notis karangan terlalu panjang ne 😂
Trip main terjah Vietnam takde itinerary
sis berdua je dgn kwn girl 👧
ig sy Mazuinnoordin
*13-23 Dec 2018*
arrived 3.00pm Hanoi
➡️Cara saya simpan duit ialah di BIGPAY
➡️Beli tiket flight asing
pg kul-hanoi
blk dari Ho chi minh-kul
➡️Cucuk duit disana guna BIGPAY
hanya dicas rm10 je xmcm bank2 lain dan currency nya sangat cantik
➡️Tulis semasa dlm trip,bila ingat so kalau xpaham.. buat2 paham
➡️Jgn mtk sya email kan iti,nah ambik dari sini je, dah sharing tu kira bersyukur la yek..
➡️Kira la sendiri berapa total dalam RM and jgn tanya berapa total utk 10 hari(mmg xkuasa nk membalas jika ditanya
➡️kamera bwk tapi simpan ja sbb mcm rimas byk sgt di bdn 😂
hp iphone x
edit Quickshot
➡️sepanjang trip sya byk masak sbb bwk periuk comei saya, di sapa paling sng beli beras,telur& minyak masak, btw di vietnam byk ada tanda logo halal pada any product makanan
Day 1 Hanoi *13/12/18*
Weather 16c
➡️Airport-Old Quater naik bas No.86 ke Old Quater (anggaran 1jam)keluar airport jalan belah kiri bas warna oren
Turun je bas terus depan sikit belok ke kanan jumpa pintu gerbang kecil jalan sikit boleh beli tiket ke sapa di
➡️beli tiket malam
sleeper bas (🚌250k)nnt ada org akan ambil jalan kaki terus ke kuanter BUS SAPA chat Luqng Cao
bas *Inter Bus Lines* jam 10mlm sampai 5.30am
atau boleh beli tiket sendiri di kuanter *Inter Bus Lines*
*nasihat beli tiket pergi dan balik siap2 takot tiket habis atau bila beli 1 way masa balik harga xsama mehal
📍Hanoi street Train (port bergambo org kata kalau dh dtg hanoi😂
(Ketapi lalu jam 7pm) kami xtggu
📌dari Qld Quater kami naik grab 25k (14 minit)
📌Balik dari Street Train kami jalan kaki sampai ke masjid Al-Noor
Masjid al-noor dari luar xnampak,kedai halal kene masuk ke dalam sikit (1.2km 14 minit)
➡️📍Singgah di masjid Al-Noor dan makan dikedai halal sebelah masjid
Total costing
1. Bas Airport ke Old Quater 35k
2. Bas Qld Quater ke Sa pa 250k(11usd)*Inter Bus Lines*
3. Grab Old Quater ke Street Train 25k
4. Bas Sa pa ke Hanoi 300k (13usd) bas jam 9pm *Inter Bus Lines*
Day 2 Sa Pa *14/12/18*
Weather 7-4c campur hujan+kabus tebal
Sampai jam 4.30am
disebabkan kan xtahu hotel dimana kami naik teksi meter vnd 20k
➡️Check in Hotel🏪 Little view homestay
042 Cau May Alley, Sapa City Center, Sapa, Vietnam 333320 (book by Agoda RM149.41 utk 2 mlm)
*Boleh masak guna dapurnya,bilik kami pilih view tapi hehehe bulan 12 view nampak kabus je la..😂
bilik sgt bersih,owner peramah bebeno
cuma kena turun naik tangga uyk ke homestay ne.
📌sewa motor 🛵 termasuk petrol vnd200k sewa utk 12 jam
Tempat Lawatan:
📍kampung cat-cat / 🐈 Village
E.F💰 Vdn70k
Sewa Baju Vdn50k
Parking motor vnd10k
review: memang tempat ne lawa gile tapi turun tangga naik tangga gud luck la ye😀
dan kalau xlarat dh naik tangga ada motor disediakan utk bawa anda ke atas .bayaran 50k untuk 1 biji motor
📍Heaven Coffee
parking motor Vnd10k
minum air kopi ais Vnd40k
Review: Kopi dia yallah sedap gile korang kene cuba,
utk view memadang kan saya dtg bulan 12 mmg dpt kabus tebal je la.. kalau tgk dkt ig #heavencoffee korang tgk time menghijau umm view dia uh santik
📍Quang Truong Square
Tempat ne Shopping Mall dan laluan naik train ke peak Fansipan
Total costing
1. Hotel 2 mlm RM149.41
2. Sewa Motor vnd100k
3. Petrol vnd100k
4. Parking Motor vnd20k
5. E.F vnd70k
Day 3 *15/12/18*
untuk ke Fansipan kami jalan kaki dari guesthouse ke sapa plaza boleh beli tiket dalam mall
📌naik train 🚞 dari sapa plaza vdn50k utk 2way utk ke sun world fansipan legeng boleh jalan2 bunga 😂 kalau ada budget ⬇️
📌sambung dari fansipan legeng naik Cable Car vnd700k,kami xsampai ke peak fansipan sbb kene kene naik tangga dalam 700anak tangga.. kami xnaik.
Fansipan: view sampai ke atas byk awan karpet dan mcm biasa la ada tokong buddha diatas,train nya yg sgt unik kagum..apa2 pun kagum la hehe korang kene pi even mehai beno😂
📌 Malam ke hanoi bus jam 10 mlm, tiket bas,minta owner guessthouse belikan,tiket bus 🚌 kami xbeli 2way konon nk gamble je.. nyaris ada tiket balik.. so kalau korang dtg ke Sa Pa beli tiket pg dan blik k👍
Total costing
1. Train 2way vnd50k
2. Cable Car 2way vnd700k
3. Tiket dari Sa Pa Ke Hanoi 290k (sleeping bas)
Makanan Halal di restaurant Cosiana
Day 4 *16/12/18*
Weather 16c
📍Hanoi-Ninh Binh (Day Trip)
Sampai dari sa pa jam 4.30am
📌turun je dari bas xperlu risau ada je teksi menanti anda 😂
☹️btw kami kene tipu dia pandai letak beg dkt meter so kami xnampak.. so korang kene berhati2 kami kene 250k gak hawau, pelik gak asal dia letak beg kami dkt seat depan..
📌Hanoi to Ninh Binh naik train 🚞 Vnd100k (seat) kami pilih train saja nk layan view, kalau nk naik bas dari Sa Pa ada je....
📌6.00am naik train sampai jam 8.30am
📌Keluar dari train nnt ramai akan offer teksi, kami buat pilihan utk jalan kaki(alah2 acah mcm org putih)😂sampai kami jumpa *Viet Nhat Travel* kami rental Motor dan boleh letak beg di hotel nya secara free
📌🛵Rental Motor vnd100k
dan untuk tiket bas dari “Ninh Binh ke Hoi An”,kami beli di tempat yang sama harga 🚎 vnd390k
Naik bas Jam 8.30mlm Sampai
*Camel Bus (bus yang takde nk cucuk cable 😂
(13jam perjalanan dalam slepping bus)
📍 Boat tour Tam Coc kayuh mengunakan kaki (195k)
Review: best 😂
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
📍Hang Mua (100k)
*naik motor follow google map
*naik tangga dalam 500 anak tangga
p/s jgn tertipu dgn org yg suruh parking motor, masuk je ke dlm sampai tempat bayar tu parking free
*You’ll see panoramic 360-degree views of the Tam Coc valley, limestone m
10.00mlm Ninh Binh ke da nang (13jam perjalanan)
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
Total Costing
1.Train vnd100k
2.Rental Bike 🛵 vnd100k
3.Petrol vnd50k
4.Tour Boat vnd195k
5.Hang Mua vnd100k
di Ninh Binh ne byk tpt yg naik sampan tapi harga saya xpasti berapa
saya ambil yang kayuh guna kaki, tapi kalau nk rare gi yg lagi satu
📍Trang An 200k
tempat cerita Kingkong
Day 5 *17/12/18*
Weather 24c + hujan kabus
Hoi An-Da Nang
Sampai jam 12.30pm (Train)
Check-in Hotel: Blue Lake homestay(book last minit )
Agoda Rm41.80
📍Hoi An Old Quater
review: Tempat ne kalau tgk mcm gi melaka ada sungai dan penuh dgn lampu2 warna warni.. kalau siang nmpak bangunan dia warna kuning,
kalau mlm penuh dgn lampu2.. yg buay cantik diorg jual tanglong
Brg Kulit murah2 boleh beli
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
📍 bandar Hue xdpt pergi sbb hujan
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
Total costing
1. Hotel
2. Sewa Motor vnd120k
3. Petrol vnd60k(isi penuh)
4. Parking Motor 10k
Hoi An dan da nang perjalanan dalam masa sejam
*Camel Bus*
3 kali tukar bas untuk ke Hoi An, pasti kan korang tanya betul2 agar tidak tersasar .. kesian mamat org putih tu dia nk ke dalat jauh btul sampai tersasar sudah ke hoi An kalau ke dalat jenuh dia kene 13jam utk kedalat.. so make sure tya btul2 k
Day 6 *18/12/18*
Hoi An-Da dang-Dalat
📍The Water Mountain vnd40k
Parking Motor 10k
Review: banyak Tokong dan tangga,saya hanya bergambar di port yg lawa je
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
📍Dragon Bridge 🌉 parking motor bawah jambatan
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
📍Danang Beach Parking motor vnd10k
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
📍Basketboat(dia mtk 200k tapi kami mtk 125k je 😂
Review: banyak tempat yg boleh korang pilih,enjoy sgt naik boat yg bulat disana diorg suka menyanyikan lagu korea 😂
pls take 📝
Untuk tiket bas, kami beli di homestay yg kami stay je sng, sbb *Hoi An* ne mcm xde terminal bas je..
naik bas ke da lat bas ptg (13jam) (vnd350k) kalau beli tiket bus dari hotel/guesshouse nanti diorg dtg ambik bwk ke tpt bas
bus dari Hoi An akan stop ke Nha Trang dan akan tukar bas kecil ke Dalat(Bus An Phu Travel) btw jalan ke dalat sgt teruk so kalau jenis mabuk mkn la ubat siap2
Total costing
1. Bas vnd350k hoi An to Dalat
2. Basketboat vnd125k
3. The Water Mountain vnd40k
4. Parking Motor 20k
Day 7 *19/12/18*
Da lat
Sampai jam 9.00am
Check in Thien Kim Guesshouse
(Booking 11usd)siap bfast dan owner baik gile 👍 tempat tido tilam/bantal lembut 😂
🚕naik teksi 13k dari dicampak oleh bas ke guesshouse
🛵sewa Motor 150k skuter
⛽️2kali isi petrol 70k
📍lavender dalat 50k
parking free
Review:lavender comei2 je,ada tasik yang sgt cantik,buat photoshot pun lawa rezeki di hujung2 dapat jgk tgk Grass Pink
📍dalat farm milk free beli susu fresh 22k
parking free
Perjalanan dalam sejam,ada 4 jenis bunga tapi tgk musim jgk,susu segar sgt sedap dari susu segar kundasang😂
📍hydrangea garden 15k
parking free
Review: di dalat sungguh banyak,saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
📍Fatimah Restoran (makan ikot budget sendiri)
Pls take 📝
bawak motor di dalat berhati2 dan kene hati kering juga motor banyak.
Total costing
1. Bas
2. Hotel
3. Sewa Motor vnd150k
4. Petrol vnd70k
5. Fees vnd65k
Day 8 *20/12/18*
Da Lat
Check-in :hotel xigt haha sbb main walkin sebab naik bas ke mui ne keesokan hari nya vnd200k
🛵Sewa Motor vnd150k
📍Crazy house ( teman member je sya dh masuk byk kali 😂 vnd50k
review: tgk hasil rumah yg sgt pelik dan ukuran didalam rumahnya sgt cantik.
📍datalan waterfall xe Trout Moi 😂 150k 2way (ada 2 tau dkt situ) yg lg satu kalau xsilap agak mehal sikit
parking motor 3k
review: enjoy this moment,kita boleh control dengan sendiri secara manual dan melihat permandangan waterfall yg sgt comei2 gitu.
naik motor dari Crazy house dalam 12 minit
📍Me linh coffee garden
Parking Free Beli air kopis ais vnd50k
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
masuk taman bunga vnd15k
review:dari bandar ke coffee garden dalam sejam kalau naik motor sepanjang perjalanan
view sgt cantik.
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
📍Bunga sakura
review: bunga sakura ne paling awal keluar bunga nya berbanding negara2 lain, selalunya hujung bulan 1 dh ada sampai hujung bulan 2
📍Restoran Kampung pandan
best gile hari ke 15 baru saya dpt merasa minum Teh tarik dan makan kari
memang sedap dari fatimah dlu kalau dtg dalat asyik gi fatimah skrg hehe kalau pg dalat cfem nk makan di kampung pandan
📍Night Market
jalan cuci mata sahaja,
Review: tempat ini banyak jual baju winter dan pasar malam terbesar juga.
Total costing
1. Bas
2. Hotel vnd200k
3. Sewa Motor vnd150k
4. Petrol vnd70k
5. Fees vnd200k
Day 9 *21/12/18*
weather 29c paneh
📌Dalat-Mui ne (naik bas jam 8.00am sampai 12.00pm *Bus An Phu Travel*
📌Mui ne-Ho chi minh (naik bas Malam)
(AN PHI Travel) 12am sampai jam 5.30apm
Bus Dalat Mui Ne vnd 120k
1/2 day trip Mui ne vnd150k
Bus sleeping Mui ne to Hcm vnd160k
kami beli di kuanter hotel terus utk semua diatas
Total costing
1. Bas dalat ke Mui ne 120k
2. Bas Mui ne Ke Hcm vnd160k
3. Fees
for me mui ne ... kalau xsinggah pun xpe tpt yg dibawa semua main pasir je,mui ne pantai lbih kurang je kalau gi danang n nha trang, perjalanan dari dalat nk ke mui ne aiii teruk btul jalannya..
ape2 pun kalau siapa ajak pg mui ne lg idok la teman 😂😂
Day 10 *22/12/18*
Ho chi Minh - Sampai jam 5.30 am dari mui ne
Naik Grab ke hotel vnd20k
Check In 🏪Xavier hotel
RM 72 (agoda yg ne xboleh terjah sbb biasa dikwn benh t full tambah weekend kan ramai org msia suka shopping 😂
📍Russian Market (naik grab 125k)
Tempat banyak baju winter
Total Costing
1.Hotel Rm72
2.Grab 125k
Day 11 *23/12/18*
Ho Chi Minh
📍Park Tea tingkat 4 jalan kaki dlm 1.4 km
sampai ada 2 pilihan naik lif bayar 3k
kalau naik ke atas guna tangga free 😂😂
port tea 100k saya ambil perisa 🍓
saya cari tpt hanya berdasarkan #instagram
📍Musium kalau mlm sgt cantik penuh dengan lampu jalan kaki je, tugu tgh reno so xdpt bergambar
balik ke airport kami naik grap 100k je guna point biasa harga teksi 200k
Total costing
「da nang city center」的推薦目錄:
da nang city center 在 Hứa Vĩ Văn Facebook 的最佳貼文
Gặp Gỡ Mùa Thu 2016
#AutumnMeeting #Gapgomuathu2016
Organized by: DNY Productions – In Co-operation with VUS (Vietnam – USA Society English Center)
Organizers: Director Phan Dang Di, Producer Tran Thi Bich Ngoc.
Media Sponsor: Thanh Nien News.
Main Partners: People’s Committee of Da Nang; Kaohsiung Film Archive (Taiwan), Red Ruby entertainment, Hoa Sen University
Main sponsors: CGV, CJ E&M, SIFS, VNG Corporation, Vingroup
Date: from November 8th to November 16th , 2016.
Other related programs by AM 2016 will take place beginning 05/2016.
Main Location: Da Nang City and Hoi An Ancient Town.
Some AM 2016 courses will also take place in Ho Chi Minh City.
Other Media Partners: VNExpress News, Vietnamnet, Tuoi Tre News, The Thao & Van Hoa. Lao Dong News, Dep, Elle, The Thao & Van Hoa Men, Da Nang Newspaper. Culture – Events – People Program by VTV3. Young Cinema by VTV6, Cinema Program by VTV2. VTV4 channel, VTV Da Nang, DRT Da Nang.
Autumn Meeting 2016 is organized by DNY Productions in cooperation with local and international organizations. Since the first Autumn Meeting in 11/2013, the program has been on its way to become an annual cinema event in late autumn in Da Nang beach city and Hoi An ancient town.
Autumn Meeting 2016 continues to be the converging spot for the most familiar and successful faces in Vietnamese cinema through its professional exchange activities, Gala screenings, awards, and fundraising programs. Furthermore, since 2014, Autumn Meeting has welcomed important international guests from Korean Academy of Film Arts, Motion Picture Association of America as well as members of Cannes and Venice International Film Festivals. This year, apart from the familiar faces above, AM will for the first time welcome filmmakers from South East and East Asia and other delegates from Berlin International film festival, Hong Kong International Film Festivals, Kaohsiung Film Archive and Kaohsiung International Film Festival, Fukuoka Asian Film Festival…
Retaining the same guiding principle of discovering and providing support for new cinema talents, Autumn Meeting 2016 will select and invite young filmmakers in the country with promising short projects to present and complete their works in workshops guided by established local and international filmmakers. Additionally, since 2015, AM courses have also begun to welcome young filmmakers from South East Asian and East Asian countries. As the workshops conclude, the best projects selected by a jury of leading movie professionals will be awarded valuable prizes to help propel these projects into future films.
Autumn Meeting 2016 will continue to welcome the world acclaimed Vietnamese director Tran Anh Hung as the instructor for the Directing Workshop. Mister Tran Anh Hung will also be the Jury President for the “Short Film of the Future” Award. French editor Julie Beziau will be in charge of the Editing Workshop. French Colorist Yov Moor will be in charge of Color-grading Workshop, Indonesian filmmaker Joko Anwar and Tia Hasibuan will be in charge of Specialized Workshop “Making movies with a super low budget”. The first ever Acting Workshop by AM will be led by Korean professor Lydia Park, with a special appearance by acclaimed actress Moon So-ri.
Well known Vietnamese actors/actresses and directors will take part in various Autumn Meeting 2016 activities as the event’s official guests.
With the mission of unifying and developing Vietnamese cinema as well as stimulating cinematic discourses with other countries in the region (South East Asia and Asia-Pacific), Autumn Meeting 2016 is a non-profit cultural event that aims to assist young cinema talents. The three AMs so far in 2013, 2014, and 2015 have received enormous support from Vietnamese media outlets and adoration from both Vietnamese and international artists. Most importantly, AM is at the receiving end of the immense support from the people and governmental bodies of the cities it resides. As it grows, AM strives to become a significant International Film Festival in the near future.
I. Workshops with well-known filmmakers.
AM 2016 filmmaking courses will be divided into 5 workshops.
Directing Workshop will still be under the guidance of director Tran Anh Hung. 12 young Vietnamese and international filmmakers with exciting short film projects will be chosen to attend the 7-day workshop.
English will be the official language in this workshop.
Editing Workshop, 20 young directors and editors will take part in an 8-day course in Ho Chi Minh City taught by veteran French editor Julie Beziau. Besides editing theories, the course will focus on practice. Attendants will be instructed on how to re-edit and renovate their previous projects.
This workshop will take place from May 10 to May 18 in Ho Chi Minh City.
Color-grading Workshop, 20 young directors and colorists will take part in an 8-day course in Ho Chi Minh City taught by veteran French Colorist Yov Moor. Besides color-grading theories, the course will focus on practice. Attendants will be instructed on how to do color-grading and renovate their previous projects.
This workshop will take place from October 5th to October 13th in Ho Chi Minh City
Acting Workshop: AM will orchestrate a 20 student course with Vietnamese young talents. Attendants will learn under renowned acting coach, Ms. Lydia Park. After completion, Acting Workshop attendants will have the chance to perform alongside movie stars in selected short projects that will be screened in AM 2016 Closing Gala. Attendants can also find acting prospects from other film projects participating in AM program. In November 15th, attendants will join the Panel Discussion with the acclaimed actress Moon So-ri (South Korean) on a subject of: “The co-operation between director and actor/actress in filming”.
Specialized Workshop – Making movies with a super low budget. AM has designed this special course for 12 young Vietnamese and International filmmakers who had taken part in AM before along with other filmmakers in the region who are getting ready to make their first feature. Guest lecturers are director Joko Anwar, producer Tia Hasibuan (Indonesia) – who have made successful movies with very low budget (under 50,000 USD) but are still invited to the most prestigious film festivals in the world.
II. Feature Project Market
This is the third year this format is adapted into AM program. During Feature Project Market, commercial and art-house film projects will be presented in search of investors or buyers.
Art-house Film Corner is reserved for art-house film projects. 6 to 8 projects from Vietnam and Asia will be selected for presentation before a panel of judges including respected Vietnamese and international art film directors and curators film prestigious film festivals like Hong Kong, Venice, Berlin. The judges will pick the best project for the Autumn Meeting Grand Prix. Additionally, projects competing at Art-house Film Corner will have the chance to be invited to other film project markets at notable film festivals or receive sponsorship from international movie funds depending on the ingenuity and potential of each project.
In the third year of Art-house Film Corner, AM organizers expect to welcome Mr. Paolo Bertolin, curator for Venice Film Festival in South East Asia, Mr. John Badalu, curator for Berlin Film Festival, director Tran Anh Hung, director Joko Anwar, and a respected Vietnamese producer as the judges for Autumn Meeting Grand Prix.
The counterpart of Art-house Film Corner for commercial projects is Entertainment Film World.
At Entertainment Film World, 8 high quality Vietnamese commercial projects will be presented through pitching sessions and personal interactions with producers from various production companies in the country.
After getting to know the projects, producers will be invited to sit on a judging panel headed by director Victor Vu. The judges will select the best project in Entertainment Film World to give the Producers’ Choice Award.
III. In Focus: Short film collection from Kaohsiung.
“Short film collection from Kaohsiung” is a collaboration between Autumn Meeting and Kaohsiung Film Archive. This program showcases 8 short films made by young Taiwanese filmmakers and funded by Kaohsiung Film Archive. Four representatives from Kaohsiung Film Archive and 4 young Taiwanese film directors will be invited to Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang to present their films. They also join the panel discussion with other young Vietnamese filmmakers in the subject of “Establishing a filmmaker’s identity through short films”. The filmmakers are also invited to join Autumn Meeting’s activities and closing ceremony on November 16 in Da Nang.
IV. “Voices of Vietnamese Filmmakers” forums and convention.
“Voices of Producers” forum gathers well-regarded producers from Vietnam (see list in appendix) to discuss issues relating to their works. The anticipated topic for the forum this year is: “How to produce a high quality film with a low budget”.
“Voices of Directors” forum also welcomes the best Vietnamese directors (see list in appendix) to talk about the most essential aspects of their careers. Expected topic: “Establishing the Directors Guild of Vietnam”.
Convention –“Establishing a Da Nang – Hoi An International Film Festival – from the experience of professional film festival organizers around the world.”
AM and People Committee of Hoi An this year invites representatives, organizers, and managers from reputable Asian film festivals such as: Hong Kong Film Festival, Busan Film Festival, Fukuoka Film Festival as well as representatives of top international film festivals in the world: Cannes Film Festival, Berlin Film Festival, and Venice Film Festival to a convention with Da Nang, Hoi An government committee, travel agencies, and event organizers. This convention will focus on getting idea and creating a model for an international film festival in the area in the near future.
V. Autumn Meeting 2016 Awards.
One of the most important feature of AM is aiding young movie talents through awards. They are:
1. Autumn Meeting Grand Prix Award.
For the best project at Art-house Film Corner. The winner will receive a cash prize of $5,000 and an AM Grand Prix certificate. The winning director will use this money to continue developing their project until it becomes a feature film.
2. Producers’ Choice Award.
For the best project at Entertainment Film World. The winner will receive a cash prize of $3,000 and an AM Producers’ Choice certificate.
3. Short Film of the Future Award.
For the best project at the Directing Workshop. Young filmmakers will pitch the projects they’ve developed after the 6-day course before a judging panel led by director Tran Anh Hung. The winning entry will receive a cash prize, certificate, and an equipment package at AM Gala Screening and closing ceremony.
4. Emerging Star Awards.
For the best attendants in the Acting Workshop. There are:
- Best Actor Award (selected by judges).
- Best Actress Award (selected by judges).
- Best Actor Award (selected by audience).
- Best Actress Award (selected by audience).
Expected value of each award is $1,000.
VI. Gala Screening and Closing Ceremony.
A red carpet event will commence AM 2016 Closing Gala. Movie stars and valuable guests from within and outside of Vietnam will appear before the fans and audience. Here selected short films by previous Autumn Meetings attendants, exclusive works by 2016 Acting Workshop students and guest stars will be screened. The Closing Ceremony will see the awards (Autumn Meeting Grand Prix, Producers’ Choice, Short Film of the Future, Stars’ Choice, and Emerging Star Award) given to the best new faces of cinema. Last but certainly not least, this night will also be devoted in gratitude of the sponsors whose tremendous contribution has built and strengthened Autumn Meeting.
da nang city center 在 Miss Tam Chiak Facebook 的最佳解答
The only food blogger in Danang, Summer Le Danang Cuisine - Am thuc Da Nang, brought us on a evening food tour to explore some unique flavours of the city. Our first stop was Quán Bánh Bèo Bà Bé where we had small steamed rice cake filled with savory ingredients like dried shrimps, shallots and fish sauce. It is considered most typical of the cuisine of Huế, the ancient royal capital located in the center of Vietnam. #funtasticdanangfoodtour