GIS Taiwan at NTU: Social Changes Brought About by Platform Business Models
亞太區最具規模與代表性的國際學生學術論壇─臺大全球集思論壇(Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan, GIS Taiwan)今日(7/10)邁入第二天,早上迎來本年度兩大主題--平台經濟與人工智慧的學術專題演講,講座中充斥了豐富的思想交流與熱絡的互動,參與學生代表藉由講座更加認識平台經濟模式及AI人工智慧與其應用,講者們則透過該活動更加了解年輕學子的想法。
平台經濟的講者則包括臺大資管系助理教授孔令傑、Uber臺灣區資深營運總監吳罡、Uber Eats臺灣區總經理李佳穎、Airbnb 臺灣暨香港公共政策總監蔡文宜以及PwC資誠聯合會計師事務所審計服務合夥人林一帆;人工智慧的講者包括臺大電機系副教授于天立、臺大心理系助理教授黃從仁、台積電IT功能組織資深處長陳文耀、臺灣IBM全球企業諮詢服務事業群顧問協理陳昌裕和阿姆斯特丹自由大學網路法中心主任Rob van den Hoven van Genderen。
Uber臺灣區資深營運總監吳罡表示,平台使公司與客戶端產生緊密連結,能即時反映客戶方的需求。因應客戶需求,配合公司的三大基石:安全、品質、便利,Uber推出UberAssist、UberXL、UberSeat等等針對特定客群的服務,以提供更完善而全面的服務,便是其中一個成功的例子。Uber Eats臺灣區總經理李佳穎表示,Uber Eats有別於其他平台,是串起三方(包含消費者、平台、店面)的共享平台。而平台經濟蓬勃發展的原因在於,除了千禧世代對科技的依賴,更因為它充斥於每個人的生活中,讓生活更方便。因此,如何讓該平台更符合每個人的生活需求並提供更客製化的服務,便是接下來平台模式企業的發展指導方針。
Airbnb的臺灣暨香港公共政策總監蔡文宜說到,Airbnb讓平台深入到人們生活中,更藉由平台建立超越金錢往來的信任關係,Airbnb 的客群也不僅限於背包客,跟家人的朋友旅行,都可以使用這個平台,未來將朝向十億的使用者邁進。
1. 本次論壇於各項活動中皆備有記者席,請親愛的媒體朋友事先告知有意願前來的活動場次,以便我們協助安排與提供更進一步之資訊。
2. 如有意願專訪各活動講者,請另外先與我們聯繫方便協助安排,若可行則會另外準備休息
3. 本活動全程以英文進行,除 7/13(五)下午柯文哲市長之演講為中文、並提供同步口譯
第十屆全球集思論壇公關部長 傅靖惠
Mobile: 0932-213-024
Email: chfu@gis -taiwan.ntu.edu.tw
第十屆全球集思論壇公關部長 彭寶賢
Mobile: 0978-397-142
Email: phpeng@gis -taiwan.ntu.edu.tw
GIS Taiwan invited the following speakers to share their views on platform economy: NTU Assistant Prof. Ling-Chieh Kung, Uber Taiwan’s Senior Operating Director Gang Wu, General Manager of Uber Eats in Taiwan Chai Lee, Airbnb Head of Public Policy for Taiwan and Hong Kong Gina Tsai, and PwC Audit Partner Yi-Fan Lin.
The speakers highlighted the new opportunities and challenges emerging with the rise of platform economy. Kung noted potential challenges concerning information asymmetry, labor rights, taxation, and legal issues. Wu highlighted platforms’ ability to reflect customers’ needs immediately and build a closer business-customer relationship. Tsai indicated that Airbnb has utilized its platform to build a trust relationship with customers that transcends monetary transactions. Lin raised concerns about taxation responsibilities in multinational transactions and the potential difficulties in auditing products sold on platforms.
emerging business中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
★ 學習英語 Collocations 好的教材哪找?★
近兩個禮拜來,收到很多學生 and 讀者的來信,詢問市面上有沒有什麼好的教材可以學習 collocations. 身為語言教學者之一,
看到越來越多英語學習者體認到 collocations的重要性,感到無比欣慰。
To the best of my knowledge 市面上跟collocations 有關的教材甚少,大多都是 (1) collocations 字典, 不然就是 (2) 不適合學生 (給語言學家)的語料庫 (corpus); 但不諱言的,collocations的字典,能收錄的組合真的很有限。因此, 我總是跟學生講,最好的collocations 教材,是自己編撰、蒐集累積的。
Examples are shown below.
1. The healthiest eaters know how to maintain a balance without going overboard. ---Advanced
---維持平衡 'maintain' a balance 取得平衡 'strike' a balance
(曾有學生寫 find a balanced point 尋求平衡點,這是中文)
---太超過 go overboard (不過這比較像片語,嚴格講不是collocation,片語跟搭配詞的差異以後會再解釋)
2. Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto creates buildings that explore the boundary between the natural and artificial, such as the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in London. ---Monocle
---'explore' (探索、發掘) the boundary between A and B
3. The bigger danger, however, lies in the emerging world, where uninterrupted progress to prosperity is beginning to be seen as unstoppable. ---The Economist
---danger 'lies in' ______ (~就在於、位在、源自於)抽具象都可
---difference / difficulty / problem / answer / risk + lies in
4. The company is also launching a project Fendi Casa Icons, producing or reproducing limited-edition works by major figures in contemporary design. ---Wallpaper
--to develop / launch a project
5. When I arrived at Fast Company in 2007, I had an archaic understanding of design. Like many businesspeople, I equated design with tangential aesthetics and fleeting style trends. I was taught by the Fast Company staff that good design is really about problem solving, that it offers a more sophisticated perspective on modern business challenges than traditional spreadsheet-based approaches. –Advanced
---have a __(adj.)__ understanding of (後面最習慣加 of, 不是about)
---equate A with B 將 A 與 B 視為同物 (前面常加 'falsely' --誤視A 與 B 為同物, 也可直接用 equal (vt.)
---answer a question, solve a problem, resolve an issue
---'offer' a ___(adj,)_____ 'perspective' on ________
結論:你喜歡做菜,就去看英文的食譜; 你喜歡時尚,就去看 Vogue; 你興趣眾多,就去看Monocle; 你喜歡IRs, 就去看 Foreign Affairs; 你喜歡經濟和全球趨勢,就去看 The Economist; 你喜歡設計,就去看 Wallpaper..........Collocations are everywhere.