[狂人新聞台] 台灣奧迪發表首輛純電車款Audi e-tron,建議售價自304萬元起。
Audi e-tron 外觀造型採用獨特創新的雙層設計概念,搭配四環休旅家族最重要的設計DNA,如單體式水箱護罩、流線楔形車頂等元素,其車頭前方特別保留單體式水箱護罩,目的在於延續Audi 早已深植人心的品牌設計精神,雖已不具備以往的散熱功能,但透過巧妙運用不同顏色的點綴讓人很清楚就辨認出這是一部百分之百的Audi。
全新Audi e-tron匯集多項智慧新科技,其中造型最吸睛的即是首次搭載於量產車型的全數位虛擬後視鏡 (Audi Virtual Exterior Mirror),其整合高動態成像技術 (HDR)、環景攝影機與感測器,能於不同天候與各式駕駛情況,如高速行駛、轉向或停車狀況時,捕捉拍攝畫面,讓駕駛者可透過內建於車門上的OLED螢幕,直接以多點觸控方式來放大、縮小或調整影像的角度;此外還可根據三種不同模式包含:高速公路、過彎以及停車三種使用情境進行切換和設定,讓駕駛可更輕易全方位掌握車輛死角。
而全數位虛擬後視鏡不僅造型前衛,相較於配備傳統後視鏡的車型,體積可更為縮減,除了車寬可減少15公分,亦可有效減少風切噪音及降低風阻,為Audi e-tron | e-tron Sportback 分別造就出傲視同級豪華休旅的0.27 Cd和0.25 Cd超低風阻表現;透過極佳的空氣動力學設計,不僅可有效減少行駛過程中的耗電量並提升續航力表現,還能有效改善風切噪音及增進車室寧靜度,同時保有過往收折的功能,無需擔心意外擦撞造成的損傷和高額修繕費用,帶來更舒適便利且安心的乘車體驗。
Audi e-tron搭載直覺化智慧操作介面「12.3 吋 Audi 全數位虛擬駕駛座艙 plus」與中控雙層高畫質觸控螢幕,融合仿效遊艇操縱桿設計的懸浮造型排檔頭,整體搭配刻畫強烈高科技氛圍,而車室座艙受惠於底盤軸距達2,928 mm 及後座平整化設計的優勢,前後座皆擁有寬敞的駕乘空間,延伸至後行李箱容量,在標準乘坐模式下,Audi e-tron | e-tron Sportback 後行李箱分別擁有 660公升與615 公升置物空間,而後座椅背傾倒模式則可擴充至1,725公升與1,665 公升,同時車頭也額外提供60 公升的承載空間,提供實用的空間機能性。另外全車系皆標準配備齊全的智慧安全駕駛輔助系統,集數位化、實用機能與智慧科技於一身,這些優勢都讓Audi e-tron 成為一部能滿足每天日常通勤需求的豪華電動休旅車。
車系編成方面,Audi e-tron | e-tron Sportback 均提供55 quattro及50 quattro 兩款動力選擇,其純電動力系統透過總輸出功率分別達300 kW 和230 kW的雙電動馬達模組,並融入四環最純粹品牌DNA的電動化quattro 恆時四輪傳動科技,不僅傳輸效率更高、動態反應更快,整體加速與操控表現也具備優異水準。在雙電動馬達的加持下,50 quattro 車型可輸出313 PS及664 Nm最大扭力表現,0~100 km/h加速只需6.8秒;而55 quattro 車型更具備408 PS及664 Nm扭力峰值,僅需5.7秒即可完成0~100 km/h 加速衝刺。
Audi e-tron搭載嶄新的電動化quattro恆時四輪傳動系統,不僅具備過往在各式地形上優異的牽引力和動力傳遞,受惠於純電動力平台的優勢,能夠更敏捷地在前後車軸之間調整出最佳化的驅動扭力分配。在一般的道路行駛模式下仰賴後軸電動馬達的動力輸出,以維持最佳的電能效率使用。除此之外,Audi e-tron全車系標配獨立五連桿式跑車化氣壓式懸吊系統,駕駛者可透過Audi Drive Select 可程式車身動態系統切換七種不同阻尼與車高設定,並依據道路狀況、行車速度與駕駛偏好等因素調整車身高度,使其能因應各種地形、天候狀況。
除高效率純電動力系統之外,Audi e-tron更搭載多項創新科技,設置於座艙下方平整的水冷式高容量鋰電池組,可分別儲存71 kWh (50 quattro) 與95 kWh (55 quattro) 總電量,同時保持在396 V定額電壓下穩定運作,讓Audi e-tron 能穩定維持高效的高原式充電曲線,並以最高達150 kW的充電功率覆蓋大部分充電過程,0 ~ 80% 僅需約30分鐘,充電10分鐘即可行駛約115公里,提供絕佳優勢並大幅減少充電所需時間。此外Audi e-tron 先進的熱能管理系統,透過內建的加熱幫浦可有效運用高壓電模組運作時所產生的熱能,確保電池壽命以及可重複充放電的效能。
在電動化quattro 智慧型恆時四輪傳動系統與最新電能回充科技相互輔助下,當駕駛者鬆開加速踏板讓車輛依慣性滑行時,可同步透過方向盤後方撥片或MMI觸控回饋操作介面上設定三種不同的能量回收模式,而先進的溫度管理系統還可靈活運用高壓電池的廢熱對車室內部空間進行加熱和空調調節,最多可使續航里程提升多達10%。依據WLTP 測試之數據,搭載71 kWh 電池組的Audi e-tron Sportback 50 quattro車型,單次續航即可達到347公里 的水準,而搭載95kWh 的Audi e-tron Sportback 55 quattro 車型,單次續航里程共可達到446公里。
#Audi #e-tron #電動化quattro #Sportback
exterior反義 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
【神運】(English writing below)
My surprise when I saw this at the basement carpark of Ngee Ann City.
This shopping mall is at the prime area of Singapore's shopping belt. It opened in 1993 and in it, you will see the footprints of many generations of youths.
While I am aware and have witnessed many big corporations in Singapore, including major buildings, worshipped The God of Fortune and Virtues Tua Pek Gong, I have never imagined that the Big Brother of Orchard Road is also one of them.
I was delighted and once I got off the car, I went forward to the shrine and paid my respects to Tua Pek Gong and The Earth Gods of Five Directions.
It was obvious that the shrine was very well-maintained, despite its age. It was orderly and I could tell that a lot of care and thought went into the offerings and display. Even the glass doors are spotless. I reckon they are glass, as out of respect, I did not go forward to touch them.
I can spot a lot of Feng Shui elements that were scattered throughout the building, be it the exterior of the building, the interior design or the decor. The management had put in a lot of effort to create a Feng Shui that generated authority for itself and affection in the shoppers and tenants.
When I saw a little altar opposite Tua Pek Gong, I was reminded of what Shifu said about pillar Feng Shui, and of Ngee Ann City's former identity as a cemetery for the Teochew people, named Tai Shan Ting.
The way I see it, I am very sure that this place has also been receiving blessings from the Teochew ancestors.
The bosses behind this building must be people of enormous good fortune. From what I know, a portion of Ngee Ann Kongsi's earnings goes towards the benefit for the society such as scholarships and bursaries for Ngee Ann school and polytechnic, welfare benefits for Teochew elderly, medical services and promotion of Teochew culture etc.
Coupled with ancestral blessings, the good energies from the land and luck bestowed by the deities, it was no wonder that Ngee Ann City had been prosperous for almost 30 years, and I can tell its streak of good luck will continue to run for a very long time.
Ngee Ann Kongsi does not only make money from Ngee Ann City. Its earnings are also derived from land rental for Wisma Atrium, Mandarin Hotel and Orchard Cineleisure.
The company is also managing our national monument of 200-year history, the Yueh Hai Ching Temple. This temple of the Teochew, one of the earliest in Singapore, is dedicated to the deity Mazu or the Goddess of the Sea, and Xuan Tian Shang Di, the ancestral deity of the Teochews.
Not everybody has ancestral luck, that is, merits and good fortune left behind by our ancestors. Preaching hedonism, most people are only capable of exhausting their own good fortune, and cannot be bothered about accumulating merits and good fortune for their descendants. In fact, there are people who cannot even manage their own fortunes well this lifetime. How would they have capacity to think of leaving good fortune and merits for their children?
In the clients I have met, very few of them have excellent personal luck, and definitely do not fall into the wealthy and noble life map. If they are unable to accept suggestions from virtuous knowledgeable people, and are incredibly arrogant, then they have to make do with a life of mediocrity and troubles.
As I was having my dinner, I suddenly remembered that amidst my excitement, I forgot to recite the Earth God mantra as my offering to the deities. After my meal, I hurriedly ran to the carpark to do so.
While I may be a Buddhist, I have utmost respect for all detiies. For a deity to be able to sit on the altar and worthy of being prayed to, He must encompass virtues, refinement, self-cultivation of merits, hence He gets conferred with the title of a deity upon His death.
Just this aspect alone is very difficult for many mortals to accomplish. So how are the deities not worthy of my respect? Moreover, Buddhism is a religion that has the most forbearance, for Buddha once said, "Every sentient being has a Buddha nature."
Therefore, I do not belittle deities, but am in fact grateful for the blessings and protection They bestowed on sentient beings.
Before snapping this faraway shot, I told the God of Fortune and Virtues Tua Pek Gong, that with this photo, I hoped for more people to understand the luck from the deities. Recently, I have burnt few hundred stacks of Four Direction Mantra Paper, and coincidentally, I get this affinity to witness the dignified appearance of Tua Pek Gong of Ngee Ann City.
This company is a very good example for us to learn.
If you do not have ancestral luck, or personal luck, let me tell you this, the God of Fortune & Virtues Tua Pek Gong and Earth God are the closest Fortune Gods to mankind. While the Earth God may be lowly in rank, He is the Dharma protector in Buddhism, and possess huge powers to pull in customers and benefactors for you.
As long as you follow the steps correctly to worship and pray to the Earth God, possess sincerity and the right thought, perform virtuous deeds and abide by the precepts, and when you are able to recite the Buddha's name and mantras, you will definitely turn your life around, with divine blessings in abundance.
exterior反義 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳貼文
Lanzhou, Yinchuan, Baotou and Hohhot
My life from May 30 to June 1 --
Daytime: touring cities, until boarding a night train
Night: sleeping on trains, until arriving at next city in the morning
Visited 5 cities: Xining (addressed in my last post), Lanzhou, Yinchuan, Baotou and Hohhot.
蘭州 Lanzhou, literally "the orchid country"
蘭州被黃河所貫穿,而市中心最重要的地標是一座跨越黃河的鐵橋,名曰「中山橋」。不要以為這座中山橋跟台北那座八竿子打不著——蘭州這座長度大概200公尺、是指定保存的古蹟、橋的另一端連接著一座頗有規模的宮殿式建築,從這些角度來說不是和台北的那座一模一樣嗎? XD
Yellow River, goes through the city, and the most popular attraction is a bridge crossing the river: Zhongshan Bridge, which has a counterpart in my home city Taipei.
The city has vibrant night markets and business districts. Compared to Xinjiang, where police and security check were installed everywhere and vendors had to shut down at a given time, this city seemed more amicable to me.
銀川 Yinchuan, literally "the silver river"
市中心也有一個晚上會點起七彩霓虹燈的清真寺,清真寺的隔壁則是條「牛街」,是當地人吃肉喝酒、縱情狂歡的地方,店家都直接把桌椅甚至食材搬到街上拼場面,還刻意在招牌上加上「 KTV」的字樣,告訴你他們家不但可以吃肉喝酒還可以K歌。這個場景和清真寺的對比讓我覺得很有趣。
Known as "paradise in the wilderness", this city maintains large green lands and water bodies while developing rapidly. Many newly built apartment complexes marketed themselves with their proximity to parks and water channels.
Right next to its great mosque, there is a "bull street", where locals would go to eat meat, drink and sing kareoke. This is an interesting contrast to its neighboring mosque.
包頭 Baotou
Known as "steel city on the pasture". Now pasture is very rare in this modern metropolis, but a large patch of original grassland was preserved and open to the public as a park. Yurts and Mongolian stone monuments were added to the park.
呼和浩特 Hohhot
- 介紹遼、金兩個非漢人朝代的歷史,輔以大量出土文物
- 內蒙古解放史——介紹內蒙古如何在民國時期被中國共產黨逐漸納入成其勢力範圍,並且率先集結反國民政府力量成立人民共和國政府
- 從內蒙古的角度介紹中國太空科技使史(因為中國的太空船有一大半都在內蒙古發射,包括第一次載人飛行)
The capital city of Inner Mongolia. There is one spot I highly recommended: Museum of Inner Mongolia. It's impressive both on its exterior and interior -- the outside was outstanding (and had been on an architecture magazine, if I remember it correctly), and the inside was informative but not boring. It introduces Inner Mongolia in aspects you have not thought of, such as non-Han-Chinese dynasties, aerospace technology, development of the communist party, etc.
And most importantly, it's free! :)
exterior反義 在 格林法則英語單字記憶- 【入門詞素第六十七回inter-在… 之間 ... 的推薦與評價
入門詞素第六十七回inter-在… 之間】每日早上七點準時貼文interior 內部;內部的備註:inter-+ior比較級相反詞exterior 外部;外用的international 國際的; ... ... <看更多>