Courage is not without fear; rather it's a judgment that something else is more important than fear.
獅子王 (The Lion King), 2019
這次的新版獅子王其實我們很喜歡,因為我們覺得除了能在大螢幕上觀看細緻的畫面之外,其實這部翻拍之作完全呼應了原作的精神,也就是『傳承』。因為,這是一部適合從小看動畫的父母,帶著下一代來體驗新科技所呈現出的真人版本,兩代甚至三代一起感受故事,分享童年的共同回憶。而這樣的跨世代傳承,就像是主題曲『Circle of Life』一樣,是代代相傳的生命循環啊!
我們推薦的原因,不是因為懷舊,而是發現在翻拍版本中,即便沒有大幅度改動故事情節,但或許是因為編導強化了部分背景,或是畫面非常擬真的關係,讓我們更能體會到原作中,較為隱晦的深意。 如果你還沒看過這部經典的重啟的話,現在已經可以在線上看了喔!
同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過86萬的網紅那些電影教我的事 Lessons from Movies,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🔥真人版跟動畫版有差異嗎?是在看XX地理頻道嗎? 🔥丁滿與彭彭『哈庫納馬他他』的真正意義? 🔥辛巴闖禍&刀疤變壞人的原因揭曉! 動畫版這裡可看:http://bit.ly/2XQyJCc 迪士尼在過去幾年間所做的經典動畫翻拍作品都備受關注,因為真人化電影難免會被拿來跟原作比較。而在高度的期待之下,...
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circle of life心得 在 那些電影教我的事 - Lessons from Movies Facebook 的精選貼文
There's no need to get rid of your past; without it, your life wouldn’t be as colorful as it is now.
金牌特務:機密對決 (Kingsman: The Golden Circle), 2017
兩年前『金牌特務』不只帶來了商業上的成功,更讓觀眾開了眼界,發現原來特務電影還可以這樣拍。 但也因為第一集的成功,在續集推出之前不少人都和我們一樣,很好奇製作團隊要如何超越自己。
畢竟像是西裝筆挺的男神特務、神聖教堂裡的大亂鬥、有如煙火般的爆頭秀這些元素雖然很成功,但若只是換湯不換藥,又怎麼能滿足影迷們的期望呢? 好在,製作團隊在系列中兩次都抓對了重點 – 那就是『人』。
精彩的第二集,今天晚上21:00,FOX MOVIES(原Star Movies 69頻道)要播出,23:55還會重播喔!
circle of life心得 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
【玳瑚師父客人見證】 為孩子看八字有必要嗎?
Is there a need to do a reading of my child's birth chart? (English version below)
很多人這一生最大的投資不是屋子,而是自己的孩子。 命好的,自然會生一個容易帶的孩子。命比較差的,生的孩子常讓自己頭痛,嚴重的,還會因孩子的問題而夫妻吵架。
我鼓勵父母先知道自己的命。 要孩子好,不如你先好,要不然以後你怎麽培育下一代。 知道自己的命後,就該去了解孩子的命格。 我看很多孩子的潛能,因爲父母不懂得教也不懂得發掘,而無法發揮。
附上蔡曜陽夫妻的心得分享,讓大家可以更明白為孩子看八字的意義。 感謝他們的分享。
蔡曜陽夫妻 -
" 天下父母心, 天底下的父母都希望望子成龍,望女成鳳。但,我們應該如何更好的去規劃我們的孩子的未來呢?其實,連已升級為人父人母的好友們也感到茫然。很多父母都以為他們很了解自己的子女,但其實並非如此。當孩子還未到能為自己做抉擇的年齡時,很多時候都是由父母來做決定。那身為父母的我們憑什麼來肯定我們所做的決定是明智的選擇?事實上,我 們也不知道。我們只希望一切的演變是好的。可是,這樣的風險太大了。因為人生沒有幾個第二次,而時間也無法倒轉。最後,要承擔這一切的卻是我們的孩子。
相比之下,我們在撫養現已十八個月大的愛女的過程當中確實比其他的父母來的輕鬆許多。玳瑚師父的八字分析足以讓我們很有自信的引導愛女的前程,取得事半功倍的成效。愛女在托兒中心的表現優異並非偶然或幸運,而是我們依據了她的八字分析而選擇了一間適合她的學校。這只是冰山一角。 舉例來說,我們清楚的知道她適合在哪個行業發展,那當她要上高專選擇專修的課程時,我們才能夠給予她一個明智的建議。
以買車來做比喻,我肯定你一定會先去了解車子的规格、局限、潛能和使用壽命。你的車子能開多遠?哪一品牌的汽油最適合你的車? 你可以如何將車子的潛能增加到最大?這和帶孩子沒分別。希望你能從我以上的比喻看到相同之處。
我想衷心地感恩玳瑚師父的慈悲以及師父的專業道德。您真是我們一家人的救星!我希望在這裡分享了我的見證,能夠讓更多人明白八字這門學識的重要性以及八字對我們生活中的影響。如果您現在正在為自己和孩子尋找一位有這方面學問的師父,玳瑚師父即是我們所要推薦的最佳人選。 感恩。"
For many of us, the biggest investment of our lifetime is not a house, but our own children. If fortune favors us, we would have an easier time bringing up our children. Otherwise, our children may well be the very source of our headaches, and in serious cases, may led to marital problems.
I strongly encourage parents to get a good understanding of their own life, via Bazi reading. Rather than wishing our children have a good and easy life, it would be more logical to fix our own life. How could we bring up our next generation properly if we are struggling in life ourselves? After we have a clear understanding of the plan or path in our life, then we should seek to understand our children's. I have seen many children with huge potential that goes undiscovered and untapped due to ignorant parents.
By leveraging on the ancient wisdom through Bazi reading, we can help ourselves and our children to find the path of least resistance!
I enclosed the testimony of Mr Chua Yaoyang and his wife. I hope everyone can further appreciate the essence of Bazi reading for your children. I thank them sincerely for their willingness to share.
Mr & Mrs Chua Yaoyang -
"All parents want the best for their children. But how do you start planning for your child’s future? Based on the feedback from my circle of friends who are parents themselves, most parents are clueless. Most parents would assume that they know their child very well where in actual fact they don’t. Before child reaches adulthood, their parents will make most of the important life decisions. But how could parents be so sure that they had made a wise and informed decision? Well, they don’t. They just hope everything turns out well. This trail and error is just too risky, as life seldom have second chance nor could we turn back the clock on bad decisions made. And it is the child whom will ultimately suffer.
My wife and I prefer to adopt a pre-emptive and risk management approach. We do not leave things to chances when it comes to our only child. Hence, when our baby girl was born, we immediately engaged the help of Master Dai Hu to analyze our baby girl’s Bazi destiny.
From the analysis, we were able to find out detailed life patterns of our child. We also knew our child’s strength, weaknesses, habits and character traits. On top of that, Master Dai Hu was able to identify the hurdles and challenges that our child will face in her life. Master Dai Hu’s Bazi analysis is so detailed that we could see our child’s life in its entirety. Every critical stage of her life was revealed in front of our eyes. This is very powerful and useful information.
As compared to many parents around us, we have a relatively easy time raising our 18-month baby girl. Master Dai Hu’s Bazi analysis allows us to confidently navigate through our child’s life, thus getting the most optimal results with minimum effort. My child excels in her playgroup because we choose the right school for her., not by luck, but by making an informed decision based on her Bazi analysis. And this is just tip of the iceberg. For example, we knew exactly what type of career is suitable for her and hence we are very certain that when it is time for our child to choose her field of interest in her tertiary education, we will be able to advise her accordingly.
Using the analogy of buying a car, I am pretty sure you would find out the specification of the car, its limitation, potential and life span. How far can your car go? Which brand of petrol is most suitable for your car? And how can you maximize the intrinsic potential of your car? It is no difference when it comes to your child. I hope you can draw parallel from my analogy above.
For my wife and I, we cannot think of a better gift for our child other than giving her a great head start in life by planning according to her Bazi destiny. All parents envision their child growing up to be successful, happy and healthy. Having your child’s birth chart analyzed is the best thing parents can do for their precious child. The information you received will go a long way in helping your child reach his/her fullest potential.
I would like to thank Master Dai Hu for his compassion and professional ethics. You are indeed my family’s life savior! I hope by sharing our testimonial, more people will came to understand the importance of Bazi reading and its effect on our life. If you are looking to engage one Master for your child and yourself, we cannot recommend Master Dai Hu enough.
Thank you."
circle of life心得 在 那些電影教我的事 Lessons from Movies Youtube 的最佳解答
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《蜘蛛人:離家日》⇨ https://youtu.be/x-YZP7zYFBg
《玩具總動員4》⇨ https://youtu.be/p4n-2cmztXk
《寄生上流》 ⇨ https://youtu.be/TMq6CbthIrA
《阿拉丁》 ⇨ https://youtu.be/IY66d7ZEmu0
《美女與野獸》 ⇨https://youtu.be/Crhm92ytZqc
《獅子王育兒術》 ⇨ https://youtu.be/YWNvpun2Vkc
《玩具總動員三部曲:教你怎麼說再見》 ⇨https://youtu.be/ALZNQmRHmPE
《巴斯光年:內心的聲音》 ⇨ https://youtu.be/p4n-2cmztXk
《無敵破壞王2》⇨ https://youtu.be/AiWqC5LcFYE
《樂高玩電影2》⇨ https://youtu.be/l4DCBuwGuzs
《動物方城市》:奧斯卡最佳動畫片 ⇨ https://youtu.be/a99n_PrA2qw
《寵物當家2》⇨ https://youtu.be/-DuCUTlRl_g
《拉拉熊與小薰》⇨ https://youtu.be/kaAG_qqR32I
【Elton John】

circle of life心得 在 La vie et le voyage, cinéma Youtube 的最佳貼文

circle of life心得 在 那些電影教我的事 Lessons from Movies Youtube 的最佳解答
🔥Ed Sheeran, Lady Gaga都是他的鐵粉!隻手遮天半世紀的音樂天王不為人知的往事
🔥Your Song, Tiny Dancer等金曲誕生過程全記錄
如果你還沒看過電影的話,我們可以先告訴你結論:不管你屬於老中青少哪個世代,是不是Elton John的粉絲,甚至有沒有聽過他的音樂,都能夠輕鬆融入這部電影,並且被一首又一首動聽的好歌,以及演員們的動人詮釋與讓人驚艷的歌喉給打動。有別於在去年頒獎季大獲好評與票房成功的另一部樂壇傳奇人物傳記電影《波希米亞狂想曲》,《火箭人》採用了類似《媽媽咪呀!》電影的手法,以音樂劇的形式將Elton John的歌曲融入在劇情裡,因此相較之下更為熱鬧。
《火箭人》不只讓我們得以一窺Elton John的精彩人生,一首首耳熟能詳的歌曲搭配Taron Egerton那令人驚豔的歌聲,更讓整部電影就像是一支華麗的MV,感人又精彩地陪觀眾度過了美好的兩個小時。這部電影剛剛上映,我們也很推薦喔!
MIB星際戰警|三部曲完整解析| ⇨ https://youtu.be/Xf2RMsnjJOs
《波希米亞狂想曲》⇨ https://youtu.be/gXVbR5_QRVI
《艾美懷絲》⇨ https://youtu.be/Vqsf5JAIhCE
《女神卡卡:五呎二吋》⇨ https://youtu.be/wgudaS83D2s
《一個巨星的誕生 - Shallow 歌詞解析》⇨ https://youtu.be/BjkzbvnlO18
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《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》⇨ https://youtu.be/_rtpqgrw2CI
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