I can’t believe I’ve received 2 nominations this year! Thank you so much for everyone’s support! 🥰This reassures my passion for acting and reminds me of how grateful I am to be doing what I love. 🙏🏻💪🏻Please vote for me! ❤️
令我再肯定自己對演藝嘅熱誠,提醒我可以做自己熱愛嘅事,真係好幸福啊😭💪🏻 請投我一票!❤️
Outfit and earrings: Amelie Street
Hair: JamieLeeHair
Makeup: Jane Cheng
#多謝你哋 #充滿着愛 #繼續努力 #motivation #keepatit #thankyouall #love #mostimprovedfemaleartist #bestsupportingfemale #飛躍進步女藝員 #最佳女配角