【為愛遠征】DAY83|6/21|羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特 Bucureşti
"Cherish every step which stops for you."
Good sunny day, we said goodbye to friendly and righteous Florin and Nycoleta and kept going our journey.
On the way, a girl told us that "I envy you have partners who take care and support each other in this journey. I am afraid to travel alone." Christina loves Asian culture but fear strangers. Because she bravely got into conversation with us, we had a wonderful talk with utmost care. Hope Christina could fly to Asia with courage in the near future.
In the evening, we stood in front of a supermarket in a community. A group of kids playing skateboard and football invited us to play with them. We had a precious time together, and shared our stories in this challenge. "Romanians are all kind, " a kid said seriously. We agree about that because we have kept meeting friendly people along the way.
晚些時間來了幾位先生好奇我們在做什麼,「我的孩子說有一群亞洲人在這裡拉著布條找住的地方。」對我們好奇的社區爸爸們驚訝地說「你們瘋了嗎? 現在晚上九點,你們還沒找到住的地方,怎麼還能掛著笑容?」
Later, some men were curious about us, "my child told my there are a group of Asian people hanging a piece of fabric saying they are finding a place to stay." A father was surprised, "Are you crazy? It's 9 p.m., you haven't got an accommodation, how could you still smile? "
These fathers were worried about us and couldn't leave us alone. They tried to contact neighbors in community and at first found us a garage. But then we stayed in a family's house.
It's a small community bustling with noise and excitement. We wouldn't expected that our playing with children and responding their questions becoming a key for our staying tonight.
騎士到我家第十集 >> https://goo.gl/ZeUdRU
主辦單位:夢想騎士計畫 / 社團法人I-LIFE國際行動協會
協辦單位:財團法人勵馨事業福利基金會 / 社團法人台灣全人發展與性別平等協會