My dad often said to me "don't always travel alone. You should find some partners!" (Which probably also implies he wants me to find a partner for the journey of life ASAP, haha.) Indeed I'm very used to traveling alone, and it's often hard to find people to join my trip, but occasionally I made exceptions -- due to lack of public transit or high cost, in some places I'd join tour groups. This is what I'm doing today and the next two days, on my way to Sahara.
今天的旅程是翻過北非的屋脊「地圖集山」(Atlas Mountain,其實是亞特拉斯山,但是身為一個地理人很私心的想把它翻譯成地圖集山,哈哈)。山的北邊是地中海氣候,最近正好是雨季,兩天都斷斷續續的下著雨,出發時下著滂沱大雨的山路讓人開始擔心會不會碰到土石流阻斷去路;幸好到了山的南邊就成為類似加州內陸的乾燥氣候帶,雨再怎麼下也下不過山脊,倒是在稜線上留下了皓皓白雪,像是塗滿糖霜的巧克力蛋糕那樣可口(我是肚子有多餓才會寫出這種奇怪的比擬啊)XD。
We crossed over Atlas Mountain, the ridge of North Africa. The north of the mountain has typical Mediterranean climate, and it was quite rainy when I visited, to the extent that I was concerned about the trip; the other side of the mountain, however, has arid climate similar to Californian inland. The rain only went as far as the mountain ridge, and stopped as snow on tope of the ridge. The snow-capped ridge looked like chocolate cake with icing on top. The other side of the mountain was quite nice and sunny.
山的另一邊是廣闊的赭紅色土地,上面長著棕櫚樹和矮灌木,傳統民房多為土造,因此顏色也自然和大地毫無違和的融為一體;即使是新建的磚造房屋,在顏色和風格上也保留了原本的協調性。這裡的重要景點是泥造古城Aït Benhaddou,一個讓人看到馬上就會想到典型電影中東或北非場景的地方。這裡原本是柏柏爾人的聚落,人去樓空之後透過電影獲得第二春,後來的確拍了不少電影,尤其是1970到1990年代間的聖經電影,最新的出鏡則是在劇集《權力遊戲》裡。到了這裡,同團的人都說真的有來到印象中的北非的感覺。不過漂亮歸漂亮,當地人無所不用其極從觀光客身上榨出錢的功力也是一絕,最好要有點心理準備。
Most buildings are made from mud, and thus retain the brown-red color of the land. Even contemporary buildings made from bricks still match this local style. Our major stop is Aït Benhaddou, previously a Berber village and later became a well-preserved ancient city. It has been featured in many films with north Africa and middle East backgrounds. Particularly, many of the "Bible movies" in 1970-1990 were shot here, and the latest on-screen appearance is on the game of thrones. The beauty here, however, comes at the cost of ambitious locals, who would try everything they can do make to buy things.
Lastly about the "partners" I found in this group -- while English is the common language, none of us are born in a English-speaking country. Nationalities include: Belgium, Slavokia, Poland, Italy, Japan and China. This gave me good opportunities to practice foreign languages, especially Japanese. Even listening to Italian conversations make me realize its similarity to Spanish. What a bonus!
They'll be my peers to Sahara tomorrow. Look forward to it :)
capped at意思 在 英文多一點 A Little More English Facebook 的最佳貼文
玉山(Jade Mountain)在冬天常常覆蓋著厚厚的積雪,使整個山頂閃耀如玉。
Jade Mountain is often capped with thick snow in winter, which makes the entire peak shine like jade.
「覆蓋」可以用最簡單的be covered with,但是因為是山,所以也可以用be capped with。「山頂」的話,也就是所謂的「山峰」,英文可以用peak、summit、top等詞彙。which 前面的逗點是意旨修飾前面整句話,「玉山冬天常覆蓋著雪」的事實,才使得「山頂閃耀如玉」。
Conquering Jade Mountain has always been one of the most difficult challenges for mountaineers at home and abroad.
「征服」玉山其實可以直接用conquer。「登山者」就是用mountaineers。「國內外」有幾種方式可以處理,像是at home and abroad或是from Taiwan and other countries,甚至是用local/domestic and foreign/international mountaineers.
(註: at home and abroad中文意思比較像對台灣人和對在國外的外國人(例如在美國的美國人),from Taiwan and other countries或local and foreign mountaineers則是都是在台灣的登山者,但是其中有本國人也有外國人。所以,如果你認為是玉山難度很高不只台灣人知道連在國外的外國人都知道他很難,就可以用at home and abroad,但是你覺得都是指在台灣的本國人和外國人,就用後兩種。另外,不用mountaineers in Taiwan and from other countries原因是在台灣的人不一定是台灣人,所以用from Taiwan and other countries)
圖片來源:Alberto G.(根據CC創見授權(CC BY 2.0)) https://goo.gl/lbL73X
capped at意思 在 cap,當動詞用的時候,有這個意思--- 收費有上限,限額... 的推薦與評價
a capped mortgage. be capped at something. The total annual fee is capped at 1.5 per cent. cap something. We will continue to cap local government spending ... ... <看更多>
capped at意思 在 Re: [問題] 軟上限是什麼意思? - 看板WOW 的推薦與評價
In the following sections, you will find the Haste Rating values that you need
to reach the various soft haste caps that we deemed of interest. Every time,
we consider whether you benefit from the +5% spell haste raid buff,
whether you chose Ancestral Swiftness as your Tier 4 talent,
and whether you are a Goblin.
‧At 12.5% haste, you gain an additional tick of Earthliving Weapon.
In the process of reaching this cap, you also get an additional tick of Riptide
(at 8.3% haste) and an additional tick of Healing Rain (at 10% haste).
‧At 25% haste, you gain a second additional tick of Riptide.
‧At 30% haste, you gain a second additional tick of Healing Rain.
3041亦應為誤植,網頁中同位置我只看到3039,或許是5.1有變動吧? (或許XD)
板上卻因為你的"軟上限"在議論紛紛,一整個"遭精"了,金促V XDD
※ 引述《hs417 (hs)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《JUL ()》之銘言:
: : 推 hs417:所以您的意思是達到軟上限可以讓激流多一跳的意思嗎? 01/02 03:53
: : → hs417:我是過兩套不同的裝 激流都是七跳 加速各是3041 2781 01/02 03:54
: : → hs417:兩套的差別只有在XX秒內回覆YY的血量 加速高的XX比較小而已 01/02 03:55
: : → hs417:3041有達到軟上限 包含種族跟天賦等條件 01/02 03:56
: : 還好我有玩薩滿LOL 不然還真的會看不懂XD
: : 我猜你誤會了兩個地方,一個是軟上限這詞,一個是加速3041這值。
: : 當然也可能是我誤會了,教學相長大家討論討論。
: : 一、斷點/閾值?
: : 這兩個詞代表一樣意思,都有人使用。
: : 這詞應該才是你想問的。
: : 簡述之,在加速到達X等級後,Y技能的hot/dot會多出N跳。
: : X即為Y技能的斷點/閾值,當然X越高,Y就會有N+1、N+2跳等之不同的斷點/閾值。
: : 而每+1跳,所需的加速等級需求比例越高。
: : 看你原文,你想問的應該是3041加速等級/7跳,這值到底代表了什麼?
: : 再撐上去有沒有效益?
: : 所以純粹只是勘誤用詞而已,你想問的問題跟激流的軟硬上限不太有關聯。
: : 純論激流,你想讓它到達9跳的斷點就高達將近18K的加速,10跳以上也不是不可能,
: : 但目前裝備並不足以撐到這麼高,況且也沒上限問題。
: : 除非你想求的是如何讓激流的GCD壓到1秒,但顯然不是XD
: : 二、激流跳數的斷點/閾值何在?
: : 其實我對你提出3041這數字的理由有點困惑,下為恢復薩EJ連結供參考。
: : https://elitistjerks.com/f79/t130574-resto_raid_healing_5_1_mop/
: : 我擷取關於激流部分的斷點出來你看一下。
: : 激流 無buff 先祖5% raid10% 哥布林1% 哥布林+先祖 哥布林+raid
: : 7跳 3538 1345 0 3082 911 0
: : 8跳 10614 8085 5676 10089 7584 5199
: : 9跳 17713 14846 12115 17117 14278 11600
: : (排版如果跳掉,還請見諒)
: 首先感謝您的解釋
: 我看的是板上的翻譯文章
: 內容如下
: +5 法術加速團隊 buff | 先祖迅捷 | 哥布林 | 所需加速
: 否 否 否 5317
: ---------------------+----------+--------+---------
: 否 否 是 4843
: ---------------------+----------+--------+---------
: 否 是 否 "3041"
: ---------------------+----------+--------+---------
: 否 是 是 2589
: ---------------------+----------+--------+---------
: 是 否 否 3041
: ---------------------+----------+--------+---------
: 是 否 是 2589
: ---------------------+----------+--------+---------
: 是 是 否 873
: ---------------------+----------+--------+---------
: 是 是 是 442
: ---------------------------------------------------
: 我的種族是食人妖 有點先組迅捷 上面表格顯示是3041....
: 所以我才會有如此的疑惑,可能文章有點問題吧 XD
: 所以這次我要問的是這個3041可能讓我的什麼法術多一跳?
: 原文一大堆英文我實在看不懂= =
: : EJ只是參考啦~但是我在裡面並沒看到3041這值,或是我有什麼盲點沒注意到,還請指教。
: : 若你種族是哥布林,天賦有點出先祖又沒有元素與暗牧之類的BUFF在的話,
: : 那不管你加速等級是3041或是2781,那的確都會是7跳,哪套裝都沒差。
: : 但是再多一跳所需的加速等級已經太over了,繼續撐下去只是拉低你的致命/精通。
: : 不過你所說的包含天賦、種族,條件究竟有哪些? 畢竟也沒指明,故無從建議。
: : 所以,暫且先假設你對3041這數據有誤解,那這表格應該足以解決你的問題了。
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※ 編輯: JUL 來自: (01/03 00:09)
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