但如果我們用電吉他的角度來看,以當今全球最紅的樂團Coldplay和Maroon 5為例,如果我們連他們吉他手的名子或是使用的吉他牌子都不知道的話,就更不用說知道他們各自有什麼經典Solo,或是代表性的樂句手法音色...那樂團吉他手在整個當代音樂的定位上,就可以說是退到史無前例的後面去了…以前的夯團從Led Zeppelin、Deep Purple、AC/DC、Queen、Van Halen到Bon Jovi、槍與玫瑰、X Japan...那一團的吉他手不是鼎鼎大名的人物,擁有強烈的個人風格,成為大家公認的搖滾巨星。
當然,這可以說是流行音樂的輪替沒有錯,但對於曾經被那些巨星電到過的我們來說,就會覺得現在的年輕人真的很可惜,沒有機會很容易的就接觸到這些東西,除非自己去Youtube找,但如果你連基本先聽到的機會都沒有,就也不會去找這些資料了 (除非奧運有電吉他比賽,然後台灣選手勇奪銀牌之類的)...
而這裡我所指的年輕人是大部分的年輕人,不是專門聽金屬或彈電吉他的極少數尖端樂迷,因為在以前的樂團音樂中要聽大段的吉他Solo和Riff是非常普遍且必須的,更不用說像Hotal California或是Still Got The Blues這樣為了吉他才去聽的歌曲,現在很多當紅的樂團歌曲不用說破音了,連有電吉他的聲音都是一種奢求 (偶爾出現的clean tone鋪底伴奏我就當作是沒有了) ...「搖滾已死」是一個大方向,更精確一點來說是「電吉他已死」,去逛士林夜市或西門町一圈要是能聽到一段電吉他Solo真的可以買樂透了。
相較於歐美日市場,我認為台灣的電吉他是連風行都還沒風行過(所謂風行至少要像現在的饒舌這樣),大家太少機會去聽到或認識這個搖滾樂中的靈魂樂器,一個樂團不管紅不紅大家都還是只認識主唱,大部分的民眾還是覺得電吉他是牛鬼蛇神,是很吵的東西,木吉他彈唱才是正常人聽的音樂 (指彈Fingerstyle因為技巧多、沒唱歌,有時竟也能被歸類在吵的那一掛)...所以在台灣常常都是高中熱音社瘋一下,然後退伍之後就慢慢的把電吉他放到長香菇,成發的那一場就是搖滾人生的最高峰了...
以前沒有、現在沒有,不表示以後不會有。我相信電吉他的爽度不會輸給現在的電音和饒舌,電吉他的音色可以有千百種,不會少於電子合成器,最重要他是用人的手在弦上一個一個音彈出來的,聽聽看Gary Moore的藍調,每一個音都是用生命在彈奏,每當夜深人靜,獨自聽著歌曲的層次堆疊,進行到最後的高把位推弦炸裂,都不禁淚流滿面...雖然電音和饒舌很多也不錯聽,音色很炫節奏很帥,但就不能帶給我這種感覺,那種打到內心深處的感覺,你會決定一輩子跟隨它。
這次的「搖滾已死」音樂會,可以當作是一個好的開始。除了我們,也一定還會有其他吉他手繼續做類似的推廣活動,相信經過更多人的投入、更多的競爭,一定會有更多有天分的人冒出來,誰都不知道下一個像王建民或戴姿穎的台灣之光會不會就這樣誕生了…衷心期盼台灣在電吉他這個領域能和世界接軌,擁有我們自己的Guitar Hero。
ac/dc主唱 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Foo Fighters x Brian Johnson〈Back in Black〉現場影像公開!
為了感謝第一線醫護人員的辛勞,這個月 GLOBAL CITIZEN 在洛杉磯的 SoFi Stadium 舉辦了「VAX LIVE: The Concert to Reunite the World」的慈善演唱會,邀請超過 20000 名來自各地的醫護人員參與,參加者必須在 4 月 18 日前完成兩劑疫苗接種,由於這是洛杉磯當地睽違一年的大型活動,格外受到外界矚目,因此防疫單位仍然以最高標準執行這場演出,包括全程配戴口罩以及減少進場人數(可容納七萬人的 SoFi Stadium,僅開放不到三分之一的 20000 萬名觀眾進場)。
包括珍妮佛羅培茲、Eddie Vedder、Foo Fighters、J Balvin、H.E.R. 等人都出席了這場慈善活動,Foo Fighters 也特別找來 AC/DC 主唱 Brian Johnson 合作了 AC/DC 的經典曲目〈Back in Black〉,雖然 Brian Johnson 似乎不在最佳狀態,但仍然後全場觀眾嗨翻。「VAX LIVE: The Concert to Reunite the World」最終成功募得超過 3 億美金,相當於 2600 萬劑疫苗,這場演出的完整內容也已經在 YouTube 完整公開。
Foo Fighters
ac/dc主唱 在 宇宙電波 UNIPA Facebook 的最佳貼文
AC/DC 經典陣容回歸!
澳洲傳奇組合 AC/DC 昨天公開了最新的宣傳照,包括在 2016 年因聽力問題而被迫離團的主唱 Brian Johnson、在 2014 年陷入官司困擾的鼓手 Phil Rudd 都順利回歸,在老戰友接連回歸的情況下,先前宣布退休的 Bass 手 Cliff Williams 也改變心意重新回到樂團,這也是樂團新任吉他手 Stevie Young 與鼓手 Phil Rudd 首度同框,相信所有 AC/DC 的樂迷看見這樣的組合肯定都非常興奮吧!
外界傳聞 AC/DC 的新作品很有可能在 11 月公開,喜歡 AC/DC 的樂迷可以稍稍期待一下,趁著疫情期間好好存錢,近年樂團的情況,要是有機會能夠去現場的話,最好還是早點行動吧!
AC/DC / Rock N Roll Train
ac/dc主唱 在 包括主唱Brian Johnson、鼓手Phil Rudd以及貝斯手Cliff ... 的推薦與評價
2020年搖滾界少數令人振奮的事情莫過於AC/DC在9/30宣布前幾年陸續離團的原始團員,包括主唱Brian Johnson、鼓手Phil Rudd以及貝斯手Cliff Williams全數回歸,將於11月13日 ... ... <看更多>
ac/dc主唱 在 反基督、崇拜撒旦的搖滾樂團?全球最暢銷的搖滾傳奇”AC/DC ... 的推薦與評價
在澳洲組成的世界知名搖滾樂團" AC / DC ",用一張"Back in Black"專輯寫下搖滾史上至今 ... 槍與玫瑰Guns N' Roses的 主唱 Axl Rose同時也是 AC / DC 現任 主唱 ? ... <看更多>
ac/dc主唱 在 [情報] Brian Johnson回歸AC/DC主唱並發行唱片? 的推薦與評價
Is Brian Johnson reuniting with AC/DC to record a new album?
Nick Reilly | Aug 8, 2018 8:23 am
難道Brian Johnson將回歸AC/DC並錄製新專輯嗎?
Nick Reilly 2018 08 08
He's been spotted with drummer Phil Rudd in Vancouver...
他跟鼓手Phil Rudd一起在溫哥華被看見...
AC/DC are rumoured to be working on new music with former frontman Brian
Johnson and ex-drummer Phil Rudd, after the pair were spotted together in
從他們在溫哥華被看到後,小道消息指出,AC/DC將與前主唱Brian Johnson(以下簡稱
Brian)及前鼓手Phil Rudd(以下簡稱Phil),一起為了新專輯努力。
Johnson was forced to leave the band in 2016 after suffering hearing loss,
before being replaced by Axl Rose. Rudd, meanwhile, departed in 2015 after a
string of publicised legal problems.
由於嚴重的聽力損害,Brian在2016的時候被迫離開樂團,並被Axl Rose取代主唱的位置。
But it seems that the classic line-up could be getting together once more
after the pair were spotted in the Canadian city, where the rock icons have
recorded all their albums over the last two decades.
A photo posted on Twitter shows Johnson and Rudd relaxing outside the city’s
Warehouse Studios – and it’s claimed that the rest of the band are in tow
從推特上的一張照片,可以看到Brian看Phil在Warehouse Studios外面休息,而這個推
The rumors are no more: Brian Johnson and Phil Rudd are back in AC/DC
(in some sort of capacity). What. A. World. #ACDC https://t.co/pyz0i4
— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) August 8, 2018
— Jon Alba 2018 08 08
Vancouver website The Straight claims to have been contacted by a local who
spoke to Stevie Young – the nephew of guitarist Angus Young.
溫哥華的網站 The Straight 宣稱說他們接觸到了一個當地人,他有跟跟Stevie Young
(Angus Young的姪子)講到話。
“The guy tells me that he had a quick chat with a couple of members of AC/DC
in downtown Vancouver this morning”, The Straight’s Steve Newton claimed.
「這個男人跟我說,他今天早上在溫哥華跟AC/DC的幾個成員聊了一下。」 The Straight
的Steve Newton這樣表示。
“One of the rockers that he talked to was Stevie Young, Angus Young’s
nephew, who took over the rhythm-guitar spot in AC/DC from Angus’s brother
Malcolm in 2014 when Mal started suffering from the health problems,
including dementia, that he would succumb to last November.
…the other rocker my source talked to was none other than, get this: Phil
Rudd! Yes, Phil Rudd, the longtime AC/DC drummer who was himself replaced
behind the kit by Chris “Thunderstruck” Slade in 2015 for the band’s Rock
or Bust World Tour.”
「我的消息來源也跟另一個搖滾樂手講到話,更不得了的,聽著──Phil Rudd!
對!就是Phil,長久以來AC/DC的鼓手,卻在2015年的Rock or Bust世界巡演時,被
A photo emerged today (August 9) showing Angus and Stevie Young also outside
Warehouse studios.
而今日(八月九日),另一張照片出現了,告訴我們Angus和Stevie也在Warehouse studios
Angus Young and Stevie Young spotted. And then there was one…
https://t.co/lvns4oHpQNhttps://t.co/RoVFF7WZiP#ACDC pic.twitter.com/
— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) August 9, 2018
— Jon Alba 2018 08 09
AC/DC’s Vancouver Photos Raise Three Big Questions
Nick DeRiso August 9, 2018
The prospect of AC/DC's possible reunion naturally sparks both speculation
and debate. There is still so much fans don't know, from the nature of their
supposed reunion to how this updated lineup might work.
Whatever Angus Young has up his school boy-uniform sleeve, they've taken a
very, very long road to this place. The Rock or Bust era left AC/DC battered
and nearly broken, with Angus as the last remaining original member. Newly
released pictures out of Vancouver appear to show an attempt to put the
available pieces back together again. It won't be easy.
無論Angus的男學生制服上有什麼,他們已經走過了這麼多年了。Rock or Bust時期讓
AC/DC lost founding rhythm guitarist Malcolm Young to a dementia diagnosis
before Rock or Bust even arrived back in late 2014. Then drummer Phil Rudd
departed amid a string of legal problems. Nephew Stevie Young took over for
Malcolm Young, and former member Chris Slade returned to the drum chair, for
a supporting tour.
AC/DC在Rock or Bust到來之前,就失去了成立時的節奏吉他手Malcolm,緊接著鼓手Phil
But AC/DC's struggles continued. Singer Brian Johnson suddenly left the road
to deal with a worsening issue with his hearing. He was replaced with Axl
Rose, and AC/DC gamely honored their performance contracts – but not before
bassist Cliff Williams decided to retire once the scheduled dates were
Rose給取代。AC/DC仍然表現良好...直到貝斯手Cliff Williams在巡演結束時決定退休。
Few could hazard a guess as to what might happen next, though there was talk
that a Rose-led concert had been filmed. Johnson made a few tentative steps
back, and Rudd left his troubles behind. Yet the prospects of another AC/DC
project seemed to be dwindling, as Malcolm Young eventually succumbed to his
illness and Rose refocused on Guns N' Roses.
似乎日漸減少,因為Malcolm的離世,以及Axl又把重心放回了Guns N' Roses。
That is, until Angus Young, Stevie Young, Phil Rudd and Brian Johnson were
apparently caught on camera in Vancouver, where AC/DC has recorded their last
three studio albums. Unfortunately, that's all we know so far. Of the things
still to be determined, however, here are three big questions raised by
AC/DC's Vancouver photos ...
1) Are they in Vancouver to record a new album?
No one would fault Angus for trying to get the old band back together – or
at least a reasonable facsimile. Johnson's presence makes sense, too, since
his hearing issues were by all accounts related to live performances. But
what if this supposed reunion isn't in service of new music, at all? Stevie
Young has done a credible job on stage with the old songs, but they're still
missing an inestimable creative piece without Malcolm Young. A more
manageable pursuit might involve putting the finishing touches on a best-of
project, or a box set. It's easier to picture them completing, say, a bonus
track. They might also have gathered to provide extra content for a Rock or
Bust-related special edition – or even the long-rumored concert recording
from Chicago's Wrigley Field. AC/DC hasn't put out a live album since 2011's
Live at River Plate, which was recorded at Argentina's national soccer
stadium in Buenos Aires.
會比較容易一些。他們也有可能是要做一個Rock or Bust相關的特別專輯,有可能是長
期傳言的芝加哥Wrigley Field演唱會專輯。從2011的Live at River Plate專輯後,
2) If they returned to the road, would Brian Johnson be able to safely join
Johnson's sudden departure didn't signal the end of his career. Stephen
Ambrose almost immediately contacted him to discuss newly developed in-ear
monitors that the inventor said could help Johnson return without risking
further hearing loss — and Johnson says he came away "amazed." In the
meantime, he never actually retired: Johnson has since appeared on new
records by Jim Breuer and Greg Billings, and he's even returned to the stage.
That dovetails with Johnson's comments when his hearing issue was first
revealed in 2016: "While the outcome is uncertain, my attitude is
optimistic." Perhaps Ambrose's "breakthrough ADEL hearing technology" – or
something like it – could play a role in getting Johnson back on the concert
trail with AC/DC. Then again, there's always the prospect of Brian Johnson
working as their studio singer, while Axl Rose – in a nod to the Beach Boys'
approach with Brian Wilson – handles road duties.
Brian的突然離去並不代表他職業生涯的結束。Stephen Ambrose聯繫Brian有關新的入耳型
Brian也沒有完全退休,他也在Jim Breuer和Greg Billings的錄製裡出現,甚至要回歸舞
Beach Boys跟Brian Wilson一樣。
3) With Cliff Williams' retirement, who would play bass?
Williams remains retired, if the photographic evidence from Vancouver is to
be believed. And his absence isn't too surprising, considering the finality
of his goodbye message. "I just need family time now, to just chill out and
not do this," he said in 2016. "It’s just – I'm just ready to get off the
road, really, and do what I do." So, who could potentially replace a guy who
held down the bottom end for nearly four decades? There's Larry Van Kriedt,
if Angus is ready to add another original member the mix. There's also Mark
Evans, who was with AC/DC from 1975–77. His arrival would return all of the
living members of AC/DC's T.N.T., Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and Let There
Be Rock lineup.
On the other hand, they could continue to plum the Guns N' Roses lineup by
adding Duff McKagan or Tommy Stinson – and either of those bassists would
mesh well with Rose, should he return for live duty. (Down side: If Rose and
McKagan both joined, there would be more original Guns N' Roses members in
this band than AC/DC co-founders.) Of course, Geezer Butler, Michael Anthony
and Geddy Lee are free these days. Butler toured with AC/DC as a member of
Black Sabbath in 1977, and Lee is in Canada, too. Stone Temple Pilots bassist
Robert DeLeo always seems to have time for side projects, from Delta Deep to
the Hollywood Vampires. Then there's the do-anything Dave Grohl; he played
bass on the Foo Fighters' debut and, more recently, on 2013's Sound City
Players tour.
第三、Cliff Williams退休了,誰來彈貝斯?
員,有Larry Van Kriedt。Marks Evans也是個人選,他在1975-1977年的時候待在AC/DC
另一方面,他們也可以延續GNR的陣容,讓Duff McKagan或Tommy Stinson加入。這兩位應
的成員還多喔)當然,Greezer Butler、Michael Anthony和Geddy Lee也都可行,Butler
Stone Temple Pilots的貝斯手Robert DeLeo好像隨時都可以接個副業,從Delta Deep到
Hollywood Vampires。還有一個什麼都能做的Dave Grohl,他在Foo Fighters和2013的
Sound City Players巡迴中彈奏貝斯。
我們永遠記得,記得 Malcolm Young 曾經的風采
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※ 編輯: MalcolmYoung (, 08/10/2018 17:58:15
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