I have the cutest dog with an easy temperament. 🐶
😄😆 Right?
#mimi #alaskanmalamute #huge but #cute @ Meru Valley Resort
dog temperament 在 Haki and Woody Facebook 的精選貼文
Does anyone else send your dog to daycare? ✨Haki had a blast at the daycare today! He is more relaxed and gets used to it. Last week, when we dropped Haki off for a temperament test, he was very nervous at first: air snap, lip lift to other dogs. Such a quirky #shibatude 😂 The staff said Haki tried to warn other dogs to leave him alone and will keep an eye on him. So glad that Haki finally made it! He passed the test and made lots of new friends! ♥️♥️♥️ Yeah! 送Haki去幼儿园,他开始很紧张,但后来终于放松,开始开心的和其他狗狗一起玩。社会化真的是要一直做下去,狗狗才会自信又快乐! 😆
dog temperament 在 法拉狗 Follow Dog-訓練師 Ming Facebook 的精選貼文
Look away 將眼神撇開 (避開與你四眼相交)
Turn away 轉身避開
Move away 移動到離你遠一些的地方
DOG BITE PREVENTION TIP: Respect the signs of avoidance.
Whether you are meeting a dog for the first time or you are introducing your own dog to a new person, look for signs that the dog is avoiding the interaction, including turning away, walking away, or even refusing to engage.
Failing to respect these signs and forcing the interaction increases the risk that the dog could escalate to aggressive displays, like growling and barking, or aggressive behaviors like biting.
Most people have heard the term "fight or flight" when talking about how animals handle a threat. "Flight" is a form of avoidance. if the dog can avoid the perceived threat, there is no need to escalate to more physical forms of defense.
However, when we take away that freedom but continue to put a dog in a situation where he or she feels threatened, "fight" is a valid option in their repertoire of self-defense, just as it is for all animals.
Since dogs aren't effective at pushing, slapping, or using harshly-worded warnings, they are left with two options - either stay still and risk a scary or painful situation or use teeth to get the person to back off.
There is no such thing as a dog that won't bite IF he or she perceives the situation as a significant threat.
What each dog perceives as a threat will vary with their temperament and learning history. Some dogs love the vet, some dogs are certain the vet is only there to hurt them. Some dogs love to be touched by strangers, some dogs need to get to know the person for a while before they move to second base.
When meeting a new dog, always wait for the dog to approach you. If he or she chooses not to approach, then keep your hands to yourself. Petting a dog is a privilege, not a right.
When introducing your dog to someone new, give him or her the freedom to choose to approach and respect their choice.
My dog, Parker, would rather not be touched by strangers and chooses not to approach. I have rewarded that choice and usually have him show off one of his many tricks, instead. I also have become very good at turning and walking away from those people who can't use good judgment around a dog.
It is far better to have a stranger think you rude or over-protective, than to have your names forever linked on a bite report.
As a dog owner, remember, there are stupid people in the world. You cannot expect them all to behave appropriately around your dog. You can, however, protect your dog from interactions with stupid people.
If your dog bites, it doesn't matter whether the person leaned over your dog, pet them on top of the head, stared into their eyes, or tried to hug them. Legally and financially, you are responsible if your dog bites a person. And your dog could pay the ultimate price for failure to respect their signs of avoidance.
Listen to the dog.
This image is now available as a digital download for printing as an 11x17 poster. More posters coming soon!
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