LET’S FLIP THE SCRIPT! Swipe left for a new perspective.😊
Too often, mom life is portrayed as the hard life. The “we must sacrifice for our kids” life.
Yes, it’s not a bed of roses everyday but it’s really up to you on how you want to see your world, mamas.
I take it upon myself to see the better side of things. Yes, the ending of the original quote is still uplifting but it’s time to end the “poor mama” message that’s been going around. It’s a privilege to be a mom.❤️
How would you like to see your world, my friend?
#thechillmom #flipthescript #momlife #mumlife #sgmummies #mombloggers #gratitudeattitude #bestmomlife #howdoyoufeel #sgig #beingamomisthebest #anakku #sgmummy @ Life is Beautiful