今日(11月15號)輪到英國《The Times》泰晤士報出社評
(Leading Article係代表整個報社,唔係個別專欄)
"Two Systems"
//The idea of a university has always been that it is a place for the exercise of free speech, a place where different views are exchanged and put to a test of scholarly truth. Yesterday, in pursuit of such an ideal, the Chinese University in Hong Kong erupted into violence, the latest outburst in the long-running battle between campaigners and the government. //
//Indeed, the rule of law is close to collapse and the prospect of full authoritarian repression, with all the echoes of Tiananmen Square, is real.//
結論:靠耐性(win a test of patience)拖到玩完實得嘅,不過咁樣做唔只係不智(unwise),衰啲講(worse)直情係錯(wrong)。"The requests of the protesters are for no more than basic freedoms and these should be met."
P.S. 先唔好理內容啱唔啱心水,其實呢個幾星期香港警察係有利用英國輿論吹到好行,講什麼"Rule of Law" "Blink of collapse",的確有唔少媒體報導,然後好巧合地有唔少傳媒將中大「弓箭手」(足)放大。
不過,睇黎英國大報唔係好似某啲族裔咁,剩係識攞一兩個畫面黎無限放大,知道咩係因,乜係果。所以連續兩日英國三大報《Financial Time》同《The Guardian》到今日《The Times》好齊心咁用唔同角度出社評,真係好似定海神針一樣。