣ expectation 期望值
5️⃣ Linearity of Expectation 期望值的線性
6️⃣ variance 變異數
7️⃣ independent event 獨立事件 (cf. mutually exclusive event 互斥事件)
8️⃣ repeated experiment 重複試驗
9️⃣ Binomial theorem 二項式定理
🔟 Binomial distribution 二項式分布
1️⃣1️⃣ sampling抽樣
①簡單隨機抽樣 sample random sampling:每一樣本抽到機率相同
②系統性抽樣 systematic sampling:將母體元素編號後,每隔一定間隔抽取一個樣本
③分層隨機抽樣 stratified random sampling:將母體按某些特性分成數個不重疊的層,再依各層佔母體比例抽取樣本
④叢集抽樣 cluster sampling:將母體中相鄰近的個體排為一集體,而以集體為抽樣單位
1️⃣2️⃣ normal distribution 常態分布(Gaussian distribution 高斯分布)
1️⃣3️⃣ standard score (standardized score) 標準分數(標準化分數)
附圖2, 3是常見的數學表示法哦!
#俐媽英文教室 #辣媽英文天后林俐carol #俐媽英文教室徵稿中 #mathematics #themewords
standard normal distribution 在 prasertcbs Youtube 的最讚貼文
Normal Distribution Curve with Area Under Curve
เทคนิคการใช้ฟังก์ชัน NORM.S.DIST() และ NORM.DIST() ในการสร้างกราฟการแจกแจงปกติพร้อมกับแสดงพื้นที่ใต้กราฟ
เทคนิคหลักอยู่ตรงการสร้างกราฟเส้นด้วยฟังก์ชัน NORM.DIST ร่วมกับการใช้ Up/Down Bars ในการแสดงพื้นที่ใต้กราฟตามเงื่อนไขที่ระบุ เช่น แสดงพื้นที่ใต้กราฟ ช่วง z ที่มีค่าตั้งแต่ -1.96 ถึง 1.96
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#Excel #ExcelForBusiness
standard normal distribution 在 prasertcbs Youtube 的最佳解答
การใช้ฟังก์ชัน NORM.S.DIST() และ NORM.DIST() ในการสร้างกราฟการแจกแจงปกติ
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playlist สอน Excel ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoTScYm9O0GEMj5LpqxaxWWnanc55Epnt
playlist สอนเทคนิคการสร้างกราฟ แผนภูมิแบบต่าง ๆ ด้วย Excel ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoTScYm9O0GExxZ3nlVmleu0wvlhGfs3j
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#Excel #ExcelForBusiness
standard normal distribution 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳解答
? คลิปรถใหม่ 2019-2020 มาแล้วครับ คลิกที่นี่ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSebcviE-UeYMxVRNozwqtw/videos
Body and Chassis Design
The 2018 Accord's new body structure is lighter and more rigid, utilizing 29 percent ultra-high-strength steel, the most ever for a mass-produced Honda car. Overall, the new Accord employs 54.2 percent high strength steel (above 440 MPa).
Key body features include the latest generation of Honda's Advanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) body structure with crash stroke front frame, tailor-tempered rear frame members for improved crash-energy absorption, and the extensive use of structural adhesives for increased rigidity, cabin quietness and weight reduction. Total vehicle weight is down between approximately 110 to 176 pounds, depending on trim, while body torsional and bending rigidity are improved 32 and 24 percent, respectively, aiding ride quality, cabin quietness, and dynamic performance.
Mated to the new body is a more sophisticated new chassis design. The 2018 Accord's chassis is 6-percent lighter than before (not including wheels and tires) and features a new Macpherson strut front suspension with L-shaped aluminum lower arms mounted to an aluminum front subframe. The new setup better isolates and manages varying road inputs, improving handling precision, ride quality and cabin quietness along with outstanding high-speed stability and control. The new, more space-efficient rear suspension is a multi-link design mounted to a more rigid, floating rear subframe. Fluid-filled compliance bushings at all four corners further improve ride comfort and absorption of road irregularities.
Touring trims of Accord also feature, for the first time, an Adaptive Damper System with the ability to adjust shock absorber damping force every 1/500 of a second (0.002 second), using a proprietary Honda control algorithm, providing for a more compliant and controlled ride in all driving situations. The adaptive dampers are tied to a Two-Mode Driving System with Normal and Sport modes that allows the driver to dial-up/down the vehicle's sporty reflexes depending on the driving environment. The system engages with multiple chassis and drivetrain components, including the new dual-pinion variable-ratio electric power steering (EPS), automatic transmission, drive-by-wire throttle, adaptive dampers and Active Sound Control system, to provide the driver with an expanded range of driving characteristics. An ECON mode is also available that helps improve fuel efficiency by modifying throttle mapping and HVAC operation.
The new Accord has a 10-mm lower center of gravity. The adoption of lighter-weight turbocharged engines and other body design changes reduce the vehicle's moment of inertia, resulting in crisper turn-in and steering response. All models now have near optimal FWD weight distribution of approximately 60/40 percent front/rear. Accords with the new 2.0-liter VTEC turbo and 10AT check in at approximately 61/39 percent front/rear, a significant improvement versus the current V6 Accord with 6AT.
Along with the first application of structural adhesives to Accord, cabin quietness is further enhanced by a comprehensive sound-insulating package that includes full underbody covers (which also aid aerodynamics), front and rear fender and engine compartment insulators, alloy wheels with Honda-proprietary resonator technology, sound-absorbing carpet, acoustic laminated windshield glass – plus front door acoustic glass on EX and above – and a new, 3-microphone Active Noise Control system. The result is low noise levels with a well-balanced sound quality and a pleasingly sporty engine note.
Advanced Safety and Driver-Assistive Technology
For 2018, all Accords feature the full suite of Honda Sensing® safety and driver-assistive technologies as standard equipment. Honda Sensing includes Collision Mitigation Braking System™ (CMBS™), Lane Departure Warning, Road Departure Mitigation, Adaptive Cruise Control with Low-Speed Follow and, for the first time, Traffic Sign Recognition (see Safety section for more details). Additional available driver-assistive technologies include Blind Spot Information, front and rear parking sensors, Rear Cross Traffic Monitor and Driver Awareness Monitor; and all models feature a Multi-Angle Rearview Camera with dynamic guidelines.
Standard advanced active and passive safety systems include Vehicle Stability Assist with Traction Control, Anti-lock brakes with Electronic Brake Booster, Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), advanced front airbags, driver and front-passenger side airbags and new driver and front-passenger knee airbags. The Accord targets top U.S. government (NCAP) and IIHS collision safety ratings.
standard normal distribution 在 5.2 The Standard Normal Distribution 的推薦與評價
Figure 5.9 Density Curve for a Standard Normal Random Variable. To compute probabilities for Z we will not work with its density function directly but ... ... <看更多>
standard normal distribution 在 What is the difference between normal distribution and ... 的推薦與評價
Now the standard normal distribution is a specific distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. This is the distribution that is used to construct tables of the ... ... <看更多>
standard normal distribution 在 Standard Normal Distribution Tables, Z Scores, Probability ... 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>