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🪢 俐媽英文教室—社工篇:
1. Social workers (n.)社會工作者
2. Broker (n.)中介者
3. Coordinator (n.)協調者
4. Enabler (n.)使能者
5. Resource advocate (n.) 資源倡導者
6. Generalists (n.) 綜融工作者
7. Advocacy (n.)倡導
8. community (n.)社區/群
9. charity (n.)慈善
10. consensus (n.)共識
11. Dignity (n.)尊嚴
12. Evaluation (n.) 評估
13. Executive (a.) 實施的
14. Ethics (n.)倫理
15. Empower (n.) 充權
16. Empathy (n.) 同理心
17. Intervention (n.) 介入
18. Neighborhood (n.) 社區
19. Partnership (n.) 夥伴關係
20. Socialization (n.) 社會化
21. Protection (n.) 保護
22. paradigm (n.) 典範
23. Process (v.)處理(資料)
24. referral (n.) 轉介
25. Screening (n.) 篩選
26. Termination (n.) 結案
27. Treatment (n.) 處遇
28. Unconscious (n.) 潛意識
29. well-being (n.) 福祉
30. Diagnose (vt.) 診斷
—> diagnosis (n.) 診斷
31. Critical (a.) 批判的
32. Genuine (a.) 真誠的
33. Objective (a.) 客觀的
34. Radical (a.) 激進的
35. Prescriptive (a.) 規範的
36. Ecosystem perspective (n.) 生態系統觀點
37. dual perspective (n.) 雙元觀點
38. residual view (n.) 殘補式觀點
39. Ethical dilemma (n.) 倫理困境
40. Self-disclosure (n.) 自我揭露
41. Person-in-situation (n.) 人在情境中
42. Competency-based (n.) 以能力為基礎的教育
43. Mental health (n.) 心理衛生
44. gerontological social work (n.) 老人社會工作
45. social activism (n.) 社會行動
46. de-professionalizing (n.) 去專業化
47. Human rights (n.) 人權
48. Social justice (n.) 社會正義
49. Profession integrity (n.) 專業誠信
50. anti-oppression (n.) 反壓迫
empower社工 在 鄭弘儀 Facebook 的最佳貼文
我的好朋友, 劉柏君 (Sophiyah Liu),第一時間傳訊息跟我說,她得到「國際奧會女性與運動世界獎」,現在正在聯合國頒獎
2019.03.20 鄭弘儀
首先感恩我的父母,她們的犧牲與付出才有我的今天,謝謝他們永遠支持我的選擇,謝謝紐約洋基隊鼓勵我成為專業的裁判並贊助我第一套護具,更感謝通德興業All Star陳前芳董事長多年來贊助我所有護具,還三次送我到美國職業裁判學校受訓。
謝謝中華棒協並特別感謝國際棒壘總會Mr. Ricardo Fraccari, Michael Schmidt, Francesca Fabretto 和Gustavo Rodrigues,謝謝您們帶我至國際賽並成為更好的裁判,感謝您們推廣女子棒球,我知道我不孤單。
運動不只是競爭,謝謝美國田納西大學Sarah Hillyer博士和Global Sport mentoring program. 以及NHL的導師Gary Bettman與Susan Cohig,您們讓我教導我運動不只是輸贏或金牌,運動使我們成為更好的人:健康、自信、成就動機、友愛、領導力和超越。
感謝富邦陳藹玲女士、台灣女子棒球運動推廣協會的夥伴與AIT的Jesse Curtis, Eric Aldrich 與Sharon Hsieh,你們總是給我最大的支持與幫助。
Dear distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks to IOC, IOC Women in Sport Commission members and UN women. What a great honor. This is an emotional moment for me, bitter sweet!
Thank to my parents unlike other asian parents expect me to sit at my dest study all day long. They sent me to play baseball, karate, table tennis and swimming. I love them come to watch me umpiring. I would be appreciated if they stop yelling “Go umpire! You can do it!”.
Thanks to New York Yankees coach Pat McMahon and Mike Wickland provide me umpire gear and encourage to fight my baseball dream. Do it and be a professional one. Thanks my sponsor “ALL STAR” Mike Chen. He is not only sponsor my equipment, but also sent me to professional umpire school for three times.
Thanks to Chinese Taipei Baseball Association and especially thanks to WBSC. Mr. Ricardo Fraccari, Michael Schmidt, Francesca Fabretto and chief umpire Gustavo Rodrigues. They took me to international tournament. Train me to become a better umpire. Thanks to their hard efforts to promote women baseball. I know I am not alone.
Sports is not only about competition, fight against each other. Thanks to Dr. Sarah Hillyer and team University of Tennessee, the Global Sport mentoring program. My mentor Gary Bettman and Susan Cohig at NHL. They conduct me that sports is not just about win or lose, gold medals. Sports makes us a better person: health, self-esteem, compassion, confidence , leadership and transcendent.
Thanks to Fu-Ban Irene Chen, my teammates of Taiwan Women’s Baseball Advocate Associate and AIT Jesse Curtis, Eric Aldrich and Sharon Hsieh. You are always my biggest support to advocate women sports.
It’s not easy to strike out gender discrimination. I believe you all understand that how difficult for women to take a leader position. We can not just be good, we have to be much better.
Thanks to you grant me this great honor. I commit myself to eliminate gender discrimination and empower girls through sports.
I am also a project manger and social worker of a NGO, the Garden of Hope Foundation. We help women who suffering domestic violence, sexual abuse and human trafficking. To help a girl, you help a family. I shall continue my work, always stand with them. This trophy, I regard it as responsibility to empower girls and young women so that they can realize their full potential and take charge of their lives. Let’s make this world better, even just one step close to our ideal one. Still we shall try. It’s s sport. It’s Olympic.
Thank you Taiwan!! Thank you all!
May God bless us!!
empower社工 在 冬瓜行旅(小冬瓜) Facebook 的最佳解答
首先感恩我的父母,她們的犧牲與付出才有我的今天,謝謝他們永遠支持我的選擇,謝謝紐約洋基隊鼓勵我成為專業的裁判並贊助我第一套護具,更感謝通德興業All Star陳前芳董事長多年來贊助我所有護具,還三次送我到美國職業裁判學校受訓。
謝謝中華棒協並特別感謝國際棒壘總會Mr. Ricardo Fraccari, Michael Schmidt, Francesca Fabretto 和Gustavo Rodrigues,謝謝您們帶我至國際賽並成為更好的裁判,感謝您們推廣女子棒球,我知道我不孤單。
運動不只是競爭,謝謝美國田納西大學Sarah Hillyer博士和Global Sport mentoring program. 以及NHL的導師Gary Bettman與Susan Cohig,您們讓我教導我運動不只是輸贏或金牌,運動使我們成為更好的人:健康、自信、成就動機、友愛、領導力和超越。
感謝富邦陳藹玲女士、台灣女子棒球運動推廣協會的夥伴與AIT的Jesse Curtis, Eric Aldrich 與Sharon Hsieh,你們總是給我最大的支持與幫助。
Dear distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks to IOC, IOC Women in Sport Commission members and UN women. What a great honor. This is an emotional moment for me, bitter sweet!
Thank to my parents unlike other asian parents expect me to sit at my dest study all day long. They sent me to play baseball, karate, table tennis and swimming. I love them come to watch me umpiring. I would be appreciated if they stop yelling “Go umpire! You can do it!”.
Thanks to New York Yankees coach Pat McMahon and Mike Wickland provide me umpire gear and encourage to fight my baseball dream. Do it and be a professional one. Thanks my sponsor “ALL STAR” Mike Chen. He is not only sponsor my equipment, but also sent me to professional umpire school for three times.
Thanks to Chinese Taipei Baseball Association and especially thanks to WBSC. Mr. Ricardo Fraccari, Michael Schmidt, Francesca Fabretto and chief umpire Gustavo Rodrigues. They took me to international tournament. Train me to become a better umpire. Thanks to their hard efforts to promote women baseball. I know I am not alone.
Sports is not only about competition, fight against each other. Thanks to Dr. Sarah Hillyer and team University of Tennessee, the Global Sport mentoring program. My mentor Gary Bettman and Susan Cohig at NHL. They conduct me that sports is not just about win or lose, gold medals. Sports makes us a better person: health, self-esteem, compassion, confidence , leadership and transcendent.
Thanks to Fu-Ban Irene Chen, my teammates of Taiwan Women’s Baseball Advocate Associate and AIT Jesse Curtis, Eric Aldrich and Sharon Hsieh. You are always my biggest support to advocate women sports.
It’s not easy to strike out gender discrimination. I believe you all understand that how difficult for women to take a leader position. We can not just be good, we have to be much better.
Thanks to you grant me this great honor. I commit myself to eliminate gender discrimination and empower girls through sports.
I am also a project manger and social worker of a NGO, the Garden of Hope Foundation. We help women who suffering domestic violence, sexual abuse and human trafficking. To help a girl, you help a family. I shall continue my work, always stand with them. This trophy, I regard it as responsibility to empower girls and young women so that they can realize their full potential and take charge of their lives. Let’s make this world better, even just one step close to our ideal one. Still we shall try. It’s s sport. It’s Olympic.
Thank you Taiwan!! Thank you all!
May God bless us!!
empower社工 在 每天簡單學社工- 【充權】(Empowerment)... 的推薦與評價
社會工作者藉由發現個人的優勢,並利用其優勢與資源增加案主權能,目的為讓案主擁有更公平的資源與權力分配,此為社會工作者經常使用的技巧之一。 充權是一個多元廣泛的 ... ... <看更多>