Easter eggs collection 2021
Introducing here the first 2 “Design” eggs from the collection 2021:
*shades of pink,
(mold free egg, layers of @valrhona inspiration chocolate raspberry and strawberry + ruby pink chocolate @callebautchocolate )
*shades of chocolate:
(Mold free egg, layers of Caraibes 66%, dulcey blond chocolate, bahibe milk chocolate 46% @valrhona_asia @valrhonajapon )
Available only @parkhyatttokyo
From 25th march to 4th April 2021.
#parkhyatttokyo #parkhyatt #hyatt #inahyattworld #worldofhyatt #hyattpastry #hyattpastrychef #japan #tokyo #pht #tokyopastry #japanpastry #frenchpastrychef #patisseriefrancaise #chefjulienperrinet #parkhyatttokyopastryboutique #parkhyatttokyopastryteam #foudepatisserie #carefullysourced #cakesatthepark #valrhona #chocolate #easter #easterchocolate #easterinjapan #paques #paques2021 #oeufsdepaques #eastereggs #chocolateeastereggs @ Park Hyatt Tokyo - パーク ハイアット 東京