【重構】使用 strategy pattern 來取代複雜的 switch cases 與 if/else statement
上回在客戶那邊跟著他們一起重構 legacy code 中一大陀的 if/else if 裡面複雜的邏輯。(不同層級、模組的 cache 中做不同的處理)
因此答應了他們,會再弄個簡單一點的範例,包含重構的過程步驟,source code,以及重構的操作過程錄成影片,供他們台灣跟國外的 RD 可以學習跟練習。
這例子其實也是我幾年前 3 天 TDD 版本中,重構的 workshop 裡面擷取出來的一段核心,從 C# 換成了 Java,只是重構過程的行雲流水程度,已經今非昔比了。有興趣的朋友可以看一下,我是怎麼用 IDE 在重構的。
身為 JetBrains Taiwan 的 training partner,總是要有點功力才能撐得起這個資格啊。
※ 影片網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO-NnNC-xyg&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=JoeyChen
※ GitHub commit history: https://github.com/tdd-best/strategy-sample/commits/video
※ 想要了解更完整的來龍去脈,想要讓自己能動手作到一樣的事,想要玩比這範例更進階、更實務的重構與 TDD,2021 年五月的梯次,只剩下 4 個名額啦:https://tdd.best/courses/tdd-continuous-refactoring-2021-05/
話說這個梯次我拍胸脯保證 100% 會額滿的,因為我正在翻譯相關的經典書,屆時會補上更多相關的內容。
同時也有482部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過56萬的網紅kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】,也在其Youtube影片中提到,◆こっタソ動物園チャンネル 新しいチャンネルです!こちらもおヒマな時にどぞ。 ⇒https://www.youtube.com/c/こっタソ動物園-kottasoanimals ご視聴ありがとうございます。 Thank you for watching I want to deliver deli...
「c if else一行」的推薦目錄:
- 關於c if else一行 在 91 敏捷開發之路 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於c if else一行 在 李根興創業之友 Edwin's Entrepreneur-Friends Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於c if else一行 在 茱力&Black Music Lovers Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於c if else一行 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於c if else一行 在 Youji Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於c if else一行 在 Youji Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於c if else一行 在 c - if + else if + else in one line? [duplicate] - Stack Overflow 的評價
- 關於c if else一行 在 C/C++ 三元運算子 的評價
- 關於c if else一行 在 if/else 範例 的評價
- 關於c if else一行 在 【C 語言入門】7.3 - 簡易四則運算練習(使用if-else 述句) 的評價
c if else一行 在 李根興創業之友 Edwin's Entrepreneur-Friends Facebook 的最佳解答
《Leadership Workshop 改期》多謝已經報名出席這次 Leadership Workshop (2月8日或15日)活動的朋友,由於最近香港肺炎疫情,我決定改期。待大家平安渡過疫情後,再另行通知日期。Don't worry, 我一定會舉行! 由於超爆,只會有多無少!
原本訊息: ..........................................................
《我在哈佛學的領袖技能》工作坊 : Invitation - 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)《Leadership Workshop》9am to 1pm
我曾經在哈佛讀過三年(2012/13/14)教授 Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖課程。Changed my life!
農曆新年後,連我自己18年創業經驗,我希望和你分享我在哈佛學到及應用了什麼 (幸運地,我公司過去幾年的同事們 turnover 都是近0),可能令你的領袖能力亦有所啟發。
題目: 六步提升你的領袖能力 (6 Steps to Become A Better Leader) based on Harvard Professor Robert Steven Kaplan's teaching and his 3 books.
日期: 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)
時間: 9am to 1pm
地點: Classified Cafe and My Office at New World Tower, 16 Queens Road Central, HK.
人數: 每場限20位,
對象: 免費,但只適合工作經驗5至10年以上的管理人士參與。
教材: 講廣東話,內容是英文
(1) Speed dating, self intro and expectations.
(2) Split into teams of 2 or 3 people.
(3) Go thru the leadership framework by Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan (現任美國達拉斯 Dallas 聯邦儲備銀行行長卡普蘭)
(4) Ask those questions and answer in teams.
(5) 回答你任何對做生意的問題,takeaway value and let's all be friends.
報名方法: 請WhatsApp你的卡片給Suki/Monica +852 9218 5223
我之前關於 Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖影片:
Note: 如果之後你覺得此 workshop 有用,希望你可以考慮捐款 support 我 brother-in-law (Derrick Pang) 創立的 Lifewire.hk 慈善組織,幫助患有罕見疾病的兒童。
Leadership Framework (by Harvard Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan)
(1) Ownership Mindset (Leadership is not about position, is mindset)
(2) What Do You Believe In?
(3) Have You Acted On It?
(4) Add Value To Others
(5) Vision (Where? Why? Distinctive?)
(6) Priorities (3 or 4)
(7) Alignment
- People
- Task
- Organization
- You
With active communication of vision and priorites everyday.
Understanding yourself:
A. Assess your own strengths and weaknesses
- Write down your own
- Find others write on yours too
B. Finding your passion
C. Value, ethics, morals
D. What is your story? Be authentic
Why leaders fail?
A. Open to learn?
B. Ask questions?
C. Do you listen?
D. Fight through isolation
E. Ok feeling vulnerable
The leader as role model
A. Do you act as role model?
B. What are the two to three key messages you want to send to people?
C. Do your behaviors match your words
D. How do you plan to improve on your weaknesses, and build on your strengths?
Tools to become better leader:
A. Support group
B. Keep a journal (to do, ideas, knowledge, etc)
C. Face to face communication
D. Interview people (how u do it?)
E. Think one level up.
(1) Build Relationship
. Mutual Understanding
. Mutual Trust
. Mutual Respect
(2) Self disclosure
(3) Inquiry
(4) Advice seeking
Build Relationship Exercise:
A. Write down something about yourself that the other person probably doesn't know. Have the other person do the same.
B. Write down a question you like to ask the other person that would help you understand him or her better. The other person do the same. Ask them.
C. Write down an area of deep self doubt. Disclose to other person and ask for advise.
Giving and getting feedback
A. Seek feedback and seek coaching .
B. Actively coach others. Coach up and coach down. Are your advice specific, timely, actionable?
- Coaching is watching vs mentoring is telling.
C. Not year end review alone. It will be a verdict. Review frequently.
Communication with peers:
A. Ask why do you work here? What's great?
B. What do you hate about here?
C. Can you suggest what action to improve above?
Managing time
A. Do you know how you spend your time?
B. Does it match the key priorities?
C. 1, 2, 3.
(1) One is related to priorities and must be done by you
(2) Two is related to priorities but can be done by someone else (at least partly)
(3) Three is not related to priorities
A. Design of company still align with vision and priorities?
B. Blank sheet of paper exercise, what should you / we do? If so, what's stopping you?
李根興創業之友 https://www.facebook.com/EdwinNetwork/
李根興商舖之友 https://www.facebook.com/edwinprimeshop/
李根興 youtube 商舖創業及投資分享商舖創業及投資分享https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEN66AnLghXESgCDIsz-3Nw
c if else一行 在 茱力&Black Music Lovers Facebook 的最佳解答
Julia Wu 吳卓源《#5AM》:黎明女神的耳畔R&B晨吻⭐
最近,你可曾真的抬頭眺望清晨5AM的天空?灰藍色的晨曦正緩緩褪出夜空,夜雲已被裹了一層金邊,離東邊旭日正式高昇之前仍有些時間,整個蒼穹呈現美麗的薄荷銀色,混搭著神秘的宇宙藍。寄耳傾聽的話,或許能聽到總統大選前夕的Air Force空軍軍機日常值勤,在雲深之處飛得又高又遠,溫柔而不擾民,低調幽靜,美麗的銀色飛機雲拖得長長的,這種盡忠職守的熱情,讓人心動不已。
這是我們的理想世界。加了暗碼的軍用無線電那頭,肯定會有軍隊向Miss President of Safe House致敬。
But how will I salute Julia Wu?
How will we salute our R&B Goddess ?
剛發行第三張創作專輯《5AM》的 Julia Wu 吳卓源 女神,我們該如何向她致敬?
其實Julia Wu也是這麼一隻鷹,迎著晨光的降臨。畫面太美,我們不敢直視。
套句藝術創意大師Julia Cameron《The Artist's Way》的書中名句:「鷹不嚷嚷自己的名號,僅把名字穿在身上。乘著夢想的氣流遨翔,在商業峽谷中獵取從高空俯瞰到的獵物。對藝術家而言,『翅膀』和『祈禱』是例行操作S.O.P.,我們必須信任自己的「過程」,視線不侷限於結果。」
用Julia Cameron來致敬Julia Wu,it’s fair and legit。
相信你也認同她是女神囉?那已足夠,讓我們回到正題,好好聆聽 5.A.M.。 Let's listen to Julia Wu's latest album 5AM in a more specific way.
〈What’s good〉是首開門見山的魅惑式問候,歡迎粉絲回到當代節奏藍調的避風港。首曲的Julia的整張專輯調性也因此注入靈魂,一軌一軌的綿密多層次和聲,就像晨間淋浴後的重新梳理,JU’s chilling time is officially started.然而,個人很欣賞的是本作的melody優美光亮、歌詞卻進行著浪漫式的暴力敘事,很高明的反差。本曲談論一個「親眼看著最愛的人牽走他人手、只剩自己傻傻以為還有勝算」的故事,把揪心情節扎入粉絲的心房。
〈5A.M.〉是首乾柴烈火堆疊的火刑情歌,Julia Wu慢慢將使自己失望的戀情殺死,「連夢裡也在騙我」、「still going home all by myself, I don’t want to see nobody else (翻譯:仍要一個人單獨回家,誰也不想見 )」、「不要閃躲」等詞一刀刀把讓人寒心的情人砍到見骨。她的怨念深邃而冶艷,就像女神離開重災區般的情場,重新定位「找回一個我」。
(Damn it, RPG, you’re so brutal on your lyrics, unforgivable!! QVQ)
擺脫上首歌的悶重情緒,〈Planes, Trains, Automobiles〉以飛機、火車、手機等意象勾勒出遠距離戀愛的美味滋補,以「I got a new boy」(我有新的交往對象了)的雀躍少女心,輕鬆move on。小女生的撒嬌黏人非常青春可愛,適合所有熱戀中的青少女,這首歌的年齡層設定不會過高,很符合Ju的年齡,相信學生族群都相當滿意才是。
以PB R&B曲風入味的〈Money Can't Buy You Love〉,是個人本次專輯的最愛,表達出Julia Wu女神端正的三觀(金錢觀、感情觀、人生觀),「找到微笑就好。」
如果第1首歌是以5AM的時間軸(我會用「曙光初露」來形容那樣的空景),那麼到了第4首〈Money Can't Buy You Love〉就已浮現陽光臨到城市各角落的明亮,閃爍著金光恩澤遍地的幸福感。
〈FEVER〉是指熱戀失心瘋、過度自我中心、導致於誤判周遭情勢的恐怖情人狀態,以「愛到沒有退路」的玉石俱焚心情,再用「SO LONG SO LONG(再見再見)」這種老派而浪漫的告別法,以電影《惡女羅曼死》般的劊子手姿態,慢慢讓對方在自己心底死去,或在幻象中親手殺了對方卻渾然不覺。
AND THANK GOD, this is an international English ver. of FEVER!! :D
從家鄉澳洲來到台灣發展,JULIA短短幾年真的成長很多,喜歡隨性自由飆歌的她必須一板一眼地在充滿性暗示的〈Things Things Things〉練雷鬼節拍舞步、扮演這麼多元的高強度的角色、實在讓粉絲五體投地,勢必會將她定位從「老婆」升格為「R&B女神」。
Things, things, things. What are them ? If you really want to know, click it for 1111 times, and let magic do the tricks.
再度陷入情傷與戀愛陷阱的Julia,於〈70億分之一〉又一次飛蛾撲火投身在urban R&B的速度感節拍中,不管是和志同道合的前輩合作還是「靠自己」獨立創作,Julia「消化故事」的能力都讓人敬畏,we MUST salute and respect that.
〈Breathe〉聽起來像夜暮低垂、一切收工準備回住處獨處時會有的喘息時刻(finally a room for herself and her soul !),同時也是一首再度讓人聯想到晨曦女神的輕柔香甜鼻息的收尾好歌。深呼吸本來就是讓大腦釋放腦內啡的一種抒壓方式。本曲編曲由吳卓源、terrytyelee、C-Infamous共同操刀。
粉絲們,好好地在Julia Wu自由的歌聲中喘口氣吧!休息過後就重新出發,記得這場推廣R&B的旅途是不能停歇的。
整體傑作聽下來,《5.A.M》是張兼具迷幻、都會節奏藍調與PB R&B特有幽藍暗色調的深度專輯,製作精良且情緒濃烈,最後JULIE詢問製作人「錄完了?已經幾點了?」 顯示出TEAM JU再度延續黃金工作效能,不只很愛在深夜飆夜車開工、超時加班為靈感加溫,工作狂的堅持、品質與毅力,都在Ju式的率性中表露無遺。
除了暖爸經紀人Austin、神之藝術家Terry、全才節奏藍調兼好牧長Tower Da Funk Masta之外,版權頁中請特別記得曾經啟發J.Sheon在Streetvoice平台發表第一首歌、曾和E.so(MJ116)合作〈分手愛〉、與參劈老莫、DASU合作〈溫故知新〉被譽為「台灣迪安傑羅」的PEZEN、饒舌練家子RPG都在裡頭幫了不少的忙,有在留意台灣R&B場景的內行粉絲,應該都可以發現Julia Wu《5A.M.》幕後陣容也是星光閃爍,一字排開,均是海內外的資深創作者!
《5AM》It’s a masterpiece, but what if that death of valley is too deep for artists to climb back up?
Please stop hurting yourself like that. You’re more than enough. Terry & Tower, you’re 2 of my Titans of R&B + Soul music, maybe there’s a blessing I can delicate to you NOW.
WE, as your realest FANS, will protect you from low energy and harmful people. I will cut off all Judas.
Thank you for building us a safe house, now it’s time for us to pay you back. We were all once victims of horrible music, until you save us and make us STRONG, COMPATIBLE SURVIVORS.
容我在自家網誌為你們抽張Angel Oracle Card。
▼第十屆金音獎「最佳節奏藍調單曲」入圍、YouTube 頻道創下累計破億萬次點閱量,that’s all impressive, but YOUR BEST is YET to come.
OUR BEST is yet to come. Julia Wu吳卓源台灣粉絲團
Just keep them COMING from 5AM ALL THE WAY to midnight.
⭐各大平台數位連結: https://www.soundscape.net/a/4727
撰文:茱力/ Julie⭐
(Except for my articles, all rights reserved to this Amazing Artist and her wonderful team.)
c if else一行 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Thank you for watching
I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world
【Ingredients】 (Preservation period: about 3 days refrigerated)
● Cucumber: 6
● Clear soup base (10x concentrated): 6 tablespoons
● Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons (or about 1 tablespoon if you prefer a
lighter soy sauce)
● Sio-Kombu (seasoned seaweed): 2 tablespoons
● Vinegar: 2 tablespoons
● Dou ban jiang: 1 tablespoon(gochujang is also fine)
● Sugar: 2 teaspoons (you can use lakanto to reduce sugar content)
● Chili pepper to taste
● Ginger: As much as you like
● Ginger: to taste
※ You can't marinate it twice.
※ The flavor is so thick that it can be enjoyed with rice as well as alcohol ♪
You can adjust the intensity of the flavor to your liking as shown in the video
This time, I made "Amazingly Yummy Half Cucumber Pickles", which is so popular that people who have eaten it always ask me for the recipe.
I've been pickling cucumbers for a long time, and I've learned that it's easier to pickle 1/2 cucumber than 1 cucumber lol
I've eaten it in stores and stores, but this flavor is my favorite,
and I've been told many times by people who've eaten it that other flavors are not good enough (I'm very happy to hear this ♪)
Whenever it's hot or in the summer season, I make it (*^^*)
It has just the right amount of sourness and saltiness (it's also good that you can make it to your own taste ♪)
The slight spiciness afterwards and the coolness of the ginger blow away the heat!!
Also, the clear soup base with fish stock, salted kelp, and Dou ban jiang add a richness and depth to the flavor, and even though it's just cucumbers, it goes great with drinks and rice ♪
When it's hot, all you need is this and beer, and you don't need anything else! (If you have Onigiri (rice balls) it's even better lol)
All you have to do is pickle it! It's very easy to make, so please give "Amazingly Yummy Half Cucumber Pickles" a try.
#こっタソの自由気ままに #漬けるだけ #超やべぇキュウリ #きゅうりの1/2本漬け #きゅうりの一本漬け #超やべぇ野菜漬け #やみつき野菜 #きゅうり浅漬け #Cucumber #JapanesePickles #和食 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #糖質制限レシピ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #常備菜 #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園

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Hello my name is Youji. I'm a Japanese American that lives in the U.S. I can speak Japanese and English. Nice to meet you.
?...About Stream
I’ll play regular, league, salmon run but I mostly play private battles. What game mode I do mainly depends on time or how many people are able to play.
Please follow my instructions when we play league or salmon run. Please read below about the Private Battle rating system.
?...About Private Battle Rating
It’s special private battles that using a tool to decide rules, stages and teams.
* I'll ask you a question on the chat if this is the first time you are playing this.
* If there are many players, We’ll taking turns to spectate or leave. You can stay longer if you are a channel member!
* If you put “†DRYH” after your in-game name, I’ll put you into my camera when I spectate.
?...My Friend Code
* If you sent a friend request, you MUST tell me your in game name!
* I’ll delete you if I don’t recognize you because you changed your in game name. Please send it again next time.
* Do not type this password on the chat.
* You will be punished if you choose to disrespecting others or squidbagging.
* I want you to tell me in advance (1 game ahead) when you want to leave from my league or private battle.
* If you annoy others (eg. disconnect on purpose), you should have the decency to apologize. I assume that is a basic manner you already learned in kindergarten.
?... Warnings
Please be mindful of your actions. Even if it’s not listed on here I warned you.
* Go AFK or disconnect on purpose
* Boss people around or tell others what to do
* Reveal you or someone else's personal information
* Talk about your personal negative stories
* Talk to other viewers about personal topics that no one else can understand or relate to
* Posting the same or similar messages over and over
* Advertising
* Any other inappropriate talking
You may use these commands inside “” to have Nightbot to react you. The same command can be used only once in 5 seconds.
It gonna translate English sentence to Japanese
e.g.: “jpn Hello” → “こんにちは”
It tells you the local time in Japan.
Try it then you'll know.
Have a good time and best of luck❗️
Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/youjiman

c if else一行 在 Youji Youtube 的最讚貼文
Please subscribe and give me a like!
――――― アドバタイズ / Advertisement ―――――
?...チャンネルメンバー登録 / Register as a Channel Member
このチャンネルがお気に召しましたら / If you like my channel
――――― 日本語 ―――――
* 初参加の方にはチャットで質問をしますのでお答え下さい。
* 人数が多い場合は交代制にします。数回負けると交代になります。チャンネルメンバーの方は交代頻度が減少します。
* ゲーム内の名前の後ろに「†DRYH」を付けている方は、ぼくが観戦している時にカメラに映します。
* フレンド申請を送ったら”必ず”Switchで使っているお名前を教えて下さい!
* フレンド枠には上限があるため、たまに整理します。名前が変わって誰か分からない方は整理対象になりやすいです。次やる時にまた送って下さい。
* チャットには書かないで下さい。
* 暴言・煽りはそっちの自由。だが、裁くのはこっちの自由だ。
* 人数合わせが必要なリグマやプラベを抜けたい時は、事前報告(1試合前)をお願いします。
* 回線落ちなどで他人に迷惑を掛けたら謝りましょう!幼稚園で習いましたよね。
* 英語圏リスナーさんのチャットの翻訳は受け付けておりません。
* 不良ではないのでタイマンはしません。大人なのでかくれんぼもしません。
* 放置や意図的な回線切断
* 裏部屋の作成・やり取り
* 他プレイヤーに対する指示・文句
* 自分や他人の個人情報の開示
* 個人的なネガティブな話
* リスナー同士の他人が混ざれない会話
* 似た・同じ内容の発言の繰り返し
* 宣伝・売名行為
* その他公序良俗に反する発言
例:「eng こんにちは」→「Hello」
――――― English ―――――
Hello my name is Youji. I'm a Japanese American that lives in the U.S. I can speak Japanese and English. Nice to meet you.
?...About Stream
I’ll play regular, league, salmon run but I mostly play private battles. What game mode I do mainly depends on time or how many people are able to play.
Please follow my instructions when we play league or salmon run. Please read below about the Private Battle rating system.
?...About Private Battle Rating
It’s special private battles that using a tool to decide rules, stages and teams.
* I'll ask you a question on the chat if this is the first time you are playing this.
* If there are many players, We’ll taking turns to spectate or leave. You can stay longer if you are a channel member!
* If you put “†DRYH” after your in-game name, I’ll put you into my camera when I spectate.
?...My Friend Code
* If you sent a friend request, you MUST tell me your in game name!
* I’ll delete you if I don’t recognize you because you changed your in game name. Please send it again next time.
* Do not type this password on the chat.
* You will be punished if you choose to disrespecting others or squidbagging.
* I want you to tell me in advance (1 game ahead) when you want to leave from my league or private battle.
* If you annoy others (eg. disconnect on purpose), you should have the decency to apologize. I assume that is a basic manner you already learned in kindergarten.
?... Warnings
Please be mindful of your actions. Even if it’s not listed on here I warned you.
* Go AFK or disconnect on purpose
* Boss people around or tell others what to do
* Reveal you or someone else's personal information
* Talk about your personal negative stories
* Talk to other viewers about personal topics that no one else can understand or relate to
* Posting the same or similar messages over and over
* Advertising
* Any other inappropriate talking
You may use these commands inside “” to have Nightbot to react you. The same command can be used only once in 5 seconds.
It gonna translate English sentence to Japanese
e.g.: “jpn Hello” → “こんにちは”
It tells you the local time in Japan.
Try it then you'll know.
Have a good time and best of luck❗️
Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/youjiman

c if else一行 在 C/C++ 三元運算子 的推薦與評價
... 看起來比較簡短,在某些情況C/C++ 使用三元運算子簡化後程式碼會變得簡潔許多。 語法什麼是三元運算子(ternary operator),簡單說它是if … else … ... <看更多>
c if else一行 在 if/else 範例 的推薦與評價
if /else 範例. ... 範例程式.c. // 可以只寫單一if. if(條件){. 運算式. } // 也可以省略大括號,但是只會執行一行. if(條件). 運算式;. // 也可以寫if / else. ... <看更多>
c if else一行 在 c - if + else if + else in one line? [duplicate] - Stack Overflow 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>