A short run is better than no run.
It's normal kan, masa tengah lari tu rasa menyesal "Kenapa la aku join 10KM, join 5KM kan best". But, once you crossed the finishing line, "Fuuuh. Finally, dah sampai. Macam tak percaya je"
You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.
Keep challenge yourself 💪
conquertogether 在 Penaberkala Facebook 的最佳貼文
Good morning Kuala Lumpur 😍
Another 10KM for 2019.
Mission accomplished!
conquertogether 在 Penaberkala Facebook 的最佳貼文
Bila join marathon, dia bukan soal size badan, gemuk atau kurus, sado atau tak. It's all about mindset, perseverance and pace.
Aku bukan avid runner. Aku tak suka long distance run. Aku dulu minat dan aktif join sprinting since primary school. Not marathon. Marathon ni just join suka-suka, for the sake of healthier lifestyle.
But then, bila dah start join marathon. Aku dapat belajar lebih tentang diri aku sendiri.
1) Hanya diri kita yang boleh control kita punya mindset. Nak 5KM, 10KM, HM atau FM. Nak lari ke, nak jalan ke, atau nak give up.
2) Perlunya 'pull factor' dan 'push factor' along the race. Ada member yang bagi support to run instead of walking. Look around, then tengok ada parents yang tolak stroller running non stop. Apa yang kita tengok, it'll change our action to keep going. Perseverance and testament to pushing the limits of the body.
3) Everyone has their own pace and we need to understand and appreciate the journey. Yang penting, aim untuk sampai ke finishing line 💪
Aku join marathon bukan untuk berlumba dengan sesiapa. I just need to fight my self. Same goes to life.
Get ready for another 2 runs (10KM). Semalam dah improve sikit rekod last year. 1H 38Min.
Okey lah tu, pace kura-kura, not cheetah.
Keep running 🏃🏃🏃