Sharing my first experience on the sepang track, in a race car... a manual race car. If you're like me hearing the words "manual car" would be a cause for panic. The first time i attended racing school my car died more than 20 times over when i wanted to get the car to freaking move on 1st gear. Coordinating the clutch & gear, to brake and accelerate. I was a mess! I was disheartened. I felt that i could never handle the vios at high speed. When we practiced at mofas usj we were training mostly on gear 2 and 3 and even then i had such a hard time switching gears. My instructor is a sweet man fortunately. Never letting me feel like any problem is too big. We were taught how to control a spinning car (they literally oiled the entire road and made us spin the car around and left us to control it, making us learn what over steer and under steer is). It was intense. Now we're at the sepang track going on gear 4 and 5, down shifting to gear 3 and 2 - going up and down on the gears. It's getting easier but there's a lot more for me to learn before im ready for the Gazoo Race in August. Still havent learned race line in detail and need to work on my braking before turns & downshifting smoothly. Overwhelming but boy is this a once in a lifetime chance. My sincere thanks to @toyotagazooracingmalaysia for this opportunity! And my love to my Coach, Abg Shah for your patience and support! Love, DD #ToyotaMalaysia #AllAboutTheDrive #GAZOORacingMalaysia #vioschallenge