I’ve always envisioned life very much like a train ride.
While many will board the train, many will also step off. As much as we want certain people to travel alongside with us, we will at times travel alone. I’ve realised that the journey actually comes from within. I’ve learnt not to be afraid of losing people who weren’t meant to travel alongside with me. I became more afraid of losing myself. Life is all about learning to find and love yourself and then extending that love to those you encounter. Many are only meant to be part of your journey but their lessons and love forever remain. So cherish every moment with your loved ones while you can.
Sometimes our journey is smooth and easy and sometimes, bumpy and hard. Our paths are ever-changing to help us grow character. We should always move forward like a train and only look back to see how far we have become.
We don’t know when we will step off the train nor what station we will end up at. We can only cherish the good days, learn from the bad ones and choose to be the best versions of ourselves everyday. When the time comes, we would leave beautiful memories for those who continue their journeys without us. Everyday is an opportunity to love, laugh and learn. Tag your train companions who mean the world to you. #bubzcomics #webtoon #comic #lifeislikeajourney #lindytsang #inspirational #feelgood #train #lifeisajourney #lifeisatrainjourney