The Power of Introverts 內向者的力量
【Introvert + Leadership】Thanks all for the quick response of survey. Among 90 of your responses I got yesterday, Elvis asked me how to showcase himself as an introvert and another 40 of you said want to know more about leadership skills.
Well, if you ask me the introvert question five years ago, I would had no clue how to answer it! I didn’t even really realized there are so many introvert surrounding me because I am such an extreme extrovert! 😁
These few years, I started to learn more about the personality. After that, I suddenly can tell those introverts who are actually just in my life everyday! I also realized, being a leader, one of the best ways to help introvert employees perform is giving them the space they need.
Recommend you who are introverts or who have introvert friends and coworkers to read few books including Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking from Susan Cain!
#安靜就是力量 #內向者的力量 #Introvert #ThePowerOfIntrovert #領導力 #Leadership
吉姆是個內向的人,過去,他總覺得自己的內向就是缺點。有一天,他無意發現蘇珊凱恩的演講,赫然頓悟那相者其實比外向的人可以更有力量,而這樣的力量是外向的人怎麼樣也學不來的,沈重思考的能力、細微的觀察力、內省的影響力,對小細節的注意力讓他在廚師這條路上脫穎而出。「安靜,就是力量」這本書還有ted talk(下面有連結)改變了吉姆對自己的認知,也獻給所有身邊有內向者的人!
Jim is an introvert. In the past, he felt his introvert personality is a setback for his life. Until one day, he listened to Susan Cain’s ted talk. He realized that he actually has even more power than his extrovert counterpart. His incredible skills of observation, listening skills, patience and ability of thinking. Actually, the introvert skills made him an amazing chef due to ability to focus on details. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking changed his mindset. Highly recommend to introverts and extroverts who have introvert friends!
The Power of Introverts 內向者的力量
#安靜就是力量 #內向者的力量 #Introvert #ThePowerOfIntrovert #廚師夢