ディズニー映画『ファンタジア』公開80周年を記念した特別塗装機「JAL DREAM EXPRESS FANTASIA 80」が11月18日(水)より国内線に就航することが決定しました!
今回の特別塗装機は、1994年の初代「JALドリームエクスプレス」(5機)、2001年「JALドリームエクスプレス21」(4機)、2018年「JAL DREAMEXPRESS 90」(1機)に続き、11機目として新たに加わります。
機内品も特別デザインのヘッドレストカバーや紙コップが施されます。また、初便は安全・安心とともに新しい旅のカタチとして、混雑する週末を避けた平日の旅となる周遊フライトを実施予定です。(詳しくは「『JAL DREAM EXPRESS FANTASIA 80』就航記念 周遊フライト詳細」をご確認ください)
◆初便:2020年11月18日(水)羽田発着 周遊チャーターフライト
JAL1940便 羽田13:00発、羽田15:00着(予定)
※「JAL DREAM EXPRESS FANTASIA 80」就航記念 周遊フライト詳細:http://social.jal.co.jp/GOb
◆「JAL DREAM EXPRESS FANTASIA 80」詳細:http://social.jal.co.jp/FOb
The 80th anniversary of the Disney movie ′′ Fantasia ′′ 🎊
′′ Jal Dream Express Fantasia 80 ′′ will be on the way ✈️
The special paint machine ′′ Jal Dream Express Fantasia 80 ′′ commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Disney movie ′′ Fantasia ′′ has been decided to go to domestic flights from November 18th (Wed)!
This time's special paint machine is the first ′′ Jal Dream Express ′′ in 1994 (5 machines), 2001 ′′ Jal Dream Express 21 ′′ (4 machines), 2018 ′′ Jal Dreamexpress 90 Continue with (1 Machines), we will join the 11th machine and the new one.
Walt Disney's enduring masterpiece ′′ Fantasia ′′ that has been loved by people since the release of 1940 ". this special paint machine is Mickey Mouse, who looks like a wizard's disciple, and the color of Mickey's robe. Brushed and magical plane brings dreams and hopes to various places in Japan.
We also have a special design headrest cover and paper cups. In addition, the first flight is safe and secure, and it is a new journey, and it is going to be a weekday trip that will avoid a crowded weekend. (for more information, please check the ′′ Jal Dream Express Fantasia 80 ′′ commemorative trip flight details ′′)
Mickey Mouse who is brave at any time and delivers a smile no matter what.
Have an exciting sky with Mickey who always teaches you the importance of dreaming.
◆ Equipment: Boeing 767-300 ER Machine (aircraft number: ja622j)
◆ Flight Route: Boeing 767-300 ER type aircraft flight route
※ specific routes and flight names will be notified on the jal homepage in the evening of the day before the flight.
◆ first flight: November 18, 2020 (Wed) departing from haneda charter flight
Jal1940 Flight Haneda 13:00, Haneda 15:00 wear (planned)
* Jal Dream Express Fantasia 80 ′′ commemorative trip flight details: http://social.jal.co.jp/GOb
◆ Flight Period: scheduled to be operated from November 18, 2020 (Wed) to March 2022
◆「JAL DREAM EXPRESS FANTASIA 80」詳細:http://social.jal.co.jp/FObTranslated