Orang arab panggil khitan, orang melayu pula sebut khatan atau sunat, orang-orang tua sebut 'masuk jawi'.
Ramai yang tak tahu, sunat meng'khatan'kan bayi pada hari ke-7.
Arabs call khitan, Malays mention circumcision or circumcision, the old people say 'enter jawi'.
Many people don't know, circumcision will make baby circumcision on the 7. th day
Yes, apart from aqiqah, shaving hair, and giving name, circumcision also among the sunnah of his majesty SAW on the 7th day of birth.
Baby is suitable for circumcision as soon as birth to 4 months old. After that, it's quite difficult to be circumcised, because the baby is starting to lie down.
Sadly, many do not know or miss this sunnah circumcision. It's also a custom for the Malays to circumcise their son when they're late for children.
From Jabir bin ' Abdillah ra; that Rasulullah saw implemented Hasan and Husain's aqiqah and Husain and proceeded both on the sevent (HR; Thabrani and Baihaqi)
From Ibnu ' Abbas ra said,
′′ There are seven things that include the sunnah of the baby on the seventh day: Named, circumcised,...." (HR; Thabrani)
From Abu Ja ' far ra said,
′′ Fathimah carried out his son's aqiqah on the seventh day. He also shaved and shaved his hair as well as the silver as the weight of his hair." (HR; Ibn Abi Syaibah)
Alhamdulillah, Taqi & Zaki we circumcised their time 3 months.
We're a little late. But for some people they ask, why is it so early?
Among the reasons why many choose to miss the child's circumcision:
1. Don't know the circumcision between the sunnah of the 7th day and better be hastened.
2. Pity and worry, afraid that the baby is sick.
3. I haven't reached the heart to see the circumcision process and watch the baby cry
4. Want children to feel the experience of being circumcised.
Circumcision is sunnah. So it's a religious guide. Islam is not wrong, but Islam is rahmah's religion.
So, don't think about ' poor baby ', afraid that baby is sick and so on. Because Islam will not be wronged by its people. While in animals Islam teaches rahmah's nature, this is what happens to babies. So of course there's rahmah when we're circumcising our baby.
Among the advantages of circumcision as a baby:
1. Babies lack of pain, because baby skin is still soft. baby sleeps a lot. Just like us, if we sleep, all the pain will be gone.
2. Baby wounds heal fast, as early as 5-7 days.
3. Babies don't need to confinement. Even parents don't need to get tired of taking care of children's abst Because the food is only milk.
4. Babies are not blocked by the move. Because the baby's work is lying down and sleeping.
5. Babies won't be afraid. Because babies still have no fear. Different from children, they already know the meaning of fear.
6. Parents don't need to be tired of persuading their children so they agree to circumcise Because baby is ready to surrender to be circumcised.
7. Circumcised babies can avoid the disease. Some children who have not been circumcised will be affected by blind urine. So, finally the doctor recommended to be circumcised soon.
8. Parents are also not tired of taking care of babies after circumcision. Because the care is very easy.
Isn't this all proof of sunnah rahmah? Ease baby's affairs and ease parent s' affairs.
If mom or dad are afraid, maybe we can try not to watch the circumcision process. Let her baby nenda or uncle accompany her. Don't be because of our shortcomings, the sunnah has to be missed.
If the circumcision experience is sought,
Hmmm, there are many other experiences that the child can find. At least, you can record the circumcision process using your handphone. When you grow up, show back to the child.
It's here, the custom is changed to sunnah.
Don't be because according to our custom to leave sunnah.
Sunnah is more important.
You don't lose your child's circumcision
Actually, they will be very grateful because their parents chose to circumcise them early.
How many mothers regret that they didn't regret because they didn't circumcise their children when they were little.
If something has been missed, it's okay. Continue to find the right time to circumcise your children. InsyaAllah it will be eased
Khitan has two times, mandatory time and sunnah time. The mandatory time is when the age of baligh, and the sunnah time is before. Ibnu Hajar the best time to do the circumcision is on the seventh day after birth and does not slow down the circumcision so that the time is mandatory unless there is a certain excuse or cause. (Fathul Bari 10/342).
Let's follow the sunnah :)
Thank God, the process of Taqi & Zaki circumcision is all made easy. I'm not awake either, live like normal days. Day 3 of our circumcision has gone on holiday in Terengganu.. hehe..
We are circumcised with Dr. Khairuddin at Taqwa clinic, Ipoh. Dr Khairuddin is very experienced. Her work is very thorough and neat.
Cost of only RM140 including medicine. It's pretty cheap than most normal places. If it's in KL Selangor area, we survey the price of about RM250- 400. That's what we do in Ipoh, save money! Hehe..
Time to circumcise the baby, Dr. Khairuddin shows the 'palat' that is inside the penis Taqi & Zaki, the doctor also said,
′′ Look, even the baby's palat has many like this, imagine if the 12-year-old is not circumcised anymore. Many have been accumulated in there ".
This is a piece of our experience. We were not able to follow the sunnah for Taqi & Zaki circumcision on the 7th day due to health and various matters. So we can only follow the sunnah to hurry to circumcise them.
Islam is very beautiful. There must be a lot of wisdom behind the sunnah circumcision when a baby.
Our children also look more macho and handsome when they're married 😎
Good morning..
Nur Shazareen
Mama to 2 macho heroes & a heroin ayuTranslated
uncle meaning 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[翻轉視界 8]逃離禁錮之地:離開北韓我學會自由與憐憫
“If you don't know the words, that means you don't understand the concept, and therefore, you don't even realize that concept is even a possibility.” —— human rights activist Yeonmi Park。
I was born in 1993 in the northern part of North Korea, in a town called Hyesan, which is on the border with China. I had loving parents and one older sister. Before I was even 10 years old, my father was sent to a labor camp for engaging in illegal trading. Now, by "illegal trading" -- he was selling clogs, sugar, rice and later copper to feed us. In 2007, my sister and I decided to escape. She was 16 years old, and I was 13 years old.
1. on the border with 鄰近邊界
2. labor camp 勞改營
3. illegal trading 非法的交易
I need you to understand what the word "escape" means in the context of North Korea. We were all starving, and hunger means death in North Korea. So it was the only option for us. I didn't even understand the concept of escape, but I could see the lights from China at night, and I wondered if I go where the light is, I might be able to find a bowl of rice. It's not like we had a grand plan or maps. We did not know anything about what was going to happen. Imagine your apartment building caught fire. I mean, what would you do? Would you stay there to be burned, or would you jump off out of the window and see what happens? That's what we did. We jumped out of the house instead of the fire.
4. in the context of 在⋯⋯的情境中
5. concept 概念;觀念;思想
6. a grand plan 一個遠大的計畫
7. catch fire 著火
你們要知道,「逃跑」這兩字在北韓意味著什麼。我們天天挨餓,而飢餓在北韓意味著死亡。所以逃跑是我們唯一的選擇。我當時還不了解逃跑是什麼意思,但晚上我能看見中國那邊的燈光,我想著如果我能到有光的地方,也許就能找到一碗飯。我們沒有什麼遠大的計畫或地圖。我們完全不知道,接下來會發生什麼事。想像一下,你的公寓失火了,你會怎麼辦?你會坐以待斃,還是跳窗然後再看著辦?我們就是那樣。我們從大樓上跳了下來, 而不是等火燒上來。
North Korea is unimaginable. It's very hard for me when people ask me what it feels like to live there. To be honest, I tell you: you can't even imagine it. The words in any language can't describe, because it's a totally different planet, as you cannot imagine your life on Mars right now. For example, the word "love" has only one meaning: love for the Dear Leader. There's no concept of romantic love in North Korea. And if you don't know the words, that means you don't understand the concept, and therefore, you don't even realize that concept is even a possibility.
8. unimaginable 無法想像
9. no concept of... 沒有⋯的概念
10. romantic love 浪漫愛
Let me give you another example. Growing up in North Korea, we truly believed that our Dear Leader is an almighty god who can even read my thoughts. I was even afraid to think in North Korea. We are told that he's starving for us, and he's working tirelessly for us, and my heart just broke for him. When I escaped to South Korea, people told me that he was actually a dictator, he had cars, many, many resorts, and he had an ultraluxurious life. And then I remember looking at a picture of him, realizing for the first time that he is the largest guy in the picture. And it hit me. Finally, I realized he wasn't starving. But I was never able to see that before, until someone told me that he was fat.
11. an almighty god 一個全能的神
12. tirelessly 不屈不撓地;堅忍地
13. a dictator 獨裁者
14. it hit me 突然想到、意識到 
15. resort 度假地(此處係指北韓獨裁者有很多度假別墅)
16. ultraluxurious 極其奢華的
17. have a…life 過著⋯⋯的生活
Really, someone had to teach me that he was fat. If you have never practiced critical thinking, then you simply see what you're told to see. The biggest question also people ask me is: "Why is there no revolution inside North Korea? Are we dumb? Why is there no revolution for 70 years of this oppression?" And I say: If you don't know you're a slave, if you don't know you're isolated or oppressed, how do you fight to be free? I mean, if you know you're isolated, that means you are not isolated. Not knowing is the true definition of isolation, and that's why I never knew I was isolated when I was in North Korea. I literally thought I was in the center of the universe.
18. critical thinking 批判性思考
19. revolution 革命
20. dumb 愚蠢的*
21. oppression 壓迫;壓制;欺壓
22. isolated and oppressed 與世隔絕的與被壓迫的
So here is my idea worth spreading: a lot of people think humans inherently know what is right and wrong, the difference between justice and injustice, what we deserve and we don't deserve. I tell them: BS. Everything, everything must be taught, including compassion. If I see someone dying on the street right now, I will do anything to save that person. But when I was in North Korea, I saw people dying and dead on the streets. I felt nothing. Not because I'm a psychopath, but because I never learned the concept of compassion. Only, I felt compassion, empathy and sympathy in my heart after I learned the word "compassion" and the concept, and I feel them now.
23. inherently 與生俱來地
24. justice and injustice 正義與不義
25. psychopath 精神病患者
26. compassion, empathy and sympathy 憐憫、同理與同情*
*compassion: a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them
empathy: the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation
sympathy: (an expression of) understanding and care for someone else's suffering
Now I live in the United States as a free person.
And recently, the leader of the free country, our President Trump, met with my former god. And he decided human rights is not important enough to include in his agendas, and he did not talk about it. And it scares me. We live in a world right now where a dictator can be praised for executing his uncle, for killing his half brother, killing thousands of North Koreans. And that was worthy of praise. And also it made me think: perhaps we all need to be taught something new about freedom now. Freedom is fragile. I don't want to alarm you, but it is. It only took three generations to make North Korea into George Orwell's "1984." It took only three generations. If we don't fight for human rights for the people who are oppressed right now who don't have a voice, as free people here, who will fight for us when we are not free? Machines? Animals? I don't know.
27. agenda 議程
28. be praised for 因⋯⋯獲得讚揚
29. execute (v.) 處決
30. worthy of sth 適合某物或具有某物的特徵
31. fragile 脆弱
I think it's wonderful that we care about climate change, animal rights, gender equality, all of these things. The fact that we care about animals' rights, that means that's how beautiful our heart is, that we care about someone who cannot speak for themselves. And North Koreans right now cannot speak for themselves. They don't have internet in the 21st century. We don't have electricity, and it is the darkest place on earth right now. Now I want to say something to my fellow North Koreans who are living in that darkness. They might not believe this, but I want to tell them that an alternative life is possible. Be free.
32. speak for oneself 為某人發聲
33. alternative life 另一種生活
From my experience, literally anything is possible. I was bought, I was sold as a slave. But now I'm here, and that is why I believe in miracles. The one thing that I learned from history is that nothing is forever in this world. And that is why we have every reason to be hopeful. Thank you.
34. slave 奴隸
35. miracle 奇蹟
uncle meaning 在 MizzNina Facebook 的最佳貼文
#Repost @aishah_jeddahood
ALLAHUMMA INNI AS'ALUKA AL'AFIYAH. * اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَافِيَةَ
Do you know?
Al-Abbas (R.A.), the Uncle of The Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, came to the Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and said: “Ya Rasulullah, teach me a Dua.” The Prophet Muhammed ﷺ said: “O my Uncle, say:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَافِيَةَ "ALLAHUMMA INNI AS' ALUKA AL'AFIYAH"
Meaning: "O Allah, I ask you for Afiyah." Now what is Afiyah?
Afiyah means:
To be saved from any afflictions, you are in Afiyah.
To be healthy, you are in Afiyah.
To have enough money, you are in Afiyah.
To live, you are in Afiyah.
To have your children protected, you are in Afiyah.
And if you are forgiven and not punished, you are in Afiyah.
So basically, Afiyah means: “O Allah, protect me from any Pains and Sufferings.” This includes both Dunya and Akhirah.
Al-Abbas (R.A.) thought about this for a while, and then he came back after a few days and said (paraphrased): “Ya Rasulullah ﷺ, this Dua seems a little short. I want something big.” The Prophet Muhammed ﷺ said: “My Dear Uncle, ask Allah for Afiyah for Wallahi, you cannot be given anything better than Afiyah.” It is a simple Dua, Sincerely mean what you say while praying. “O Allah, I ask You to be saved from any Distress, Grief, Hardship, Harm, and don't test me, etc.” All of above and much more is included in:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَافِيَةَ "ALLAHUMMA INNI AS' ALUKA AL'AFIYAH" (Riyadh As Saliheen, Sunan At-Tirmidhi).
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