復活蛋出爐! 距離復活節只有一個星期,今天便食到了吉百利的Egg n' Spoon,以一貫的紫色做出賣相特別的雞蛋盒,裝著4隻牛奶朱古力蛋,蛋內是朱古力慕絲,非常濃郁,嗜甜的朋友不妨買多一試。配上一杯咖啡/茶,也可以是午間小休的小食啊。
Easter is just one week away! You may find lots of Easter eggs in the market. The Egg n' Spoon from Cadbury had an interesting presentation as a egg box with the signature purple color. It contains 4 pauline milk chocolate eggs. It tasted so rich and milky. If you like sweet & chocolate, have a try. I have paired it with a cup of tea as my afternoon snack. :)