beginning to miss those days when you could just casually go out without having to wear face masks. 😷hopefully, we’ll find a cure to beat this thing, then things can go back to normal. But for now stay strong, stay safe HK! 💪🏼🏙🇭🇰
#donttakeanythingforgranted #staystrongHK
@i.t_too #deus
donttakeanythingforgranted 在 夏沐 Melo Moon Facebook 的最佳貼文
每天有足夠的的食物飽足對我們來是再正常不過的事,聯合國組織報告指出 「2017年8.21億人、每9人就有1人營養不良,世界飢餓人口逾5億人在亞洲😔
安得烈慈善 幫助台灣在地15歲以下弱勢孩童,依兒少年齡及身體狀況,每月提供1千元以上客製化食物箱,邀請你加入我們的行列🖤歡迎透過下方網址了解更多,別小你看一個人可以帶來的影響力~
#珍惜自己所擁有的 #正能量 #公益 #散播愛 #台灣
We take it for granted to have enough food every day.
According to the UN, 1 in 9 people were malnourished in 2017. More than 500 million people are suffering hunger in Asia.
In 2019, an estimated 5,500 Taiwanese children will need your help. The Andrew Charity Association helps Taiwan's underprivileged children under the age of 15 by providing enough food monthly . Every donation has impact!
I invite you to join our efforts 🖤
For more info , please check the link below , thank you so much!🙏🏻
#worldhunger #makeanimpact #taiwan