Mawson's Huts Replica Museum
"The origin of the Australian Antarctic Expedition"
Australia is one of the closest areas to Antarctica, also an important stronghold for exploring Antarctica.
Douglas Mawson為1911年首位代表澳洲前往南極探險的地理學家兼極地探險家,率領18人的團隊前往南極,於1911年出發,1912年抵達南極,1914年返抵澳洲時只剩下Mawson一人
Douglas Mawson was the leader of the 1911-1914 Australasian Antarctic Expedition. He led an 18 people team to Antarctic , set off in 1911 and returned to Australia in 1914 with only Mawson.
Mawson's Hut為澳洲第一個在南極大陸上的基地營,建造時他們並不知道他們所選擇的地點為地表上氣候最惡劣的地方之一,每小時風速高達300公里!!建造基地營所採用的木材是用斯堪地那維亞所產的松,解說形容這些木材經歷了一段一生中最漫長的旅程,從幾乎快到北極的地方送到南極去
Mawson's Hut is Australia's first base camp on the Antarctic continent. At that time, they have no idea the spot they have chosen would prove to be the windiest sea-level location on Earth, the wind velocity is up to 300km/hr. The timber they use to built the base camp is from Scandinavian pine, these timbers has gone through the longest journey they have ever been, almost from the North pole to South Pole.
Even in such a harsh environment, this hut is still unshakable and stand on Antarctica over 100 years, when people found this hut, they are so surprised that it's still there! The data of this expedition is still being used in many research nowadays, and because of the efforts that Mawson did, it makes Australia currently has 42% of the land on Antarctic continent.
澳洲於1970年代開始修復這個基地營,一直到現在工作仍在進行著,想藉此提醒澳洲人這段重要的歷史,但是誰會花了大把鈔票到南極只為了看這個基地營呢? 因此Mawson's Hut Foundation在Hobart這裡1:1複製了整個基地營,此博物館從裡面的裝潢擺設,物品,字跡等等,到外面都是1:1複製,所使用的木材也與當時的木材是同一個產地,希望能讓更多的澳洲人了解這段歷史
In 1970s, Australia began to repair the hut, even today is still in progress, trying to remind Australian of this important history.
But who would spend so much time and money to the South Pole just to take a look at this hut? So Mawson's Hut Foundation built a 1:1 copy of the entire hut in Hobart, this museum no matter from the inside decorating, furnishings, objects, writing and so on, is all 1:1 copy from the original hut, the wood is also from the same origin. Mawson's Hut Foundation hope that more Australians can understand this history.
博物館於2013年12月2日啟用,這天也是102年前Douglas Mawson團隊從Hobart啟航的日子
The museum opened in December 2, 2013, and this day is the day that Douglas Mawson's team set sail from Hobart 102 years ago.
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