Kebaikan Halba Dalam Kehidupan Yang Ramai Kita Tak Tahu.. 👇👇👇
Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda “Gunakanlah halba sebagai ubat” ~ Qamus Al-Tibb
1-Mencuci perutMencuci darah kotor
2-mencantikkan struktur kulit dari dalam
3-Merembes insulin, mengurangkan kadar glukosa darah
4-merawat penyakit kencing manis.
5-Mengurangkan berlaku pengumpulan lemak-lemak baru dalam badan
6-Membantu penggunaan kalori utk meningkatkan tenaga secara semulajadi
7-Menjaga, memulih & menambah tenaga seksual
8-Membantu masalah kegemukan
9-*mengurangkan berat badanMenguatkan fungsi jantung
10-Merawat masalah sembelit & buasir
11-Melancarkan perjalanan darah
12-Mengatasi masalah senggugut ( kesakitan / ketegangan sewaktu haid & pra-haid
13-Melegakan masalah sakit kepala / migraine
14-Menguatkan fungsi rahim, merangsang & menyubur rahim
15-*ikhtiar utk mereka yang ingin hamil
16-Mengetatkan & meremajakan rahim
17-Menghilangkan lendir & sakit tekak
18-Membantu mengatasi masalah kekurangan darah
19-Membantu mengurangkan ketagihan rokok & dadah
20-Membantu kecerdasan kanak-kanak yg meningkat usia baligh, memelihara kekuatan badan & menggalakkan tumbesaran badan
21-Memperbanyakkan air susu ibu
22-Mengaktifkan kalenjar susu, meningkatkan saiz payudara secara semulajadi
23-Memanaskan buah pinggang & organ pembiakan
24-Memelihara keseimbangan kadar hormon dlm badan
25-Memelihara keanjalan kulit *awet muda secara semulajadi
Cara cara
Goreng tanpa minyak sehingga garing
kisar halus
simpan dlm bekas kedap udara.
utk wanita
Bancuh 1 sudu kecil dgn air panas
minum pagi dan mlm
utk lelaki
Bancuh i sudu kecil dgn air panas dan tambahkan 1 sudu kecil madu dan perahan limau kasturi
Sumber : Fatima Alin Haji Saad
The Goodness Of Life That We Don't Know.. 👇👇👇
Rasulullah SAW once said ′′ Use halba as medicine ′′ " Qamus Al-Tibb
1-Wash the stomachWashed dirty blood
2-beautifies skin structure from the inside
3-Insulin seeps, reduces blood glucose rates
4-treating diabetes.
5-Reduces new fat collection in the body
6-Helping the use of calories to increase energy naturally
7-Maintaining, restoring & adding sexual energy
8-Helping overweight problems
9 -* Loss weightPhens heart function
10-Treating constipation & hemorrhoids problems
11-Launching blood drive
12-Overcoming threat problems (pain / tension during menstrual & pre-menstrual
13-Relieve headache / migraine problems
14-Strengthen the function of the uterus, stimulate & bury the uterus
15 -* endeavor for those who want to be pregnant
16-Tightening & rejuvenating the womb
17-Getting rid of slime & throat pain
18-Helps to overcome blood shortage issues
19-Helps reduce cigarettes & drugs addiction
20-Helping children's intelligence that increases age of age, maintains body strength & encourages body growth
21-Increasing mothers milk
22-Activating milk treatment, improving breast size naturally
23-Heating up kidneys & breeding organs
24-Maintains the balance of hormone rates in the body
25-Maintain skin naturally * maintains the naturally youthfulness
How to do it
Fry without oil until crispy
smooth shredding
Keep it in the airtight container.
For women
Packing 1 tablespoon with hot water
Morning and night drink
For men
Treat me a small spoon with hot water and add 1 small spoon of honey and kasturi lime
Source: Fatima Alin Haji SaadTranslated
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Collect the midday water of dragon boat festival is an important Taiwanese tradition, the water is full of yang energy and is very good to health. We ...
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- 關於drive energy drink 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於drive energy drink 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於drive energy drink 在 Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於drive energy drink 在 Chazynash Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於drive energy drink 在 Chazynash Youtube 的最佳解答
drive energy drink 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] 總統辯論的「經典名句」
韓國瑜先生 Han Kuo-yu
1. 人不能忘本,人不能忘根。飲水思源,吃水果拜樹頭,謝謝農產公司給我這麼好的、甜蜜的回憶。
People can't forget their roots. When you drink water, think of its source. When you eat fruit, pray to/thank the tree. Thank the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation for such sweet, fond memories.
2. 整個台灣南部的生命力沒有放出來,整個南臺灣最多的優勢沒有挖掘出來,太可惜,所以未來一定要南北一起發展,帶動中台灣、帶動全台灣的經濟。
The vitality/energy of the entire southern Taiwan has not been tapped into, and the greatest strengths of the southern Taiwan has not been explored. It is a pity, so in the future both the North and the South must grow together to drive Taiwan's economic growth.
3. 台灣人追求自我民主,代表台灣人心願。
The pursuit of a self-governed democracy represents the wishes of the Taiwanese people.
4. 國防最高原則,戰爭沒有贏家,和平沒有輸家。
The highest principle of national defense is that there is no winner in war and no loser in peace.
5. 沒有乾淨政治就不會有清廉執政。
There can be no upright/corruption-free governing without honest/clean politics.
6. 我們在這裡選總統,我生在台灣長在台灣,將來我們都會死在台灣,葬在台灣。
We are running for president here. I was born in Taiwan and grew up in Taiwan. In the future, we will all die in Taiwan and be buried in Taiwan.
7. 親愛的台灣人民 我們到底要浪費多少時間在無聊的意識型態?
Dear Taiwanese people, how much time are we going to waste on boring ideology?
8. 我們有中華文化,讓我們精神層面、儒學我跟我們老祖宗可以聯繫再一起。
We have Chinese culture. Let us connect with our ancestors spiritually and through Confucianism.
宋楚瑜先生 James Soong Chu-yu
1. 我必須要向全國人民宣誓余必遵守憲法,盡忠職務,增進人民福利,保衛國家。
I must swear to the people throughout the country that I will abide by the Constitution, fulfill my duties, promote the welfare of the people, and defend our country.
2. 總統就是台灣這條船的船長,要把舵把好。
The president is the captain of the ship known as Taiwan, and he has to steer the rudder right.
3. 要維護我們台灣自由民主的價值,讓台灣的人民相信自由民主是可貴的,找回我們人民對於政府的信任,也找回台灣人民對民主政治的信心。
We must safeguard the value of Taiwan ’s freedom and democracy, and convince the people of Taiwan that freedom and democracy are invaluable. We must also restore the trust of our people in the government and the confidence of the Taiwanese people in democracy.
4. 程序正義有時候比實質正義還要重要。正義不只是過程,而且是價值。
Procedural justice is sometimes more important than substantive justice. Justice is not only a process, but also a value.
5. 各位親愛的頭家們、我欸頭家、您才是台灣真正的主人啊。發揮,咱台灣人的精神,奮鬥到底,謝謝您。
Dear bosses/people, my bosses, you are the true masters of Taiwan. Let ’s make full use of the Taiwanese spirit. Thank you.
6. 我只講一句話,我們可以有不同的過去,卻我們有共同的未來,我們都了解共同的價值是守護台灣民主。
I will only say one sentence. We have different pasts, but a common future. We all understand that our common value is to protect Taiwan's democracy.
7. 任何台灣現狀的改變必須要得到台灣兩千三百萬人,以民主的方式共同決定以民主的方式來決定。
Any change in the status quo of Taiwan must be determined by the 23 million people of Taiwan in a democratic way.
8. 台灣人民有個很大專長,他有耐心,就是他會最後做最好的判斷,那就是他了解的到他才是國家未來的頭家。
The people of Taiwan have a great virtue. They have patience and they will make the best judgment in the end; that is, they know that they are the head of this country's future.
蔡英文女士 Tsai Ing-wen
1. 中華民國要萬歲,就先要落實國防自主,中華民國要萬歲,要先做好我們的經濟轉型,中華民國萬歲,就要堅守我們民主自由的生活方式。
If the Republic of China is to persist, we must first possess national defense autonomy. If the Republic of China is to persist, we must first do well in our economic transformation. If the Republic of China is to persist, we must safeguard our democratic way of life.
2. 只要我們有共同的認知,對未來有共同認知,共同方向,沒有人可以欺負我們。
As long as we have a common understanding, a common understanding of our future, and a common direction, no one can bully us.
3. 這場選舉有輸有贏,對國家主權沒有一致想法,誰贏國家都會輸。
This election has winners and losers. If there is no consensus on national sovereignty, the country will lose no matter who wins.
4. 希望各位能夠放下各自政黨跟包袱,一起團結抵禦中國的文攻武嚇,想想子女未來,不要犯同樣的下歷史錯誤。
I hope that you can let go of your respective political parties and burdens, and unite against China's media attacks and military intimidation. Think about your children's future and don't make/repeat the same historical mistakes.
5. 區域安全機制的參與跟建構,最重要的是我們的民心士氣,更重要的一件事情,我們必須告訴全世界,台灣有多重要,無論是在產業、民主發展上面、在科技上,我們是重要國家,值得全世界民主國家一起協助台灣、幫助台灣的國家。
The most important thing in the participation and construction of regional security is our morale. More importantly, we must tell the world how important Taiwan is. Whether it is in terms of industry, democratic development, or technology, we are an Important country worthy of the collaboration and assistance of democratic countries around the world.
6. 我相信北京當局終究會跟台灣打交道,在可見的未來,兩岸關係能化解是可見的。
I believe that Beijing authorities will eventually deal with Taiwan. In the foreseeable future, (it can be seen that) cross-strait tensions can be resolved.
7. As President, I will also use the constitutional provisions and the will of the people as a basis for my administration.
我擔任總統 我也會按照憲法的條文、按照人民的意志,來作為我執政的一個基礎。
8. 1/11,手上的這張選票,可以決定我們今天民主自由的生活方式是不是可以繼續下去,全世界都在看台灣,1/11怎麼做。謝謝大家。
January 11, this ballot in your hand can determine whether our democratic and free lifestyle can continue. The whole world is watching Taiwan. What will you do on January 11? Thank you all.
Image source:
drive energy drink 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] 總統辯論的「經典名句」
韓國瑜先生 Han Kuo-yu
1. 人不能忘本,人不能忘根。飲水思源,吃水果拜樹頭,謝謝農產公司給我這麼好的、甜蜜的回憶。
People can't forget their roots. When you drink water, think of its source. When you eat fruit, pray to/thank the tree. Thank the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation for such sweet, fond memories.
2. 整個台灣南部的生命力沒有放出來,整個南臺灣最多的優勢沒有挖掘出來,太可惜,所以未來一定要南北一起發展,帶動中台灣、帶動全台灣的經濟。
The vitality/energy of the entire southern Taiwan has not been tapped into, and the greatest strengths of the southern Taiwan has not been explored. It is a pity, so in the future both the North and the South must grow together to drive Taiwan's economic growth.
3. 台灣人追求自我民主,代表台灣人心願。
The pursuit of a self-governed democracy represents the wishes of the Taiwanese people.
4. 國防最高原則,戰爭沒有贏家,和平沒有輸家。
The highest principle of national defense is that there is no winner in war and no loser in peace.
5. 沒有乾淨政治就不會有清廉執政。
There can be no upright/corruption-free governing without honest/clean politics.
6. 我們在這裡選總統,我生在台灣長在台灣,將來我們都會死在台灣,葬在台灣。
We are running for president here. I was born in Taiwan and grew up in Taiwan. In the future, we will all die in Taiwan and be buried in Taiwan.
7. 親愛的台灣人民 我們到底要浪費多少時間在無聊的意識型態?
Dear Taiwanese people, how much time are we going to waste on boring ideology?
8. 我們有中華文化,讓我們精神層面、儒學我跟我們老祖宗可以聯繫再一起。
We have Chinese culture. Let us connect with our ancestors spiritually and through Confucianism.
宋楚瑜先生 James Soong Chu-yu
1. 我必須要向全國人民宣誓余必遵守憲法,盡忠職務,增進人民福利,保衛國家。
I must swear to the people throughout the country that I will abide by the Constitution, fulfill my duties, promote the welfare of the people, and defend our country.
2. 總統就是台灣這條船的船長,要把舵把好。
The president is the captain of the ship known as Taiwan, and he has to steer the rudder right.
3. 要維護我們台灣自由民主的價值,讓台灣的人民相信自由民主是可貴的,找回我們人民對於政府的信任,也找回台灣人民對民主政治的信心。
We must safeguard the value of Taiwan ’s freedom and democracy, and convince the people of Taiwan that freedom and democracy are invaluable. We must also restore the trust of our people in the government and the confidence of the Taiwanese people in democracy.
4. 程序正義有時候比實質正義還要重要。正義不只是過程,而且是價值。
Procedural justice is sometimes more important than substantive justice. Justice is not only a process, but also a value.
5. 各位親愛的頭家們、我欸頭家、您才是台灣真正的主人啊。發揮,咱台灣人的精神,奮鬥到底,謝謝您。
Dear bosses/people, my bosses, you are the true masters of Taiwan. Let ’s make full use of the Taiwanese spirit. Thank you.
6. 我只講一句話,我們可以有不同的過去,卻我們有共同的未來,我們都了解共同的價值是守護台灣民主。
I will only say one sentence. We have different pasts, but a common future. We all understand that our common value is to protect Taiwan's democracy.
7. 任何台灣現狀的改變必須要得到台灣兩千三百萬人,以民主的方式共同決定以民主的方式來決定。
Any change in the status quo of Taiwan must be determined by the 23 million people of Taiwan in a democratic way.
8. 台灣人民有個很大專長,他有耐心,就是他會最後做最好的判斷,那就是他了解的到他才是國家未來的頭家。
The people of Taiwan have a great virtue. They have patience and they will make the best judgment in the end; that is, they know that they are the head of this country's future.
蔡英文女士 Tsai Ing-wen
1. 中華民國要萬歲,就先要落實國防自主,中華民國要萬歲,要先做好我們的經濟轉型,中華民國萬歲,就要堅守我們民主自由的生活方式。
If the Republic of China is to persist, we must first possess national defense autonomy. If the Republic of China is to persist, we must first do well in our economic transformation. If the Republic of China is to persist, we must safeguard our democratic way of life.
2. 只要我們有共同的認知,對未來有共同認知,共同方向,沒有人可以欺負我們。
As long as we have a common understanding, a common understanding of our future, and a common direction, no one can bully us.
3. 這場選舉有輸有贏,對國家主權沒有一致想法,誰贏國家都會輸。
This election has winners and losers. If there is no consensus on national sovereignty, the country will lose no matter who wins.
4. 希望各位能夠放下各自政黨跟包袱,一起團結抵禦中國的文攻武嚇,想想子女未來,不要犯同樣的下歷史錯誤。
I hope that you can let go of your respective political parties and burdens, and unite against China's media attacks and military intimidation. Think about your children's future and don't make/repeat the same historical mistakes.
5. 區域安全機制的參與跟建構,最重要的是我們的民心士氣,更重要的一件事情,我們必須告訴全世界,台灣有多重要,無論是在產業、民主發展上面、在科技上,我們是重要國家,值得全世界民主國家一起協助台灣、幫助台灣的國家。
The most important thing in the participation and construction of regional security is our morale. More importantly, we must tell the world how important Taiwan is. Whether it is in terms of industry, democratic development, or technology, we are an Important country worthy of the collaboration and assistance of democratic countries around the world.
6. 我相信北京當局終究會跟台灣打交道,在可見的未來,兩岸關係能化解是可見的。
I believe that Beijing authorities will eventually deal with Taiwan. In the foreseeable future, (it can be seen that) cross-strait tensions can be resolved.
7. As President, I will also use the constitutional provisions and the will of the people as a basis for my administration.
我擔任總統 我也會按照憲法的條文、按照人民的意志,來作為我執政的一個基礎。
8. 1/11,手上的這張選票,可以決定我們今天民主自由的生活方式是不是可以繼續下去,全世界都在看台灣,1/11怎麼做。謝謝大家。
January 11, this ballot in your hand can determine whether our democratic and free lifestyle can continue. The whole world is watching Taiwan. What will you do on January 11? Thank you all.
Image source:
drive energy drink 在 Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne Youtube 的精選貼文
Collect the midday water of dragon boat festival is an important Taiwanese tradition, the water is full of yang energy and is very good to health. We gather it to drink, to cook, and to bath children.
Artemisia argyi shares similar function of drive out evil spirits, we would use the infused water to bath children, too. Also, it's the material of Hakka rice cake called "caozaiguo". We picked up some fresh artemisia in my uncle's farm last month and made some delicious dessert with it and freeze the leftover for soap making.
米糠油/rice bran oil: 1000g
酪梨油/avocado oil: 1000g
椰子油/coconut oil: 1000g
棕櫚油/palm oil (RSPO-certified): 1500g
可可脂/cocoa butter: 500g
99%氫氧化鈉/sodium hydroxide: 727g
艾草汁/artemisia juice: 1500g
檸檬香茅精油/lemon grass essential oil: 50g
雪松精油/cedarwood essential oil: 50g
迷迭香精油/rosemary essential oil: 50g
薰衣草精油/lavender essential oil: 50g
矽膠模/silicon mold:
壓克力模/acrylic mold:
皂章/acrylic stamp:
E-mail👉[email protected]

drive energy drink 在 Chazynash Youtube 的最讚貼文
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Butiran rutin:
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Episod ini kami menunjukkan rutin senaman untuk melakukan "MUSCLE UP".
Butiran rutin:
Buat 5 pusingan. 3 minit rehat antara pusingan dan 30 saat rehat antara exercise.
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//This Program Powered by DRIVE M7 Energy Drink//
Please 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' DRIVE M7 Official Facebook page for more info, pics and videos about this awesome energy drink: