靈芝丸 (鹿角靈芝孢子丸)- 騰泰堂 (Maxi House)
- 早晚各一至兩粒,可食用,亦可去膠殼將粉溶在冷熱飲品中
- 抗氧代抗衰老,強化肝腎排功能、雙向調節血壓血糖血脂
▶️ https://www.maxihousehk.com/products/ganorhoceps-capsule
- 約HKD$1280 / 60粒,每天約HKD$43 - $85
- 註:另有寵物版「寵芝靈」
Omega 3 +CoQ10 – Webber Naturals (HKTV Mall)
- 每早兩粒(好大粒)
- 抗三高、護心血管、護腦、護膚、強化骨膠原補充品吸收
- https://www.hktvmall.com/p/H5096001_S_LDB11107
- 約HKD$258 / 200粒,每天$2.8
膠原蛋白 (樽裝液態)- 時光,台灣製造,每樽15,000mg(Maxi House)
氨基膠原蛋白 (粉狀)- 明治,日本製造 ,每匙5000mg(萬寧,HKTV Mall)
- 補充骨膠原是必須的,需與Omega 3 + CoQ10同服才最見效果
- 令皮膚回復彈性,改善頭髮、指甲、關節健康
**我的服用量是一般建議的4倍 – 每日20,000mg,所以我是時光+明治膠原粉
- 明治 :https://www.hktvmall.com/p/H0967001_S_SD4902777313696
$215 / 28日 ,每天約HKD$7.7
- 時光:https://www.maxihousehk.com/products/collagendrink
HKD$480 / 10樽,每天HKD$48
樂加欣 Tru Niagen (屈臣氏,HKTV Mall)
- 每日兩粒
- 防止老人癡呆,補腦,增加活力
- HKD$360 / 60粒,每天HKD$12
另外,我還在服食一種新加坡醫生朋友配方的「水晶蕃茄精華」,抗氧化及美白,在新加坡、台灣和日本都大熱,暫時香港沒有最新出的advanced 版行貨發售,而我亦正在聯絡,如有興趣或可安排團購。
//Crystal Tomato®️水晶蕃茄美白丸,採用純天然、非轉基因的白蕃茄粉萃取,含有Crystal Tomato®️ Carotenoids (類胡蘿白素),讓每吋肌膚肌由內而外變得更白嫩,為你全身由面部至腳尖,全方位防止紫外線對肌膚的侵擾,抑制黑色素形成之餘,更減少於細胞的黑色素,為肌膚打開天然抗氧化的屏障。新加坡國立皮膚研究中心研發及驗證,安全可靠。獲多份國際權威認證,包括美國FDA﹑澳洲衛生局 (TGA)﹑日本JHM 醫療保健月刊、色斑失調期刊及MIMS醫學刊等等。//
(我買)約HKD$1200 /30粒,每天HKD$40
Triple Berry Complex 藍之寶 – Herbal Life
- 忘記價錢,但相信其他品牌都有效。
寧夏紅 =杞子精華 – Young Living
- 我也暫時吃完,要補貨,忘記價錢
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,890的網紅Melinda Looi,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I love cooking and Batik. So today I feel like wearing Batik to cook. How many of you like bitter gourd? I love them. So today I am trying out this d...
carotenoids 在 Đồ Si TOP Facebook 的最佳解答
Những lợi ích của nước cam
Nước cam có các dưỡng chất cơ bản rất cần cho cơ thể:
● Carotenoids: Đây là sắc tố tạo ra màu đỏ, cam và vàng ở rau quả. Caroten hoạt động như một chất chống ôxy hoá trong cơ thể, giúp tăng cường miễn dịch và chống lại các chất gây viêm và ung thư - các gốc tự do.
● Flavonoids: Đây là những dưỡng chất do thực vật sản sinh và nổi tiếng là có lợi cho sức khoẻ. Nước cam đặc biệt giàu chất chống ôxy hoá hesperidin - có khả năng đánh bật các gốc tự do và giảm viêm.
● Vitamin C: Đây là dưỡng chất thiết yếu, đóng nhiều vai trò quan trọng trong cơ thể, bao gồm tiêu hoá đạm và giúp lành vết thương. Vitamin C cũng là một chất chống ôxy hoá và có thể cải thiện chức năng miễn dịch.
“Trích: khoahoctv”
Chuyên sỉ lẻ cam sành Vĩnh Long
🍀Cam tươi mới mỗi ngày
🍀Giao g-ía rẻ nhất “Cam loại 1” 28K/kg
🍀Có giao s-ỉ tối thiểu 50kg trở lên
🍀Bao đổi trả nếu cảm thấy không ngon
Cam kết
👉Ngon,ngọt, nước nhiều
👉Quả tươi mới hái trên cây giao trong ngày
👉G-ía r.ẻ nhất
LH: 0969869379 Top
carotenoids 在 YuniQue Yuni Facebook 的精選貼文
The place that came out of the dream 🦩🌴🌳
“Flamingo in Tropical Paradise”
Fun fact about flamingos. Do you know that Flamingos get their pink color from their food?
Flamingos really are what they eat (isn’t this same think like human too? 🤪).
Many plants produce natural red, yellow or orange pigments, called carotenoids. Carotenoids give carrots their orange color or turn ripe tomatoes red. They are also found in the microscopic algae that brine shrimp eat. As a flamingo dines on algae and brine shrimp, its body metabolizes the pigments — turning its feathers pink.
📍Jurong Bird Park, Singapore
📸: @blackivory
carotenoids 在 Melinda Looi Youtube 的精選貼文
I love cooking and Batik. So today I feel like wearing Batik to cook.
How many of you like bitter gourd? I love them. So today I am trying out this dish, and I love it.
. A few regular size bitter gourds (I am using the small ones in this video as I couldnt find the normal regular type)
. 4 eggs or more, you can use salted eggs too
. salt, but if u use salted eggs then you dont need salt
. vinegar
For the dipping sauce:
. chopped garlic and onions
. cut chili padi
. spring onions. sesame
. soya sauce. vinegar
. lime juice
. boiling oil
Here are some good benefits of bitter gourds that i found online: Regular consumption of bitter gourd has a positive impact on gut health. It not only treats intestinal disorders like constipation and stomach ache but is equally beneficial for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) as it helps kill parasites that enter the digestive system.
Anyone who is diagnosed with diabetes is prescribed to eat bitter gourd. It contains three active substances with anti-diabetic properties, namely polypeptide-p, vicine, and charanti, which have been confirmed to have insulin-like properties and blood glucose lowering effects.
Bitter gourd is a rich source of vitamin C that comes with plenty of antioxidant properties.The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of bitter gourd help in removal of toxins. Moreover, it can help wipe out all kinds of intoxication settled in your liver. Thus, bitter gourd heals many liver problems as well as cleanses your bowel.
Bitter gourd is a good source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which all have a positive effect on the heart.Bitter gourd contains lycopene, lignans, and carotenoids, along with good amounts of vitamin A, zea-xanthin and lutein, which are the primary antioxidants and nutrients that fight and scavenge these free radicals.
Wow, good to know. Now try this and enjoy!

carotenoids 在 Annur Syuhadah Youtube 的最讚貼文
Astaxanthin 6mg Berkesan Mengurangkan kesan selaran matahari
Ianya memang berkesan I can tell. I began taking this astaxanthin 6mg once a day just 14 days before I pergi bercuti ke Terengganu. Yelah, kat Ganu kan memang panas so I ambil langkah awal to prevent sunburn. I was at Pantai Batu Burok for hours tapi kulit I langsung tak terbakar dan berjelaga! Really amazed at the effect. I was like, wow hebatnya!
Bagaimanapun, pengambilan astaxanthin secara oral bukan lah bertujuan untuk replace peranan krim sunscreen atau UV-tint cream okey? Jangan kejap lagi you all mengelat pulak, taknak apply sunblock dengan alasan, dah makan astaxanthin. pfftt~ Heyy!..krim perlindungan UV tetap kena pakai juga okey. Biar astaxanthin melindungi kulit kita secara dalaman, manakala krim SPF 50 PA+++ pula bertindak sebagai 'perisai' dari luaran sambil memberikan perlindungan ekstra dan menyeluruh. Gitteww!
"Research found that carotenoids have an antioxidant activity that is 100 times that of α-tocopherol and that carotenoids protect membrane lipid from peroxidation." (Miki, W. 1991. Biological functions and activities of carotenoids. Pure Appl. Chem. 63:141-146)
Read my full review here https://www.annursyuhadah.com/2019/08/suplemen-astaxanthin-bio-life-6mg.html
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carotenoids 在 Living Room Youtube 的精選貼文
ราคาเพียง 180 บาท เท่านั้น ถูกเกิ๊น!!!!!
อาหารนก Petnana Parrot B1/เพ็ทนานา เเพรรอท บี1?ผลิตในไทยโดยคนไทย
อาหารเม็ดนกแก้ว Petnana Parrot B1
?สูตรผลไม้รวม บำรุงสมอง ความจำ ลดกลิ่นมูลนก บำรุงขน บำรุงกล่องเสียง
? Omega3 บำรุงผิวหนัง บำรุงขน ป้องกันขนนกแตกง่าย บำรุงกล่องเสียง
? ใช้วัตถุดิบกลุ่มธัญพืช ที่หลากหลาย เพื่อให้นกแก้วได้สารอาหารครบถ้วนเหมือนในธรรมชาติ
?Fructose-oligosaccharides เสริมระบบย่อยของนกให้สมบูรณ์มากขึ้น
?Yucca schidigera ลดกลิ่นมูล นกถ่ายเป็นก้อน
? Lecithin ช่วยบำรุงหัวใจ ประสาท และสมอง ช่วยในเรื่องการจดจำของนกแก้ว
? Paracoccus Carotinifaciens Natural Carotenoids เร่งเฉดสีของนกแก้ว ด้วยแอสต้าแชนธิน ชนิดพิเศษที่สกัดจากแบททีเรียธรรมชาติ
? Vitamin C & E ช่วยลดความเครียดของนกแก้ว และ เสริมบำรุงระบบสืบพันธุ์
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carotenoids 在 Carotenoids: Everything You Need to Know - Healthline 的相關結果
Carotenoids are pigments in plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria. These pigments produce the bright yellow, red, and orange colors in ... ... <看更多>
carotenoids 在 What Are Carotenoids? | Live Science 的相關結果
Carotenoids are a class of phytonutrients ("plant chemicals") and are found in the cells of a wide variety of plants, algae and bacteria. They ... ... <看更多>
carotenoids 在 Carotenoid - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Carotenoids also called tetraterpenoids, are yellow, orange, and red organic pigments that are produced by plants and algae, as well as several bacteria, ... ... <看更多>