新年快到了,你是不是开始要疯狂购物了呢😆 介绍你一个好地方,这里有很多时尚品牌,有很多家庭电器等等。如果你想要带朋友或者家人来溜冰,那就赶快来到 IOI City Mall 这里吧! 而且你购物完之后还可以换取限量版礼品!新年最重要当然也少不了拍照和欣赏舞狮舞龙表演啦~这里充满浓浓的农历新年气氛以及装饰,非常适合拍照留念 😆 赶快来吧❤
Chinese New Year is around the corner! Need a quick shopping fix? 😆 I'm here to introduce you a great place to shop @ioicitymallmy! You can find lots of goodies from fashion brands to home appliances and so much more.. Bring along your friends & family to Icescape Ice Skating Rink for cool fun times. And remember to redeem their Special Edition gifts after your shopping spree! Over the weekends, you can also enjoy the Lion and Dragon dance performances. The Lunar New Year atmosphere & decorations are also great opportunity for you to capture precious moments with selfies & wefies!
#blossomsofprosperity #chinesenewyear #shopping #performances #ioicitymall