<艾比露比外文書店。圖畫書輕鬆教書單繪本分享Book #6>Clocks and more clocks
時間滴滴答答地走,沒有人有權力阻止時間前進,就像Mr. Higgins房子裡的時鐘,不曾因Mr. Higgins的校正而停留。
有天Mr. Higgins在閣樓裡找到了一個時鐘,但他不知道時中所顯示的時間是否正確,於是他外出買了一個新時鐘,準備同步對時。但無論校對了多少次,兩個時鐘的時間永遠不一樣,因為Mr. Higgins忘了當他從另一個房間走到另一個房間校正時鐘,時間是不等人的,它依然往前走著,於是兩個時鐘有了時差。但為了知道那個時鐘是正確的,於是他又外出買了一個又一個的時鐘。最後,Mr. Higgins直接找了時鐘工匠來看,工匠用了隨身攜帶的懷錶同步對時,毫無疑問地,每個時鐘都是正確的,只要用對了方法。
“多棒的一個懷錶” Mr. Higgins對著工匠的懷錶說,而他也外出買了一個懷錶。自從他買了懷錶後,所有的時鐘顯示的數字都是正確的。如果你是Pat Hutchins的粉絲,如果你也喜歡數學,千萬別錯過這一本。
Time and tide wait for no man !
Time ticks, time tacks, No one is so powerful that they can stop the march of time. Just like all the clocks in Mr. Higgins’ house.
One day Mr. Higgins found a clock in the attic, but he was not sure if the time correct, so he went out and bought another to synchronize. But when he synchronized the clocks, he forgot the time still ticking when he check one clock from another in different places. The two clocks said different numbers about time. So he bought the other clock, and more and more clocks, because all the clocks said different numbers. He went to ask the clockmaker if all the clocks were correct, the clockmaker synchronized all clocks with his portable watch. No doubt, all the clocks were correct, all you need to do is to synchronize the clocks with a portable watch/clock when you were walking.
”What a wonderful watch! ” Mr. Higgins said, and he went out to buy one. And since he bought his watch, all the clocks have been right. If you are a fan of Pat Hutchins, if you like math, don’t miss this one.
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