歌名 : 山丘
原唱 : 李宗盛
本影片utube連結: https://youtu.be/ghAteKde-pM
inspiration n. 靈感 converge v. 匯集 almighty adj. 強大的
beV aware of 知道 retrospect v. 回顧; 憶往innocently adv. 無辜地
overestimate v. 估計 capability n. 能力 fatigue n. 疲勞
mount v. 登上 in spite of 儘管 nag v. 嘮叨
melancholy n. 憂傷 witness v. 見證 eternity n. 永恆
retrieve v. 收回 affection n. 關愛 intend to v. 意圖
spoil v. 毀壞 mature adj. 成熟的 seduction n. 誘惑
fate n. 命運 overestimate v. 高估 be ashamed of 羞恥於…
exert v. 使出
越過山丘 => mount the hill
我倆各自一端 => we can stand with the river between us
雖然已白了頭 => in spite of the gray hair
( 中文的因年老而生的白髮,英文要講灰髮喔)
唏噓 => sighed out
時不我予的 => ~~ of missing the boat
(英文的”錯失機會”就是 miss the boat喔! )
不自量力地 ~overestimate one’s capability and ….
( 高估某人的能力而…)
想說卻還沒說的 還很多 There is still much which I I want to say but not yet.
攢著是因為想寫成歌 I save them because I want to write songs.
讓人輕輕地唱著 淡淡地記著 Let people sing softly and keep in mind casually.
就算終於忘了 也值了Even though being forgot, they have proven their worth.
說不定我一生涓滴意念 僥倖匯成河Maybe my trickling inspiration can converge into a river,
然後我倆各自一端 and we can stand with the river between us
望著大河彎彎 終於敢放膽 facing the almighty curvy river and then finally we exert enough courage
嘻皮笑臉 面對 人生的難 to smile at all the hard time in life.
也許我們從未成熟 Maybe we have never been mature.
還沒能曉得 就快要老了 We are gonna get senior-aged before we are aware of it.
儘管心裡活著的還是那個年輕人 even though there are still young men inside us.
因為不安而頻頻回首 Lacking the sense of safety, we retrospect again and again
無知地索求 羞恥於求救 desiring innocently and being ashamed of asking for help.
不知疲倦地翻越 每一個山丘 We mount all the hill unaware of fatigue.
越過山丘 雖然已白了頭 We mount the hill in spite of the gray hair.
喋喋不休 時不我予的哀愁 We keep nagging about the melancholy of missing the boat.
還未如願見著不朽 Before witnessing the eternity as we wish,
就把自己先搞丟 we ourselves get lost.
越過山丘 才發現無人等候 Mounting the hill, we find no one waiting.
喋喋不休 再也喚不回溫柔 No matter how hard we talk, we can never retrieve affection.
為何記不得上一次是誰給的擁抱 Why can’t I remember who gave me the last hug?
在什麼時候 And when was I given?
我沒有刻意隱藏 也無意讓你感傷 I don’t intend to hide it or make you sad.
多少次我們無醉不歡 How many times can’t we have fun without getting drunk?
咒罵人生太短 唏噓相見恨晚 We curse at our short lives. We sighed out why we met so late.
讓女人把妝哭花了 也不管 We are careless when women spoil their makeup with their tears.
遺憾我們從未成熟 It’s a pity that we have never been mature.
還沒能曉得 就已經老了 We have already been before we were aware of it.
盡力卻仍不明白 No matter how hard we try,
身邊的年輕人 we couldn’t understand the young people around us.
給自己隨便找個理由 We casually pick up a reason.
向情愛的挑逗 命運的左右 With seduction and fate
不自量力地還手 直至死方休 we overestimate our capability and fight back till we die.
越過山丘 雖然已白了頭 We mount the hill in spite of the gray hair.
喋喋不休 時不我予的哀愁 We keep nagging about the melancholy of missing the boat.
還未如願見著不朽 Before witnessing the eternity as we wish,
就把自己先搞丟 we ourselves get lost.
越過山丘 才發現無人等候 Mounting the hill, we find no one waiting.
喋喋不休 再也喚不回了溫柔 No matter how hard we talk, we can never retrieve affection.
為何記不得上一次是誰給的擁抱 Why can’t I remember by whom I was last time given a hug
在什麼時候 And when?
越過山丘 雖然已白了頭 We mount the hill in spite of the gray hair.
喋喋不休 時不我予的哀愁 We keep nagging about the melancholy of missing the boat.
還未如願見著不朽 Before witnessing the eternity as we wish,
就把自己先搞丟 we ourselves got lost.
越過山丘 才發現無人等候 Mounting the hill, we find no one waiting.
喋喋不休 再也喚不回了溫柔 No matter how hard we talk, we can never retrieve affection.
為何記不得上一次是誰給的擁抱 Why can’t I remember by whom I was last time given a hug?
在什麼時候 And when?
喋喋不休 時不我予的哀愁 We keep nagging about the melancholy of missing the boat.
向情愛的挑逗 命運的左右 With seduction and fate
不自量力地還手 直至死方休 we overestimate our capability and fight back till we die.
為何記不得上一次是誰給的擁抱 Why can’t I remember by whom I was last time given a hug?
在什麼時候 And when ?
casually中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
學任何外語的人都會有的一個習慣叫 "oversimplification" (過度簡化規則, Selinker, 1972)。�舉例來說,在發音上因為 machine, mechanics 都是第2音節重音,所以也把 mechanism 這個重音在第1音節的字唸成第2音節重音。
在名詞 (文法) 上學習因為 suggestion (建議) 可數,所以也誤以為 advice 也可數。
語言本身就會有一些 arbitrary rules (硬性、沒有什麼道理的規則),也很有變化性 (variability),所以要學好英文,可以先從養成1個好習慣做起:針對一個字,觀察它的「變化性」。再戒掉追求一定一要一對一的壞習慣 (例: flat 一定只記"平坦的")。
今天一個在師範大學學中文的美國人,在教科書中只接觸了「我感冒了」和「我得了重感冒」這2種表達的 input ,不在課餘時間再去保有「高意識」(high awareness) 的閱讀和聽中文,可以確保他一定會使用「感冒」嗎?不可能的。
當他遇到我們說「我對 __________ 非常感冒。」、「我那天重感冒。」、「愛像一場重感冒。」、「醫生是無法治好感冒的。」、「感冒的症狀有很多種。」等等的句子時,肯定懷疑人生。
一樣的,當今天靠讀「學好英文冠詞就靠這幾招!」這樣以偏概全的文章學英文的我們,碰到以下的段落,可以解釋得出 questionnaire 怎麼用嗎?
“The questionnaire is by far the most common instrument used in collecting primary data. Broadly speaking, a questionnaire consists of a set of questions presented to a respondent for his or her answers. The questionnaire is very flexible in that there are many ways to ask questions. Questionnaires need to be carefully developed, tested, and debugged before they can be administered on a large scale. We can usually spot several errors in a casually prepared questionnaire.”
當今天只靠網路上常見的「三角錐塔」學習介系詞 in, at, on 的同學,如何學習下面的句子呢?
[1] The information will be presented both on the screen and in the handout.
[2] She has no experience in working with kids. (cf. She has no experience with kids.)
[3] With Steve Lewis at the helm, we are certain of success.
casually中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
學任何外語的人都會有的一個習慣叫 "oversimplification" (過度簡化規則, Selinker, 1972)。�舉例來說,在發音上因為 machine, mechanics 都是第2音節重音,所以也把 mechanism 這個重音在第1音節的字唸成第2音節重音。
在名詞 (文法) 上學習因為 suggestion (建議) 可數,所以也誤以為 advice 也可數。
語言本身就會有一些 arbitrary rules (硬性、沒有什麼道理的規則),也很有變化性 (variability),所以要學好英文,可以先從養成1個好習慣做起:針對一個字,觀察它的「變化性」。再戒掉追求一定一要一對一的壞習慣 (例: flat 一定只記"平坦的")。
今天一個在師範大學學中文的美國人,在教科書中只接觸了「我感冒了」和「我得了重感冒」這2種表達的 input ,不在課餘時間再去保有「高意識」(high awareness) 的閱讀和聽中文,可以確保他一定會使用「感冒」嗎?不可能的。
當他遇到我們說「我對 __________ 非常感冒。」、「我那天重感冒。」、「愛像一場重感冒。」、「醫生是無法治好感冒的。」、「感冒的症狀有很多種。」等等的句子時,肯定懷疑人生。
一樣的,當今天靠讀「學好英文冠詞就靠這幾招!」這樣以偏概全的文章學英文的我們,碰到以下的段落,可以解釋得出 questionnaire 怎麼用嗎?
“The questionnaire is by far the most common instrument used in collecting primary data. Broadly speaking, a questionnaire consists of a set of questions presented to a respondent for his or her answers. The questionnaire is very flexible in that there are many ways to ask questions. Questionnaires need to be carefully developed, tested, and debugged before they can be administered on a large scale. We can usually spot several errors in a casually prepared questionnaire.”
當今天只靠網路上常見的「三角錐塔」學習介系詞 in, at, on 的同學,如何學習下面的句子呢?
[1] The information will be presented both on the screen and in the handout.
[2] She has no experience in working with kids. (cf. She has no experience with kids.)
[3] With Steve Lewis at the helm, we are certain of success.