感謝 The Underground HK 舉辦野豬音樂節, 好耐無出show, 上到台嘅感覺真係返晒嚟, 仲要係對住中環摩天輪嘅舞台! 多謝Angus Leung幫我地記錄低🤘
另外附上Underground網頁裏面Cyril Ma寫嘅show review, 多謝你, 我哋睇到好感動!
An Underground show is special because you get new bands, veteran bands, English bands, French bands, marching bands (we did have one) and of course good old fashioned Cantopop bands. But that’s not what Nowhere Boys is. They’re Cantopop, they use ‘old’ music (we’ll get to that), but they’re not old fashioned.
What first struck me was the violin. Standing in the corner was keyboardist Fisher Kan who decided to whip out a violin for their first song 天外飛仙 (Little Fairy). In their musical video, the band members dress up in classical Chinese outfits and do Kung-fu outside Yau Ma Tei Tin Hau temple, and rock-out next to the Star Ferry pier. They didn’t show up in costume but the whimsical, yet hardcore vibe was just as present. The violin was a little quiet, it could have been the mics, or it could have been their placement, but it would have been great to hear it more.
The second song 狂想曲 (Rhapsody) gave more surprises yet. Released in 2015 near the beginning of their career, the song is an eclectic mix of hard rock, Baroque piano, choir music, rap and more. Nowhere Boys is a band which excels in both recorded and live forms; they understand the difference between the two media and artistically transform themselves depending on what their stage is. In the Rhapsody music video, the band members don different outfits showing the many sides of the band, someone’s the Joker, someone’s a cop, they’re in an old timey Hong Kong style barbershop – then everyone changes roles. The chorale section has very strong Queen vibes and seems to reference Bohemian Rhapsody. For such a chaotic video, the performance is actually incredibly tight but not overwhelming. On stage, however, they change completely. The whole performance is a musical whirlwind. The hard rock starts, pinning you to your seat. Then the baroque piano solo comes in – in the video, it’s underscored by black and white visuals – here the whole band stops and points synchronized at the pianist to great applause. The performance is intense; they’re jumping around the stage yelling into mics but then comes the chorale. Everyone stops and sings in perfect acapella harmony despite having just run a marathon.
There’s something to be said for a Cantopop band incorporating so much classic rock, pop and classical music into their performances. Hong Kong is a city where almost everyone has a Grade 8 in musical performance, but becoming a musician is not a career most people will consider. It’s unrealistic, useless, for a hobby only. Our professional choirs and opera groups are performed in by amazing award-winning singers who are actually bankers and doctors. This means that just in terms of classical music knowledge, Hong Kong really is world class – much of local slang actually comes from musical terminology – but it’s ignored. Nowhere Boys whether they know it or not, is bridging that gap. As a rock Cantopop group, they excel perfectly with creative lyrics, great stage presence and top-notch performance, but more than that, they encompass the musical soul of Hong Kong, telling those that play classical music that the pop world does have a space for them and simultaneously letting popular music fans know that the classical side also has a place. Their creativity and performance style weren’t just for a good show, it was inspirational. At least it was to me – a classically trained musician writing rock show reviews.
– Cyril Ma
#UndergroundHK #NowhereBoysHK #WildBoarFestival #野豬音樂節
同時也有79部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過116的網紅派歐,也在其Youtube影片中提到,雲上夢境 Chinese Rap Version by PP 曲Cloudsparty & Musicbyarwy - Out Of My Mind 中文改編 Lyrics 躺在雲上,如夢境般,奔跑的雙腿歇息到夜晚 和煦的光,環繞著雲,柔軟的彩霞撫慰著夕陽 我拿著妳喜歡的甜甜圈 妳手指在我胸口上畫圈...
「chinese rap lyrics」的推薦目錄:
chinese rap lyrics 在 LilKrake小章章 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Bulabula布拉不拉 & lilKrake小章章 - 外送員 (Official Music Video)
還有超屌拖拉庫 比開跑車還炸🚜
【Music Production】
詞曲 | Lyrics & Composed by Bulabula布拉不拉 & lilKrake小章章
編曲 | Beat produced by atez (已購買使用版權)
錄音 | Recorded by lilKrake小章章
混音 | Mixed by lilKrake小章章 @lilkrake
【Video Production】
拍攝 | Filmed by 藏鏡人
導演 | Directed by Bulabula布拉不拉 & lilKrake小章章 & 藏鏡人
影像後製 & 特效 | Video Edited & Affected by lilKrake小章章
封面 & 標題設計 | Cover & Title designed by lilKrake小章章
#外送員 #熊貓 #foodpanda #ubereat #uber #lilkrake #小章章 #布拉不拉 #Bulabula #hiphop #trap #rap #aisa #taiwan #Taipei #kaohsiung #song #musicvideo #BananaKingdom #visual #scooter
chinese rap lyrics 在 阿龍 Dallas Waldo Facebook 的精選貼文
老外在台的十誡 MV(中文rap)
首先,RIP Notorious B.I.G. aka Biggie Smalls這位來自布魯克林的傳奇饒舌歌手,我為了紀念他而remix了這他寫的一首歌"10 Crack Commandments"。原曲是在講販毒的十誡,我則以更幽默的方式分享有關於在台灣當老外的經驗,教老外如何遵守台灣規矩,幫他們入境隨俗。
Biggie的風格雖然又硬派又直接,卻很幽默,文筆很風趣。像是這首歌10 Crack Commandments(販毒十誡),從歌名已經覺得有點好笑,怎麼會拿聖經的十誡拿來講販毒呢?但有些美國黑人的貧窮和困難真的是我們在台灣想不到的,但透過聽hiphop我們能更了解這些人的辛苦跟想法,連美國白人原本都不知道貧民區的生活是怎麼樣,新聞才不會報導,他們簡直沒有聲音一直到嘻哈音樂誕生了,所以請你不要因為聽到“販毒”這兩個字就有偏見,其實連這些rapper都不想做,但把這種東西寫進歌曲裡面才會讓人那麼shock,才有會有人聽他們的聲音,才有辦法脫離險境。
好啦 歷史課結束了,回到我這個作品的內容!希望大家喜歡,除了紀念Biggie之外,我是想要分享我在台灣的經驗,畢竟都住了7年多了,這首歌的內容對我來講已經算是常識,沒什麼了不起的,但我會忘記剛來台的時候什麼都不知道的時光,所以希望剛來台灣的老外可以聽聽我這個作品邊學習台灣規矩邊看老外唱流利原創的中文歌詞。希望台灣朋友也很喜歡,好像沒幾個月都會有一個老外因為闖禍就出現在新聞上然後被罵慘了,外國人因為怕破壞我們形象也會跟著罵哦,但我希望台灣人也了解大部分的老外其實很乖、很尊重台灣人、欣賞當地文化,只是天天做好事並不會上新聞,所以請不要一概全,大家一起繼續努力!
It's the 10 Laowai Commandments!
Any fan of hip-hop will recognize this classic beat from the legendary BIG. Share this with a foreigner who.needa to see it.
It seems every few months or so there's one of us appearing on the news for some dumb shit, this song isn't for that person, but the timing coincided perfectly I guess. We all make mistakes and the name and shame game can be a painful repercussion, but we are all in this together at the end of the day, unfortunately. One persons mistake is a burden on all of us.
Again, I'm not taking aim at anyone, just sharing what to me is common knowledge about life in Taiwan and commemorating a rap legend. I hope you enjoy the track, and hopefully learned something. These lyrics were all written and performed myself as well, so if I can do it, so can you! Chinese is a difficult language, but it is definitely not impossible, thus that's why it is the 10th commandment. If you're going to be here, learn that shit, boyyy!
Lastly, special thanks to the ladies who participated in this video, they were super cool and we had fun (and a very special thanks to MY lady for filming it!). I originally wanted to get more Laowai in it, but I'm trying not to take forever putting up content these days and I was too shy/tired to pull the camera out on the weekend at the parties I was at, besides these girls did great! I hope to make some more fun content with my friends in the future, feel free to holler at me if you have any ideas or want to join in!
Waldo 🐉🔥❤️
編曲:DJ Premiere
chinese rap lyrics 在 派歐 Youtube 的最佳解答
雲上夢境 Chinese Rap Version by PP
曲Cloudsparty & Musicbyarwy - Out Of My Mind 中文改編
我拿著妳喜歡的甜甜圈 妳手指在我胸口上畫圈
走過來不用勇氣只要帶點炫 閉上眼雙手合十就能許願
最美的風景不是遊樂園 只要有妳在處處都是新樂園
漫步雨中距離不遙遠 淋濕的我們交織著節奏鮮豔
在我心裡縈繞著片段好幾回 一樣的景色現在物事人非
不從上往下看 從下往上看 為何大海永遠如天空般蔚藍
這裡我曾經來過 我愛過 痛過 恨過 一起走過 知道那輪廓
從今以後 不要輕易再把妳的淚水留到背影錯過
愛神邱比特沒我心思細膩 就算釋放他所有的魔力
融化妳的心還是我的權利 空氣中瀰漫著浪漫的福利
連阿根廷都感動到哭泣 陪伴妳我一輩子不離不棄
我用呼吸幫妳做衣裳 就像鑽石般欣賞
時常把它放在心上 巴黎香榭大道上
回憶令人難忘 機遇令人嚮往
我親吻著妳的願望 喚醒妳失落的渴望
期待開啟的遺忘 感覺會墜入情網
俯瞰世界只和妳相見 溫存在指尖短暫的空間
上帝給的聖物妳就是禮物 溫暖讓我領悟
想找到十指交扣的國度 建立屬於我們的溫度
妳就是家 Hey Baby I am Home. Yup
#rap #rapper #music #饒舌 #音樂 #改編 #EDM #HIPHOP #love #chinese #中文 #改編 #創作 #Artist

chinese rap lyrics 在 派歐 Youtube 的精選貼文
Patrick Properrl [病毒]
這是我的Playground 你知道我的Background
這場Battle Nolimit 不要急著Run
出手就是殺手鐧 急著大招馬上見
這不是遊戲 不是叫你聽Jay-Z
你覺得了不起 只是Basic
想要Create Godlike music我Rap時修剪我的Pubic
跟我比饒舌on Public 你只能躺著Call Daddy
行不行 來一劑 點滴全給你打整季
住院去看你 帶個本子給你每天寫日記
財富造就人的一生 遇到我你不用找醫生
麥克風拿起來喊一聲 EveryBody都是我學生
我不追求主流 因為那是顆 腫瘤
手術就像水流 結束沒辦法 挽留
回不去不是你錯Wow,誰叫DA Got the dough Yo
寶箱打開裡面又,不如期待Oh No
你開始就想renew,I already Knew
嘿 站起來You,能撐到現在just a few
過程很重要 不要再炫耀
這就像毒藥 如果你想要
你早該學會後悔Shall 快點回去吃你的Meal
要解毒先中毒 才知道我就是那病毒~YA
#rap #rapper #music #饒舌 #音樂 #改編 #lovethewayyoulie #love #chinese #中文

chinese rap lyrics 在 Dizzy Dizzo Youtube 的最讚貼文
Dizzy Dizzo 蔡詩芸帶著全新嘻哈專輯『SKY』重返樂壇,繼2016推出她音樂歷程銳變後的第一張專輯『骨子裡 Innermost』,並且邀請知名饒舌團體MJ116 和E.SO 跨刀合唱備受關注與好評,這回Dizzy Dizzo 蔡詩芸即將發行的全新專輯『SKY』中,首波主打再度邀來男神 E.SO 合唱,推出新曲「Trash Talk」,展現兩人近年來音樂歷練後,各自進化爆發的全新魅力。
“Trash Talk” by Dizzy Dizzo ft. E.SO Available Now
Download/Stream: https://backl.ink/dizzydizzotrashtalk
製作人Producer|Flightsch, Dizzy Dizzo蔡詩芸
詞Lyrics|崔惟楷, Kevin Lester , E.SO, Dizzy Dizzo蔡詩芸
錄音工程師 & 錄音室Recording Engineer& Studio|康康 Caxton Kang (本色錄音室 True Color Studio)
Mixing by Flightsch
Mastered by Chris Athens ( Austin, TX, USA)
服裝設計 Outfit Designer|Nicole + Felicia
造型總監Styling|Serena Chung
彩妝 Make up|Shin Tsai (@SHIN STUDIO)
髮型 Hair|Shang Jie
特別感謝 Special Thanks To|HUBLOT香港商路威酩軒鐘錶珠寶有限公司台灣分公司
特別跨刀 |E.SO ( 本色股份有限公司 )
E.SO彩妝|Lyra雷夢 ( So Easy Studio )
E.SO髮型|Johnson ( Motivate Hair Salon)
Follow Dizzy Dizzo
Instagram - https://instagram.com/dizzydizzo?igshid=103or5r1duplr
Facebook- https://m.facebook.com/ddomchoy
微博 - https://m.weibo.cn/u/1868107034?jumpfrom=weibocom
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@dizzydizzo
©️ 2021 Phatt Choy Productions Limited
#DizzyDizzo #MAMA垃圾話 #SKY天空無限
歌詞| lyrics
I got a hunnit muthafuckas tryna lash out
Couple hundred in my bag, when I checkout
I just post a pic, they talking trash now
Baby, I still hundred, never stressed out
你在計算人氣 我在計算稅後純益
這不行那可以太多 評論沒人問你
你玩臉書IG我在杜拜 跟埃及
是粉還是黑 懶得理你 我潛在海裡
Dizzo on a repeat
This shit finna go loud,
I said, this shit finna go loud,
酸民 肇逃 who gonna hurt me now
誰都不需要討好 不用吵鬧
不被社會期待套牢 附 屬品太老 套
快樂自己找到 頭腦跟美貌 都要
I got a hunnit muthafuckas tryna lash out
Couple hundred in my bag, when i checkout
I just post a pic, they talking trash now
Baby, I be still hundred, I never stress out
They talking trash
別的事 三姑六婆管閒事
百貨們市 看到我的照片高的三公尺
還要幾次 證明你會失敗跟我對峙
他是瘋子 打給救護車送到急診室
昨天晚上我又喝到Black out
I just post a pic they talking trash now
They talking trash
I got a hunnit muthafuckas tryna lash out
Couple hundred in my bag, when i checkout
I just post a pic, they talking trash now
Baby, I be still hundred, I never stress out