【每個音樂人都應該要有張厲害的桌子!Headquarter™ 音樂工作站】
有跟過RuRu的會員直播或是追蹤粉專、IG的滷粉們,應該都對這張桌子不陌生~這款是專為音樂人設計的工作桌 - Headquarter™ 音樂工作站✨
Wavebone 錄音室傢俱 是台灣的專業音樂傢俱設計品牌,團隊由 工業設計師、物理治療師 與 錄音工程師 組成,結合了人體工學設計和業界音樂老師們的智慧和經驗,致力於為所有音樂人打造兼具美觀與舒適體驗的音樂傢俱。
馬上選購錄音室傢俱 >> https://lihi1.com/u4PL2
Wavebone® is a studio furniture brand based in Taipei, Taiwan. consisted of industrial designers, physiologists, and sound engineers. Combining the wisdom and experience of ergonomics and music industry, Wavebone aim at crafting the optimal studio furnitures for all musicians.
Finally, we're so glad to tell you that we've made a big further step to kick off the US pre-order campaign on Wavebone products!
Here's the USA Online Shop: https://lihi1.com/9X8nL
Backbone 椎座工學 Wavebone
#Wavebone #Headquarter #音樂工作站
#Ru味春捲 #RUsPiano