New Balance對我來說一直都是經典潮流指標,以前高中打工也是在New Balance櫃上學了一些知識 特別喜歡New Balance把鞋子的性能做出非常多區別,很像小時候玩四驅車,從鞋型的設計與細節就 能看出鞋子的機能。
山系的鞋款,可以配在日常工裝又能戶外活動,這次我選擇日常機能感的衝鋒衣去做搭配。 利用相同灰白色系去做搭配,為了製造層次感,內搭一件T-shirt 去做出上下身層次的分割,讓整體看 起來時尚又兼具機能。
New Balace在我有印象以來一直都是高機能、高品質的代表,更席捲登山界、 潮流界的青睞,不斷的持續進化、進步,就如同登山運動,不怕你爬的多高只 怕你途中放棄。
此次All Terrain系列Shando 命名由來就是從中文「山道」而來,山系已經是 一個風格態度、生活信仰,平時就熱衷於爬山戶外活動的我,再適合不過,穿 搭概念由都市叢林出發,展現鞋款街頭潮流的魅力,鞋子讓人印象深刻的話我 就會用簡單的剪裁上衣、褲子來做搭配,讓身上重點不要太繁復。
Shando山道用街頭元素出發,但卻有強大的機能特性,鞋面使用半透明透氣的 網布,透氣散熱讓腳舒適程度大大提升,還有鞋底DynaSoft的避震科技,讓行 走時減低負擔,緩震回饋,保護雙腳,加上底部的橡膠外底AT Tread高耐磨又 不容易殘留泥濘,不論在城市或是山林,步行萬里路,有一雙好走耐穿的鞋就 是對自己最好的投資。
#newbalance #allterrain #shando #hierro #wegotnow #城市野型 追蹤NB台灣IG帳號,隨時獲得最新鞋款情報: @newbalanceclubtaiwan @ 中山站商圈
all terrain中文 在 林柏妤 Facebook 的最佳貼文
歡迎來到台灣 我是林柏妤 我熱愛旅行 也喜歡在台灣趴趴走。
豐富的人文歷史! 奇岩怪石! 該怎麼進行這趟旅程呢? 跟著我走就對了!
Welcome to Taiwan I am Poyu Lin. I love to travel. love wandering around Taiwan.
In Taiwan’s Northeast, there’s a beautiful Gold Coast where you can find.
Unmatched sea views! A rich culture and history. Unique rock formations!
What’s the best way to enjoy this trip? Just follow me! I’m at Fulong Station, in Gongliao.Renting a bike! Getting ready to depart!
And I’m here with a local who’s a good friend of mine, Mr. Yen! Let’s go!
He says that if I follow the small road next to the railroad tracks, I’ll arrive at today’s first highlight, Old Caoling Tunnel. Peter,It feels like an ancient tunnel.
Yes, Did you know that? This tunnel is nearly 100 years old, The rail line begins in 1924,Back then, Is to connect to Taipei with Yilan, the tunnel used for the train, Because one-way inconvenient,after that planning to build nowadays Caoling Tunnel
At 2167 meters long, “Old Caoling Tunnel” was Taiwan’s first railroad tunnel to be turned into a tunnel for bikes. It’s been redesigned as a sort of railroad museum, and the track pattern on the ground, the period lighting, and the traditional sound all make it feel like you’re traveling back in time. It’s so nice and cool in there!
Poyu,We have arrived in Yilan. Coming out of the tunnel, your eyes are suddenly met with a view of this long, windswept coastline. It feels like a huge relief!
Parking your bike and walking to the coast, you can also take in the unique coastal terrain left over by nature and the process of mountain formation. So beautiful!
At this point of the trip, I realize that biking is really the best speed for traveling the Gold Coast.
Pushing onward, we will soon come face-to-face with Taiwan’s easternmost point.
Peter, Why is this called three Sandiaojiao? Chinese is called Sandiaojiao, Is translated from San Diego,This lighthouse is a very important landmark, so called the “Eye of Taiwan”. Aside from the lighthouse, there is also a civil aviation radar station and a host of other buildings and art installations, all in white, which are all beautiful from any angle.This is a century-old stone house,See, these stones are draw on local resources.Do you want to enjoy the sea breeze while taking in beautiful sea views? Then I can recommend a bike ride along Northeast Coast!