🎉農曆年收到 Little Miss Macarons
🍊Mandarin & Earl Grey 金橘•伯爵茶
🤎Ginger & Black Sesame with mochi 芝麻薑湯圓
🌸Osmanthus & Goji Berries 桂花•杞子
🍈Yuzu & Jasmine 日本柚子•茉莉花
🥔Toasted Pistachio 開心果
🍁Pecan & Maple Caramel 山核桃•楓葉焦糖
在這農曆新年,Little Miss Macarons 希望讓世界各地小孩子得到更多關愛和溫飽,你買一盒Love CNY Gift Box,我們便通過Nourish The Children* 捐贈一包蜜兒餐,足夠提供一個四歲以下小朋友一個月的食糧,我們需要你的協助,請購買及推廣 Love CNY Gift Box。
$350 - handmade macarons ×6+ handmade chocolate ×2
Miss Macarons 特別新年優惠:今個月用此優惠碼:
✨161956C ✨
Little Miss Macarons官網:https://www.littlemissmacarons.shop/shop-little-miss-macarons-gift-event-wedding-party-hong-kong-macaron-tower-corporate-even
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Website 💻 www.littlemissmacarons.shop
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brandedmacarons 在 Branded Macarons - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Follow the journey of creating these Branded Macarons for client Potyque's trade show. Flavours are chocolate, pistachio & vanilla. Each macaron is freshly ... ... <看更多>
brandedmacarons 在 Ganache Macaron - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
May 29, 2014 - Beautiful Branded macarons by Ganache Macaron. Premium Handmade French Macarons in London www.ganache-macaron.co.uk. ... <看更多>