When life gives you lemons, make lemonade; when NYC give you thunderstorm, you'll enjoy clearer sky and cleaner air.
Since it is hard to fly drone in NYC🗽, taking the helicopter ride is a better alternative. I was ready for the sunset doors-off heli rides but there was a thunderstorm right before our flight, was so worried that it will be cancelled because the sun was so bright in the afternoon, and yet the storm decides to pay a visit. Fortunately, the rain stopped and we got the green light to fly again, but we have already miss the golden hour... & due to my limited travel time in NYC, I've decided to proceed with it and it seems like blue hour doesn't look that bad. The night sky got pretty clear and I can never complain about the fresh air. You can still see the thunder somewhere around the corner and then you realise this is a freaking cool ride!
There's always some days where things doesn't follow your plan, so either you complain about it, or embrace & adapt to the situation and to create something better than you've never imagine. Because of the thunderstorm, NYC night looks much clearer and the city lights are no longer hidden #WHPhidden
My mission was to take some shots using just the smartphone and I am pretty excited with the outcome. Here's the Empire State Building, overlook from 🚁 @flynyon. More series to come
Tips: Press and hold your shutter so you can get photo like this. Use Adobe Lightroom to recover the details & use your creativity to create a better view. With the huge storage on this phone, I have less thing to worry 🙏
Captured #withGalaxy #GalaxyNote9 #GottaHaveIt 🤳🏻
@nycgo #SeeYourCity
@what_i_saw_in_nyc #what_i_saw_in_nyc
@city_of_newyork #newyorkcity
@instagramnyc #instagramnyc
@nycityworld #nycityworld
@ilove_newyo #ilove_newyo
@newyork_instagram #newyork_instagram
@nybucketlist #nybucketlist
@bucketlisters #bucketlisters
@nycprimeshot #nycprimeshot
@nycityfeed #nycityfeed
@beholdingeye #beholdingeye
@earthpix #earthpix
#topnewyorkphoto #gramslayers #gs10k
#wildnewyprk #picturesofnewyork
#beautifuldestinations #loves_nyc
#lensbible #unlimitednewyork
#nyonair #nycdotgram
#flynyon #newyorkarea