呢煲純素嘅菜式係煮俾我啲同學仔架,因為我哋最近上左關於素食同埋碳足跡嘅堂💚。食呢一餐比起一餐牛扒+薯條🐮🍟既碳排量低6倍!我放咗番薯🍠、羽衣金蘭🌿、自家製嘅花生醬🥜(冇防腐劑、多餘嘅鹽、糖)、番茄醬🍅;就用咗姜、蒜、茴香、辣椒粉🌶同埋有機嘅低鈉菜湯黎調味✨享用之前就放啲芫荽、花生同埋折啲檸檬汁🍋。同糙米一齊食都幾啱key🍘,夠晒高纖啦🔝! 我哋要愛護自己同埋我哋嘅地球啊🌎💞!
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African peanut stew 🥜🌿, a vegan dish made for my classmates as we just had lectures on carbon footprint & veganism💚. So glad the girls enjoyed it, this meal has 6 times less carbon emissions than for example steak and fries🐮🍟 and is healthy! We got sweet potatoes🍠, kale, homemade peanut butter (the best kind), tomato paste🍅, flavoured with garlic, ginger, cumin, cayenne🌶 and organic low sodium veggie broth✨. Garnish with coriander + roasted peanuts🌿, serve with lemon juice🍋; goes well with brown rice 🍘 - 🔝 that wholesome score didn't I 😜! Make food, do good!