故宮學術季刊第三十七卷第四期《皇朝禮器圖式》國際學術研討會 專號Ⅲ
•施靜菲 從「器」到「禮」的實踐:乾隆朝《皇朝禮器圖式》中的祭器
•林士鉉 《皇朝禮器圖式》的滿蒙西域西洋等因素探究
•陳慧霞 清代朝珠研究的再省思
•姚進莊 五供與國家祭儀
※賴毓芝 《皇朝禮器圖式》國際學術研討會專號說明
•何炎泉 略談乾隆後期民間藏帖與碑學發展之關係──兼論洛陽體之文化意義
Volume 37, Number 4
•Shih, Ching-fei
Fulfilling “Vessels” to “Rites”: Sacrificial Vessels in the Qianlong Court’s Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial Paraphernalia of the Imperial Qing Dynasty
•Lin, Shih-hsuan
A Study of the Manchu, Mongolian, Western Region, and European Elements in Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial Paraphernalia of the Imperial Qing Dynasty
•Chen, Hui-hsia
Further Thoughts on the Study of Qing Dynasty Court Beads
•Yiu, Josh
Wugong and State Rites
※Lai, Yu-chih
Introduction to the Special Editions on Papers Presented at the International Conference on Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial Paraphernalia of the Imperial Qing Dynasty
•He, Yan-chiuan
An Overview of the Relationship Between the Private Collecting of Calligraphic Model-books and the Development of “Stele Study” During the Late Qianlong Period, Alongside an Examination of the Cultural Implications of the Luoyang Calligraphic Hand