Resepi Creampuff Gebu
400g air
175g marjerin
1sb gula
200g tepung gandum
4bj telur
-Masukkan air, gula & marjerin ke dlm periuk (sy guna kuali senang nak kacau). Masakkan atas api smpi mendidih. Guna api besar pun boleh.
- bila dah mendidih masukkan tepung gandum dan terus kacau smpi la jd adunan yg tak melekat kt kuali. Tepung tu ayak la dlu kalu rajin nt sng dia nak sebati. Sy malas ayak terus tuang je😆
- lepas tu tutup api dan terus masukkan adunan tu dlm mangkuk mixer. Angkat je kuali tu atas mangkuk mixer nt dia bergolek sndiri terjun lam mangkuk😂😂. Sy putar low speed dlm 10mnt bg wap panas keluar.
- bila adunan dah suam2 masukkan telur sebiji2 dan putar high speed dlm 5minit. Dah nmpk sebati ttup mixer. (If xde mixer boleh buat manual kacau guna senduk kayu je tp lenguh la ckit tgn😁)
- sementara tu panaskan oven suhu 220c api atas bwh.
- masukkan adunan td dlm piping beg. Guna la nozel bunga kalu nak bercorak atau bulat biasa pun boleh xde hal. Then paipkan atas tray. Jarak2 kan ckit sb nt dia nk membesarkan bdn msg2😅. Tray tu sapu dlu marjerin sb xnk bg melekat nt. Sy mmg malas nk sapu2 ni leceh😂 Lapik baking paper je sng. B4 bakar semburkan air kt atas creampuff yg kite dah paipkan tu. Then bakar la dlm masa 25mnt lbh krg. Dah nmpk warna perang2 gold kira dah masak la tu. Kuarkan dr oven then biar dia sejuk
- kalu xmelepet puff tu mksdnya jd la tu. Dlm dia mesti jd kosong. Biasa dlu buat yg xjd tu bila melepet dlm jd padat mcm cekodok plak gayanya😆
1 adunan ni boleh dpt dlm 40-45 bj bergantung pd size.
Inti dlm dia plak boleh pelbagaikan. Kalu nak sng guna instant custard je. Tp sy jrg guna instant tu slalu buat sndiri filingnya. Pelbagaikan mcm2 krim cth mcm krim nutella, karamel, green tea, original custard, krim custard, choc byk lg la boleh pelbagaikan. Sy bg dlu yg basic original custard ye.
400ml susu segar (sy guna low fat)
800ml air
200g gula
150g tepung kastard
1sb esen vanilla
Sedikit garam
- masukkan semua bahan dlm periuk kacau atas api smpi jd pekat berkilat. Tggu sejuk baru paipkan dlm puff.
Selamat mencuba semua🤗
同時也有483部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ラム酒香るしっとりほろりな栗の渋皮煮入りパウンドケーキ、栗のテリーヌです 【材料】 18cmパウンド型 ・バター 100g ・きび砂糖orグラニュー糖 70g ・はちみつ 15g ・塩 ちょっぴり ・卵黄 2個 ・全卵 1個 ・薄力粉 60g ・アーモンドパウダー 30g ・ベーキングパウダー ...
「baking paper」的推薦目錄:
- 關於baking paper 在 Resepi Mutiara HATI Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於baking paper 在 Resepi Mutiara HATI Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於baking paper 在 Resepi Mutiara HATI Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於baking paper 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於baking paper 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於baking paper 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文
baking paper 在 Resepi Mutiara HATI Facebook 的精選貼文
(A) Kek Coklat
-1 cwn susu pekat*
-1 cwn susu cair*
-1 cawan butter cair / minyak jagung*
-1 cawan cocoa powder*
-1 cawan gula*
-1/2 tsp garam*
-4 biji telur saiz sederhana
-1 cawan tepung gandum
-1 sdt rata serbuk penaik
-1 sdt rata soda bikabornat
-1 sdt esen vanilla
1. Campurkan bahan-bahan yang bertanda (*) dalam periuk, kacau sebati.
2. Panaskan campuran tadi hingga gula larut berkilat (jangan sampai mendidih)
3. Tutup api, rehatkan sebentar.
4. Dalam bekas yang lain, pukul telur (menggunakan whisker sahaja) dan masukkan ke dalam campuran tadi, kacau sebati.
5. Ayak tepung gandum, baking powder, dan soda bikarbonat ke dalam campuran tadi, kacau sebati.
6. Tuang ke dalam loyang bersize lebar (sebab nak kek tu nipis), alas dengan baking paper.
7. Bakar pada suhu 180’C selama 23-30 minit (hingga masak) atau boleh juga dikukus . (B) Cream cheese
-250 gram cream cheese (suhu bilik)
-200ml Dairy whipping cream (sejuk)
-2 sdb susu pekat
Pukul cream cheese dan susu pekat hingga kembang, masukkan whipping cream, puku hingga gebu. (C) Chocolate ganache -250 gram Beryls dark choc -250ml Dairy Awhipping cream
-2 sudu besar mentega
Panaskan whipping cream (jangan sampai mendidih), tuang pada choc, biar sebentar dan kacau rata.
Cara susun:
- Susun lapisan kek coklat pada lapisan pertama kemudian cream cheese pada lapisan kedua dan seterusnya kek coklat pada lapisan ketiga . Pada lapisan paling atas ratakan chocolate ganache sehingga mentupi kesemua bahagian kek dan cheese. Akhir sekali, tabur choc flakes/choc nibs/choc rice (ikut suka). Sejukkan.
Kredit: sarina seman
baking paper 在 Resepi Mutiara HATI Facebook 的精選貼文
Resepi biasa je.. tp luar biasa mungkin sbb tak guna telur.. option bg yg ada alahan 🤗
Resepi kek pisang 2 benua tanpa telur (loyang petak 7x7)🌹🌹🌹
*Kek pisang*
2 biji pisang berangan masak ranum & dilenyek
40g gula pasir (nk manis 50g)
75ml susu cair
35ml minyak masak
1/4 sdt esen vanilla
110g tepung naik sendiri (kalau tpg gandum 110g+1/2 sdt b.powder)
1/4sdt b.soda (kalau kukus baru tmbh ni)
-campur semua dan gaul sebati pki sudu je.
*Kek coklat*
2 sdb yogurt plain
2 sdb serbuk koko
45g gula pasir (nk manis 55g)
75ml susu cair
35ml minyak masak
1/4 sdt esen vanilla
110g tepung naik sendiri (kalau tpg gandum 110g+1/2 sdt b.powder)
1/4sdt b.soda (kalo kukus baru tmbh ni)
4 sdb air panas
-campur semua dan gaul sebati pki sudu je.
Choc chip dan almond hiris utk hiasan (yg telah dibedakkan dgn sedikit tepung. Tujuan tepung utk elak bhn ni tenggelam ketika kek dibakar)
*Kek 2 benua*
-sapu loyang dgn butter+letak baking paper.
-ambil aluminium foil dan lipat utk dijadikan pembahagi pd loyang.
-masuk adunan kedua2 kek pd setiap bahagian. Satu coklat, satu pisang. Lepas da masuk kedua2 adunan, tarik perlahan aluminium foil ni.. lorekkan di bhgn adunan yg bercantum.
-tabur choc chip pd adunan coklat dan kcg badam hiris pd adunan pisang (atau terpulang citarasa sendiri).
-hentakkan loyang sedikit dan bakar dlm oven yg telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu. Ikut suhu masing2. Oven saya bakar 180' 20min+165' 20min. Boleh juga dikukus selama 45 min atau sehingga masak).
-da smpi masa, cucuk dgn lidi. Kalau lidi clear means kek da masak.
-keluarkan loyang dari oven dan hentakkan loyang nk bg kek senang keluar..
- keluarkan kek. Setelah sejuk bolehlah dipotong 👍🤗
baking paper 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的精選貼文
・バター 100g
・きび砂糖orグラニュー糖 70g
・はちみつ 15g
・塩 ちょっぴり
・卵黄 2個
・全卵 1個
・薄力粉 60g
・アーモンドパウダー 30g
・ベーキングパウダー 2g
・栗の渋皮煮 8個
・ラム酒 適量
1. ボウルに柔らかくしたバター100gをほぐし、泡立て器で砂糖70gをすり混ぜ、はちみつ15g・塩ちょっぴりも混ぜる
2. 卵黄2個を1個ずつ混ぜ、溶いた卵1個分も少しずつ加えて混ぜ合わせる
3. 薄力粉60g・アーモンドパウダー30g・ベーキングパウダー2gをふるい入れ、ヘラに持ちかえてさっくり混ぜ合わせる
4. 粉っぽさがなくなってツヤが出たら半分を敷き紙を敷いたパウンド型に詰め、栗の渋皮煮を並べる
5. 残りの生地を詰めて表面を均し、170℃に予熱したオーブンで40~45分、竹串をさして生地がついてこなくなれば焼き上がり
6. 粗熱が取れたら取り出し、お好みの量のラム酒を刷毛で塗り、ラップに包んで馴染ませて出来上がり
↓using translation software.
18 cm pound cake mold
・Butter 100 g
・Raw cane sugar or granulated sugar 70 g
・Honey 15 g
・A bit of salt
・Two egg yolks
・One whole egg
・Cake flour 60 g
・Almond powder 30 g
・Baking powder 2g
・Simmered Chestnuts (8)
・Rum, to taste
・soften butter at room temperature
・Cover the pound cake mold with baking paper.
・Wipe the syrup on the inner skin of the chestnut with a paper towel.
・Sift weak flour, almond powder and baking powder.
・Preheat the oven to 170 °C.
[How to make]
1. Loosen 100 g of softened butter in a bowl, grind and mix 70 g of sugar with a whisk, and mix 15 g of honey and a bit of salt.
2. Mix 2 egg yolks one by one. Add 1 beaten egg little by little and mix.
3. Sift in 60 g of weak flour, 30 g of almond powder and 2 g of baking powder, and lightly mix it together with a spatula.
4. When the powdery feel is gone and the gloss comes out, cover half and stuff it in a pound cake mold covered with paper. Arrange the chestnuts simmered in their inner skins.
5. Stuff the rest of the dough and flatten the surface. Poke it with a bamboo skewer and bake it for 40 to 45 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 °C if the dough doesn't stick then it will be complete.
6. Take it out when it cools down. Brush it with your favorite amount of rum. Wrap it in a plastic wrap and it will be complete.

baking paper 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的最讚貼文
・冷凍パイシート 適量(100gもしくは10cm×10cmが4枚くらい)
・バナナ 2本
・バター、グラニュー糖 適量
1. 冷凍パイシートを食べやすい大きさにカットし、オーブン用シートを敷いた天板に並べる
2. バナナを輪切りしてパイシートの上に並べ、余白部分に溶き卵or卵黄を塗る
3. バナナの上にバターをのせてグラニュー糖をかけ、210℃に予熱したオーブンで10分焼いた後、180℃に下げてもう10分焼いて完成!
↓using translation software.
・Frozen puff pastry (about 100 g or 4 pieces of 10 cm x 10 cm)
・2 bananas
・Butter, granulated sugar to taste
・Beaten egg or egg yolk (for glazing)
・Preheat the oven to 210 °C.
[How to make]
1. Cut the frozen pie sheet to a size that is easy to eat and arrange it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
2. Cut the banana into round slices and line them up on the pie sheet. Spread beaten egg or egg yolk on the margin.
3. Place the butter on top of the banana, sprinkle with granulated sugar, bake in an oven preheated to 210 °C for 10 minutes, then lower to 180 °C and bake for another 10 minutes to finish!

baking paper 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文
Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make juicy oven-baked smoked BBQ ribs at home.
Copying and practicing a recipe from a famous restaurant is the most challenging thing, but it is very interesting and we learn new things from it. In this video, we copied the taste of the famous pepper ribs, but made some modifications, because some ingredients are not found in this city. Chili’s slow-cooked pork ribs has been a top seller on the menu since 1986 and is still the best seller today. So this is a must try.
To make smoked flavor BBQ ribs without a smoker, we slow cook in the oven, and make the Chili's BBQ sauce with smokey chipotle in adobo, or it can be made by liquid smoke instead. The flavor is found in the sauce, and the cooking secret is slow-braising which can keep the meat juicy and tender like the original. You can use the barbecue sauce suggested in the recipe below or use your favorite homemade or store-bought sauce. Hope you like it. Enjoy. :)
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How to make Oven-Baked Smoked BBQ Ribs
✎ Ingredients
pork ribs 950g
☞ for dry marinades
coarse salt 70g
black pepper 15g
ground white pepper 4g
cayenne pepper 2g
granulated sugar 3.5g
garlic powder 1.5g
onion powder 1.5g
☞ for BBQ sauce
chipotle peppers in adobo 7g
regular soy sauce 32g
tomato paste 70g
ketchup 20g
chicken broth 30g
apple cider vinegar 35g
dark beer 45g
fresh orange juice 87g
minced garlic 10g
chili powder 1.5g
onion powder 5g
salt 3g
black pepper 2.5g
light brown sugar 130g
1. Combine together coarse salt, black pepper, ground white pepper, cayenne pepper, granulated sugar, garlic powder and onion powder, mix well.
2. Line a baking tray with foil or parchment paper.
3. Place the ribs on the baking tray, pat dry the ribs with paper towels on both sides.
4. Using a sharp knife to take off excess fat. Just keep a little fat.
5. Remove the silver skins or whitish dense skin on the bone side of the ribs.
6. Then turn the meatier side facing up, generously season with 1 tablespoon of dry marinades.
7. Cover with another foil, shiny side out.
8. Preheat the oven to 135C, bake for 2.5~3 hours.
9. While the ribs bake, make the barbecue sauce. Add all the sauce ingredients together, using an immersion blender to blend the ingredients until smooth. Pour into a saucepan and cook over medium-low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring often until thicker.
10. Once baked, remove foil and transfer to a new baking tray and brush ribs with the barbecue sauce on both sides. Let the bone side facing up.
11. Preheat the oven to 220C, bake for 5 minutes, then turn the meatier side facing up and brush a little bit of sauce and bake for 10 minutes or until ribs have been caramelized.
12. Transfer the ribs to a plate or a cutting board, brush with sauce again if needed and serve.
00:00 intro
00:35 Ingredients
01:07 how to make season spice
02:33 prepare the ribs
03:56 slow cook ribs in oven
04:55 how to make smoked BBQ sauce
08:32 caramelized the ribs
11:11 enjoy

baking paper 在 Differences between parchment paper, baking paper and wax ... 的相關結果
Baking paper – also known as bakery paper or parchment paper, as it is often called especially in the US – is grease proof paper that is used in baking and ... ... <看更多>